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What Annoyed You Today?


Indigo-Go's Bassist
Mar 8, 2013
I reheated some of the coffee left over from this morning. There was enough for a whole cup. I put it in the microwave. It overflowed and there was 1/4 left in it.
Feb 23, 2011
This guy sitting next to me at the library is being weird af rn. He keeps grunting and making there gawd-awful straining noises. It also seems as though he's getting kind of pissed off at something, but I don't know what. Peering over at the computer monitor he's on, though, it seems as though something went wrong on e-Bay. He might also be constipated or something, or so it seems; after all, he did just get up, walk towards the restroom (while straining again), and then walk back. Whatever the case may be, this guy is annoying af, and I'm really considering moving to another chair, if possible.

Hmm, his odd behavior might also be indicative of Tourette's Syndrome...

UPDATE: Said guy was just running out of time on the computer, since you're only given one hour. Darn attribution error...


Indigo-Go's Bassist
Mar 8, 2013
Some kid flicked a bug off of his desk and it went soaring past me and brushed along my hair. It would have pissed me off any other day, but I was having a lot of trouble with my anxiety because I got hyperaware of germs. So I was furious. And I want to punch him. I am so glad that school year is almost over because I will never have to see those awful people again.

Hsien Ko

Thread murderer
Dec 12, 2012
So there was this friend who I used to know. I wanted to ask him a favor but then he suddenly wanted me to take pictures of my, ummm breast, I asked no but he was pressuring on me to say it that I should do for him, just so that it'll make him happy. Once again I said no and told him that was sorta personal business there but he kept asking for them. I really thought he was joking but he kept asking them for every 5 seconds.

Then I told him he was harassing me, and he said he still wanted to see them. So I said no and then he decided that I didn't want to be his friend anymore. So I left him and I hope tomorrow he was joking around, if not then he really terrified me and I don't want to see him anymore.

After that I seriously wanted to cry. No one ever treated me like that before.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
So there was this friend who I used to know. I wanted to ask him a favor but then he suddenly wanted me to take pictures of my, ummm breast, I asked no but he was pressuring on me to say it that I should do for him, just so that it'll make him happy. Once again I said no and told him that was sorta personal business there but he kept asking for them. I really thought he was joking but he kept asking them for every 5 seconds.

Then I told him he was harassing me, and he said he still wanted to see them. So I said no and then he decided that I didn't want to be his friend anymore. So I left him and I hope tomorrow he was joking around, if not then he really terrified me and I don't want to see him anymore.

After that I seriously wanted to cry. No one ever treated me like that before.

Forget about that dude.

Hsien Ko

Thread murderer
Dec 12, 2012
I'll never be hearing him again. Never understanding what no means he pretty much acted like a child.

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