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What Annoyed You Today?


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
So tomorrow I have my dentist appointment, but that's not the annoying part about it. What really annoys me is that apparently I don't have Medicaid anymore on the account that I'm no longer 18 years old. I was afraid for this day to happen and I was always trying to avoid it but it seems that it caught up to me either way. So because of that, we were automatically switched to Obama Care and my mother has to start off by paying $50 tomorrow when I go for my annual check-up. It's bad enough that I no longer have my previous insurance carrier, but not allowing citizens to chose which provider we want? It's ridiculous.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
My mother...

Ya, thanks for inviting somebody you know I dislike to my graduation ceremony, without even consulting me until I phone you the day before you're set to leave, really appreciate it.

Oh, also, thanks for totally shutting me up on the phone, love you too!

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
You know how sometimes when you use a drop-down menu the option you selected just sticks there. Yeah, I have "Load ROM... Ctrl+O" stuck on my screen.


What's Life Without Adult Humor?
Jan 13, 2012
I'm getting sick and tired of my family treating me like I'm still a 5-year old.
I'm 20.... soon to be 21!! I've been swearing since I was like- 13!! (technically before that, but not knowing it at the time)

I'm sick and tired of people getting so bent out of shape over SOUNDS. It's a frikkin' SOUND for ****'s sake!
As long as it's not being used to insult somebody, WHAT THE **** DOES IT MATTER!?!?

seriously, people need to stop being so ridiculously sensitive. LET ME BE WHO I AM, DAMMIT!!!
Feb 23, 2011
Annoying neighbors. Everyone seems to have at least one. I'm sure that mine are among the most annoying. They're loud, rude, and just a group of thugs in general. I was once heading off to run some errands on my bike when one of my rude neighbors yelled out of the window, "What's up, n!994!" That event was just one occasion on which they were excessively loud, such as the time when they threw a huge party. There was loud rap music, and for some reason or another, they left the door to their apartment wide open for the world to hear their excessive swearing and debauchery. Speaking of which, I just found a used 'birth control object' in the thoroughfare of my apartment door. Fortunately, the police appear to be on the case, or so it seems, given that they knocked on my door the other night to ask questions involving "two young men driving a blue SUV." I reported their arses faster than a snitch on a troublemaker.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
It really is annoying that most of the fun occurs at night. It seems that once the fun is about to begin, I'm forced to go to sleep. It's not even 1 AM when I'm forced turn off everything. I'm not even loud at all, I'm quiet when I play video games at night. It really is annoying that my mother believes that if I don't get 8 hours of sleep, I'm going to die. It's fine to get 6-7 hours of sleep as well. 8 hours is ideal, but 6-7 hours is more realistic. Even then, it is has been clinically proven that the human responds better with 2 4-hour rest periods then 1 8-hour session.
Feb 23, 2011
Irritated af. The new store manager reprimanded me for something that makes no sense. How could he have yelled at me for something that I'm actually good at? Well, this is very likely the fault of the produce backup department head. He's the same age as me, and the higher ups just LOVE him. "You need to speed it up," he says. Um, you do know that I'm regarded as one of the fastest workers in the store, right? There I was thinking that he'd get on my case for my poor communication skills, but no; he gets on me about working too slowly. I hate to come across as arrogant, but I guess Mach speed isn't fast enough. This is going to be bugging me all night. I forgot how it feels to be pissed off, because it rarely happens to me, but I definitely remembered today. I can't wait until the real department head returns, but then again, I'm not entirely sure if I can trust her, either. They're all corrupt. Corrupt I tell ya'...

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