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What Annoyed You Today?

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I think I need to stop caring about things so much. They're just inevitably going to get ruined sooner or later.
how deeply you care about things important to you is one of your greatest characteristics and one of the things I like about you


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I think I need to stop caring about things so much. They're just inevitably going to get ruined sooner or later.
Exactly what Mikey said. The fact that you care so much about the things you love has completely changed my outlook on multiple topics for the better. I’d hate for that to go away.


Staff member
When gaming companies use seasons to announce release dates of games. Like, half of the world has different seasons compared to the other half so it would make more sense to say Q1 2023 than Winter 2023...


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I think I need to stop caring about things so much. They're just inevitably going to get ruined sooner or later.
What others already said. You're one of the most caring persons I know. Plants, bugs, whatever more. That makes you who you are and don't let anything in the world ever change who you are;)


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Sorry, I'm just going to rant here. Or maybe I won't even post this, who knows, but I'll type it out either way. I mentioned this briefly in a post on ltpw, but I started a new series of manga recently (My Hero Academia, it's really good) that has dredged up some old problems. I'm not a huge fan of manga/anime, I like a few series but I'm very particular. My parents absolutely hate any form of anime media, and are known to make snide comments about it. Even when I show my mom some of my drawings, she appreciates the artistry but doesn't like the style or subject matter. I just hate having to give myself headaches reading manga on bus rides, or in little snippets of time when I can manage it, because I feel like my parents would be dissapointed in me if they caught me reading it. The hard part is that I can't even tell them how I feel about it. I want to explain that's there's good anime and bad anime, and that I want to be able to enjoy something they don't. But I can't risk telling them in case they decide to make a rule saying I can't read it. I would have to abide by that, I follow and respect their decisions. And they 100% would ban it too, they've already made a rule saying we won't be buying or viewing any new Disney shows or movies (sad Star Wars fan noises). My sister used to watch anime in high school and she still gets comments about it. I just don't want them to be dissapointed in me, but I also don't want to have to hide things I enjoy.
Sorry for the long post. I don't need advice or anything, I just wanted to vent. I feel better now :)


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
And they 100% would ban it too, they've already made a rule saying we won't be buying or viewing any new Disney shows or movies (sad Star Wars fan noises).
why would they even do that? seems they could be kind of controlling seeing as disney is usually pretty innocent...
but also, you could read online, if you'd rather not have the book out around them.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
why would they even do that? seems they could be kind of controlling seeing as disney is usually pretty innocent...
but also, you could read online, if you'd rather not have the book out around them.
I would read online, but I kinda don't have a job or money, I borrow the books from a friend. I have another friend that let's me use his Crunchyroll account so yay that.

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