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What Annoyed You Today?


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
I was distracted by knocking at my door during a recorded online job interview which totally made me lose my train of thought. I spent so many hours preparing today for this so it is really frustrating that it didn't go well.
I hope they allowed a brief bit of leeway?! Positive thoughts youre getting that job!!


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I'm sitting down to write, and I just.can't.think. Wind Waker, my blog, ANYTHING, but my mental state is running very low. I've done all the things I do on a good day to sharpen my focus, but I can't focus right these days. I think it's gonna take days if not weeks to train myself back into a better mental frame. I'm trying to balance work and (home)school and I've fallen very out of balance. Here goes nothing I suppose.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I had class today. I got an email with a zoom link, but these classes are in person and they never said anything about moving it to being online. I ask my friend if the classes were in person today and he said yes.

I make the 30 minute drive to class only to find out that my friend misread my text and all of the classes were online today.

Thanks buddy.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
I had class today. I got an email with a zoom link, but these classes are in person and they never said anything about moving it to being online. I ask my friend if the classes were in person today and he said yes.

I make the 30 minute drive to class only to find out that my friend misread my text and all of the classes were online today.

Thanks buddy.
Shoulda asked teacher instead of friend...
Wish my dad took me more seriously. He was trying to use one of my plant supplies on the furnace and I stopped him and he basically made fun of me for caring about my plants and not wanting literal corrosion and lime getting in with the things I use to take care of my plants. So he starts going for another plant item instead of literally everything else. "Fraxinus didn't want me using the spray bottle because he uses it for his plants, so let's use the watering can instead!." **** you. You should take me and my plants as LIVING THINGS more seriously. We have tons of other items in the house you could use so I don't have to treat my plant stuff with bleach because you're stupid and destructive

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