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What Annoyed You Today?


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I was just finishing up my next inktober prompt, tracing over the lineart. Bc I used a cheap marker for one spot the pen bled into it and yeee now it's kinda sorta ruined.
*internal screaming*


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Korok Seeds. Can I say Korok Seeds? Whatever I'm gonna say it anyway Korok Seeds!

Edit: Never mind the Koroks, those are just a nuisance. What's REALLY got me P.O.ed is the bloody horseback crap! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Last edited:


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
I’m so irritated with everything.

My regional manager came in last week and from what I heard he wanted to fire me but didn’t because my dad is one of the most respected people in the company. Honestly hearing that just made me feel like a failure and a disappointment. I work my ass off over there but since I’m not much of a people person they just think I’m not a good fit for the company.

Another thing. It’s so annoying that people just try to get involved in my “love life”. At this point I just want to lie to everyone and just say that I have a girlfriend or whatever. So many people are just like “you’re 25 and still a virgin” and just make fun of me for it. I LITERALLY DONT CARE. I COULD DIE A VIRGIN AND IT WOULDN’T EVEN MATTER TO ME. I’m sorry it’s just so frustrating that people are trying to make me feel bad about it and keep pressuring me into it and like I just want to do things at my own pace. What’s so wrong with that?


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
I’m so irritated with everything.

My regional manager came in last week and from what I heard he wanted to fire me but didn’t because my dad is one of the most respected people in the company. Honestly hearing that just made me feel like a failure and a disappointment. I work my ass off over there but since I’m not much of a people person they just think I’m not a good fit for the company.

Another thing. It’s so annoying that people just try to get involved in my “love life”. At this point I just want to lie to everyone and just say that I have a girlfriend or whatever. So many people are just like “you’re 25 and still a virgin” and just make fun of me for it. I LITERALLY DONT CARE. I COULD DIE A VIRGIN AND IT WOULDN’T EVEN MATTER TO ME. I’m sorry it’s just so frustrating that people are trying to make me feel bad about it and keep pressuring me into it and like I just want to do things at my own pace. What’s so wrong with that?
Im 33 and still a virgin like theres no pressure to do it so just tell them to butt out!!


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
My regional manager came in last week and from what I heard he wanted to fire me but didn’t because my dad is one of the most respected people in the company. Honestly hearing that just made me feel like a failure and a disappointment. I work my ass off over there but since I’m not much of a people person they just think I’m not a good fit for the company.
Just another higher-up that's on a power trip. It happens everywhere.

Another thing. It’s so annoying that people just try to get involved in my “love life”. At this point I just want to lie to everyone and just say that I have a girlfriend or whatever. So many people are just like “you’re 25 and still a virgin” and just make fun of me for it. I LITERALLY DONT CARE. I COULD DIE A VIRGIN AND IT WOULDN’T EVEN MATTER TO ME. I’m sorry it’s just so frustrating that people are trying to make me feel bad about it and keep pressuring me into it and like I just want to do things at my own pace. What’s so wrong with that?
I'm 32, single, and have not once even tried dating. People who say "You're XX and yada yada." are really insicure about something, and say that in hopes of bringing you down to their level of misery. Don't let their crap get to ya man.

Also, you're NOT "a failure and a disappointment" champ! You're awesome!


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
So I've been sick the last 2 days but today is really bad in particular. I've been lying down all day and I can barely move for a lack of energy. It gets to be dinner time and my mom asks my sister to help me clear the table. She says, and I quote,
"Cleaning the table is her job, not mine. I'm not going to help her. She doesn't help me do the laundry."
And then I dragged myself back and forth from the kitchen putting away dishes that, I might add, mostly belonged to her and she just never bothered to wash them. She also followed me while I was doing this telling me about her animal crossing village. Literally walking back and forth with me and just not carrying anything.
Side note, she just finished her dinner and left a container of soy sauce on the table for me to put away later.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Another thing. It’s so annoying that people just try to get involved in my “love life”. At this point I just want to lie to everyone and just say that I have a girlfriend or whatever. So many people are just like “you’re 25 and still a virgin” and just make fun of me for it. I LITERALLY DONT CARE. I COULD DIE A VIRGIN AND IT WOULDN’T EVEN MATTER TO ME. I’m sorry it’s just so frustrating that people are trying to make me feel bad about it and keep pressuring me into it and like I just want to do things at my own pace. What’s so wrong with that?
It's like people always want to tell others what should happen when you're at a certain age. I had this happen to me all the time too. Just keep on ignoring them and don't let them put you under pressure. Like Bon Jovi sang: It's my (in rhis case your) life!


