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What Annoyed You Today?


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I lost my Monster Hunter pin today. I have no idea when or how, but I got home and hung up my work bag and the pin was just gone. I'm so bitter and upset.
That sucks. I used to have a Zelda pin I kept on my sweater, had the symbols of the goddesses. It fell off in school at some point and I couldn't find it. So, felt that.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
It's freaking 4 AM and I can't fall asleep because over the evening I started feeling sick. I thought yesterday it was just the pollen getting to me, but it's full on cold symptons now. I've had a fever for the last few hours and keep getting chills, plus my throat is sore and there is pressure building in my head. I tried getting up for water and was weak and dizzi just doing that.

My tablet is suppose to deliver early this morning and the email says I have to get up and sign a paper otherwise they won't leave the box. Idk how I'm going to do this.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
It's freaking 4 AM and I can't fall asleep because over the evening I started feeling sick. I thought yesterday it was just the pollen getting to me, but it's full on cold symptons now. I've had a fever for the last few hours and keep getting chills, plus my throat is sore and there is pressure building in my head. I tried getting up for water and was weak and dizzi just doing that.

My tablet is suppose to deliver early this morning and the email says I have to get up and sign a paper otherwise they won't leave the box. Idk how I'm going to do this.
Awwww feel better soon...and im a noun now!! Hehe
Mar 7, 2022
family members worry too damn much about me about my health. They always gotta notice a finger on my right hand where its been slowly healing since November during the time when i moved into my apartment. My youngest sister told me she's set up a doctor appointment for tomorrow about my frikkin finger.

I guess it cant be helped but ill see what the doctor can do about my finger which I think has been healing just fine. Thing is that the winter weather affects the human body skin that and I wash alot of dishes so that might slow down the healing process.

I dunno. Im not a doctor but its my life and my own business.;

Wish family members would stop being so damn concerned about my finger. Finger isnt that bad. It was in bad shape back in November and it was still in the healing process last month even though the cold winter weater keeps affecting it etc.;


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Took a test in English today, which was 5 pages of open ended questions regarding allusions, motifs, and cinematography in the film The Matrix. Managed to finish everything, beautifully written, gorgeous usage of vocabulary. Submitted it. Well as it turns out, the garbage school wifi was being spotty while I was working on it, and my last three open ended responses vanished. My teacher checked my edit history and it's just not there. I explained the situation to her and fortunately she understands, she's gonna let me finish it tomorrow. I mean, I'm glad it was just the last three questions and not the whole test, but still. I really don't want to rewrite a response comparing themes of the Matrix to Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" :ananger:


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Took a test in English today, which was 5 pages of open ended questions regarding allusions, motifs, and cinematography in the film The Matrix. Managed to finish everything, beautifully written, gorgeous usage of vocabulary. Submitted it. Well as it turns out, the garbage school wifi was being spotty while I was working on it, and my last three open ended responses vanished. My teacher checked my edit history and it's just not there. I explained the situation to her and fortunately she understands, she's gonna let me finish it tomorrow. I mean, I'm glad it was just the last three questions and not the whole test, but still. I really don't want to rewrite a response comparing themes of the Matrix to Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" :ananger:
Theres a cave?!?

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