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What Annoyed You Today?


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
I was trying to watch some My Hero Academia at 1am today when Crunchyroll stopped working. It took 30 minutes for it to load, then once it did it started freezing every 30 seconds for about 3-4 minutes at a time. I tried it again later today but it's still not working. Looks like it's just a problem with the app. I would delete it and reinstall it, but I'm using the account of a person I'm trying to avoid and don't want to have to ask for the password again. Hoping it's just a bug and it fixes itself.

Mikey the Gengar

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I don't understand why certain personality types or certain behaviors set me off so much
when I'm talking to 99% of people about anything it's really easy to like, have a human conversation
but that 1% seems perpetually unwilling or unable to actually understand what I'm trying to communicate
it's a problem that crops up on the internet more than in real life, and when it does happen in an internet space like forums or social media, I always seem to end up being the one who gets punished for it. I've learned that using convenient block features for those special people helps a lot and I can easily see how much it helps, so I'm at least feeling glad that I know it's not entirely just a "me" issue and probably more of an "incompatible personality types intersecting" issue but
the frustrating part is how much of that 1% seems to exist in subjects that I enjoy the most like zelda, so every time I try to get into a community I feel like I get off on a bad foot because I run into one of these people that I just don't respond to well because I don't know who I should block ahead of time
and how there are some people who just never seem to make enemies


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
my mom- I may be out late so your sister will make you dinner. I already told her
me, young and foolish- OK!
my sister-
I'm not hungry yet so I'll make dinner later
me, unwise in the cruelties of the world- OK!
my sister-
I'm gonna go make dinner
me, pure and trusting to a fault- OK!
my mom, handing me a cookie- hey you should really eat dinner
me, cheerfully oblivious- oh fishes is making dinner!
my mom- ...pretty sure she's just making dinner for herself
fishes, the very personification of lies and utter betrayal, walks out with a plate of hotdogs just for herself and proceeds to eat it next to me

This has been the tale of how I learned the true darkness of the world. Also why I had 2 hard boiled eggs and an ice cream sandwich for dinner.
(She also asked me later to fish dirty silverware out of the sink for her to wash. Like pffft, no, and also bring me my dinner bro)


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
my mom- I may be out late so your sister will make you dinner. I already told her
me, young and foolish- OK!
my sister-
I'm not hungry yet so I'll make dinner later
me, unwise in the cruelties of the world- OK!
my sister-
I'm gonna go make dinner
me, pure and trusting to a fault- OK!
my mom, handing me a cookie- hey you should really eat dinner
me, cheerfully oblivious- oh fishes is making dinner!
my mom- ...pretty sure she's just making dinner for herself
fishes, the very personification of lies and utter betrayal, walks out with a plate of hotdogs just for herself and proceeds to eat it next to me

This has been the tale of how I learned the true darkness of the world. Also why I had 2 hard boiled eggs and an ice cream sandwich for dinner.
(She also asked me later to fish dirty silverware out of the sink for her to wash. Like pffft, no, and also bring me my dinner bro)
That was quite the story arc.
Everythign has to happen when I don't have control over it. I put off going to my mom's for over a month because stuff kept happening that I needed to deal with, but figures the plant cuttings I prepared before leaving that I just had to take with me (because they'd rot if I left them in water while I was gone but would dry up if I planted them and left them behind, and would surely rot if I had my dad water them) are dying because there's not enough light here, and now I got an insurance letter but it's at my dad's and I'm not able to go over there right now and I'm just so frustrated. I hope there's not a deadline that's too soon on whatever is in that letter because it's been a good couple days since it arrived and my dad wasn't available yesterday because he doesn't let me have the key to the house and I'm not allowed to go in through the garage when my mom is with me because he thinks she'll care that he has a new car.

This doesn't make any sense to put in words but I'm just beyond frustrated. I shouldn't have gone to my mom's at all, but figures doing something for my own mental health would ****ing backfire.

Hylian Viking

A modern day Hyrule warrior mean mean stride.
Jun 23, 2020
North Carolina
I woke up earlier today so I could catch the Livestream of the launch of the SLS carrying the Artemis I spacecraft from the Kennedy Space Center, only to find out that they have scrubbed the mission until this coming Friday.

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
My bad social skills causing myself to look clueless. And just feeling regret over my mistakes on Friday, it really showed how I have a hard time understanding people and some stuff only makes sense to me or I can’t understand things others can pick up so easily when talking to each other


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
My family is reading through ecclesiastes for church. We finished most of the chapters this morning and reached the end. I tried to not focus on it too much, but the constant saying that everything's vanity began to get to me at the end. I got reminded of when I was feeling pretty down last year and had trouble with motivation because I would always think, what's the point? And now I feel pretty down because now I have the thoughts like 'am I doing all this stuff and it's meaningless', and 'should I even be trying this hard? There's no point', and it's starting to make me sad again.

It's not super serious or anything, I'll probably bounce back in a little bit, but starting this morning out with those negative thoughts isn't fun.
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