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What are some of your combat habits?


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I'm not that great with dodging or blocking, so I tend to prioritize offense. Charge in fast and hard, usually with jumpslashes, and get them before they get you. If in a 3d game an enemy has a shield I love circling them in whatever direction their sword hand isn't in and wait for them to strike. It's almost like a dance, which is really fun. If an enemy in a 2d game has a shield, I spam them a lot and die because I suck at navigating 2d games. And since I like fast attacks I tend to prefer spears in botw (and most fighting games for that matter).
Feb 7, 2014
A lot of circling and moving around. And it's not just a Zelda thing, I do it in almost every game, even in real life when I was kid. I just stay in constant motion and never keep my feet planted for more than half a second. A terrible strategy in the 2d games, which is why I'm usually terrible at them.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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I'm not that great with dodging or blocking, so I tend to prioritize offense. Charge in fast and hard, usually with jumpslashes, and get them before they get you. If in a 3d game an enemy has a shield I love circling them in whatever direction their sword hand isn't in and wait for them to strike. It's almost like a dance, which is really fun. If an enemy in a 2d game has a shield, I spam them a lot and die because I suck at navigating 2d games. And since I like fast attacks I tend to prefer spears in botw (and most fighting games for that matter).
A lot of circling and moving around. And it's not just a Zelda thing, I do it in almost every game, even in real life when I was kid. I just stay in constant motion and never keep my feet planted for more than half a second. A terrible strategy in the 2d games, which is why I'm usually terrible at them.
Yeah I agree with both of these, especially DJ because I'm very mobile, combat is a dance so the 2D games I'm constantly leaving my side open

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
depends fully on the game
wind waker I'm a cringe optimizer so I jumpspin everything to death
oot's combat is the most in-depth and requires the widest variety for me
botw is bow spam headshots or use the master sword while it's up. Melee combat is trash and not worth anyone's time

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