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The Legend of Zelda What are the meanest/*****iest/sassiest things Link has ever said in canon(game or otherwise)?

Sep 29, 2023
Female (she/her, they/them)
So, I'm doing a thing, and I was thinking about it, and for a relatively silent guy who can be kinda mean and crucify Koroks, I don't think he has enough dialogue options to bully npcs. Especially in TotK. So why don't we talk about the meanest things Link has ever said, and also the funniest dialogue options he has ever had like, ever. My vote for the funniest is when that one girl in BotW is like "OMG are you the Hero?" and you can make Link say "I am he"(apparently). But I haven't really seen Link having mean dialogue options :(


Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
The funniest convo options are in previews games. In PH you have to rescue Astrid the fortune teller. After doing so she's giving you directions where to go next. But you also got a choice in dialogue. Wether you wanna save Tetra or not. If you choose not saving her Astrid demands you to leave. Link does leave indeed but Linebeck stops him until you choose to save Tetra. That's one of the funniest things convo options ever because he does actually leave. But in BotW or TotK I haven't seen any option yet when Link is actually mean or cruel. Yep, you can hit NPC'S or be cruel to the Koroks you can carry but that's it. Unless I missed something


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Always been a fan of how when the ex-rich girl traumadumps in Wind Waker, you can just say "that's kind of funny." She lost her whole life and you just find it moderately amusing, not even fully funny.

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