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I’m so irritated with everything.

My regional manager came in last week and from what I heard he wanted to fire me but didn’t because my dad is one of the most respected people in the company. Honestly hearing that just made me feel like a failure and a disappointment. I work my ass off over there but since I’m not much of a people person they just think I’m not a good fit for the company.

Another thing. It’s so annoying that people just try to get involved in my “love life”. At this point I just want to lie to everyone and just say that I have a girlfriend or whatever. So many people are just like “you’re 25 and still a virgin” and just make fun of me for it. I LITERALLY DONT CARE. I COULD DIE A VIRGIN AND IT WOULDN’T EVEN MATTER TO ME. I’m sorry it’s just so frustrating that people are trying to make me feel bad about it and keep pressuring me into it and like I just want to do things at my own pace. What’s so wrong with that?
You will 100% regret letting people pressure you into doing it. Once the post nut clarity hits, you will be asking yourself: why the **** did I even do this?
That's terrible and irreversible.
So I've been sick the last 2 days but today is really bad in particular. I've been lying down all day and I can barely move for a lack of energy. It gets to be dinner time and my mom asks my sister to help me clear the table. She says, and I quote,
"Cleaning the table is her job, not mine. I'm not going to help her. She doesn't help me do the laundry."
And then I dragged myself back and forth from the kitchen putting away dishes that, I might add, mostly belonged to her and she just never bothered to wash them. She also followed me while I was doing this telling me about her animal crossing village. Literally walking back and forth with me and just not carrying anything.
Side note, she just finished her dinner and left a container of soy sauce on the table for me to put away later.
> I will not help you >:'P
> Fast forward a few minutes.
> Yaay! Look at my animal crossing village :'D
> Mfw when people can go from that to that in a few minutes: o_O


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
So I've been sick the last 2 days but today is really bad in particular. I've been lying down all day and I can barely move for a lack of energy. It gets to be dinner time and my mom asks my sister to help me clear the table. She says, and I quote,
"Cleaning the table is her job, not mine. I'm not going to help her. She doesn't help me do the laundry."
And then I dragged myself back and forth from the kitchen putting away dishes that, I might add, mostly belonged to her and she just never bothered to wash them. She also followed me while I was doing this telling me about her animal crossing village. Literally walking back and forth with me and just not carrying anything.
Side note, she just finished her dinner and left a container of soy sauce on the table for me to put away later.
Delete her save
Like Bon Jovi sang: It's my (in rhis case your) life!
I was about to hardcore bully you for saying this was bon Jovi and not billy joel, but whaddya know, Jovi did it too. The more you know


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Another thing. It’s so annoying that people just try to get involved in my “love life”. At this point I just want to lie to everyone and just say that I have a girlfriend or whatever. So many people are just like “you’re 25 and still a virgin” and just make fun of me for it. I LITERALLY DONT CARE. I COULD DIE A VIRGIN AND IT WOULDN’T EVEN MATTER TO ME. I’m sorry it’s just so frustrating that people are trying to make me feel bad about it and keep pressuring me into it and like I just want to do things at my own pace. What’s so wrong with that?
I hated in school when dumb mfers would randomly ask me questions like "how many girlfriends you had" or stuff like that, as if being with a lot of women is some kind of badge of honor, like holy hell what difference does it make and why should they even care?

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