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Weird things you've done/seen done


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
Thread title.

One time I walked into my kitchen to find my dad standing in front of the toaster, waiting for his bread to pop out. In the meantime he was holding a butter knife to the ceiling, reciting "by the power of grayskull!" Over and over again until the toast popped out. I don't think he noticed me, so presumably he was just doing that because that's just how you make toast, I guess. I choose not to question lol.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
One time I was scooping out ice cream but it was like a little too frozen, and when I got too forceful with it, the spoon flew out of my hand and I like reflexively somehow caught the spoon by the handle with my toes. I don't know how it happened but I think about it sometimes.
Ok that reminds me of the other night, me and two of my brothers were in the den, and we turned all the lights off and got out our phone flashlights like it was a concert. Well my phone flew out of my hand, and hits the glass orb that I'm standing under and goes around the lightbulb and knocks it loose. Somehow I manage to reach out and catch it before it falls and breaks. We all agreed we'd tell Mom about it in a few years.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Something occurs to me
We all have imaginary scenarios in our heads fake arguments or whatever etc
Instead of scenarios sometimes I think "what would this reaction or emotion look like" and I pantomime make a weird face and maybe some hand movement
It's not a tic or compulsion because it's a conscious decision but I don't realize I'm actually doing it until it's already done
So that's kinda weird I guess


Composer of the Night.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Once, when I was 7, I was enjoying a nice glass of orange soda with ice in the kitchen, where my parents at the time had brand new carpet put in.

Now, before my dad and I remodeled, the counter I was sitting at had the countertop, and like a little bar thing with bar stools.

So I was chillin' minding my business. Now, I had a bad habit as a kid of putting drinks dangerously close to party foul range, or right at the edge of counters or tables.

To make matters worse, I still have a habit of filling drinks just to the brim. Y'all can see where this is going...

So my dad was talking to me, I turned to see what he wanted, and by accident I knocked the orange soda I was enjoying off of the counter.

Now, in slow motion, my dad and siblings were all like, "No! Cthulhu! NooooooOOOO!!!"

And I snatched the orange soda out of the air without spilling a drop and putting it back as if nothing happened. My dad and all my siblings were looking at me as if I had 19 heads.

All I asked was, "What?"

They responded in unison, "Nothing."
Jan 10, 2022
There’s probably much weirder stuff I’ve both done and seen, but this particular one stands out to me that in retrospect should have been really obvious to me.

So I used to work maintenance in retail for a few years. Every Sunday at this one store, it would be me on the floor, the one cashier doing that and working the customer service desk, and the manager who got the short straw hiding in their office all day. So I’d be the only one customers would ask to find stuff for on the busiest day of the week, which likely didn’t help me think straight.

One couple asked if we had any baby pens. I must have looked at them with an odd expression, thinking they must be joking, but said ok, and promptly brought them to the art and office supplies, and said we might have some smaller pens here. They didn’t even bother checking, just looked at each other, smiled, and said they’d ask someone else. I thought, how odd, and kind of rude. It wasn’t until many hours later at home that it dawned on me they meant a pen, to keep babies in. I wonder if they thought I was joking or just really dumb.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Once, when I was 7, I was enjoying a nice glass of orange soda with ice in the kitchen, where my parents at the time had brand new carpet put in.

Now, before my dad and I remodeled, the counter I was sitting at had the countertop, and like a little bar thing with bar stools.

So I was chillin' minding my business. Now, I had a bad habit as a kid of putting drinks dangerously close to party foul range, or right at the edge of counters or tables.

To make matters worse, I still have a habit of filling drinks just to the brim. Y'all can see where this is going...

So my dad was talking to me, I turned to see what he wanted, and by accident I knocked the orange soda I was enjoying off of the counter.

Now, in slow motion, my dad and siblings were all like, "No! Cthulhu! NooooooOOOO!!!"

And I snatched the orange soda out of the air without spilling a drop and putting it back as if nothing happened. My dad and all my siblings were looking at me as if I had 19 heads.

All I asked was, "What?"

They responded in unison, "Nothing."
Must be all those tentacles you got, old one!

I can't think of any stand out weird things I have done besides being convinced to Naruto run around the playground when I was in 4th and 5th grade. One of my friends from 4th grade also got me to do the fusion dance from Dragonball Z, idk if the other kids thought we were awesome or if we were being dumb, lol.

Oh yeah, sometimes at night I somehow roll off my bed, and instead of getting back in bed I'll sleep on the floor.

I've seen a lot of really weird stuff, especially at previous jobs, a lot are probably post worthy in of themselves.
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Return of Revali
Jan 11, 2022
I've been making the most ridiculous videos of all time using random gifs I pulled off of google. I wanted to upload them here on Last Person to Post, but they're waaaay more than 1 KB


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I saw someone walking their cat once on a leash in Harajuku, the cat seemed to be having a great time too.

Cat walking on a leash is a thing. Especially if you have an expensive breed you have to walk them on a lead to stop them from being stolen.

I did see someone walking a rabbit once which I found unnusual.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
Cat walking on a leash is a thing. Especially if you have an expensive breed you have to walk them on a lead to stop them from being stolen.

I did see someone walking a rabbit once which I found unnusual.
I saw a person walking a tortoise once. He was a big dude, and moved pretty quickly too. We stopped to talk to the owner and the tortoise was halfway across the sidewalk.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
This isn't something any particular person did, but it is something weird that happened at school today.

My assistant principal comes into my homeroom to yell at some kids for wearing hoodies. As she's leaving she says
"And nobody is wearing 3d glasses? Good."
Which of course was met with the entire class questioning what the heck she was talking about. Apparently there were indeed 3d movie glasses about the school.
"Oh yes, some kids were dispensing them in the cafeteria this morning. You all don't have any, you're good kids." She said when exiting.
As the day went on, I started to see some people wearing 3d glasses that had thick yellow frames and Despicable Me 2 printed on the side of it. Soon dozens of people were wearing them, entire classes. My best friend got a pair and popped the lenses out so she could wear them and still see.
Apparently the rumors that the recently closed movie theater is easy to break into are true. Someone broke into the abandoned building, found boxes of Despicable Me glasses and decided to dispense them across the school, to every grade. I guarantee you students will be wearing them for weeks to come. I don't even question it by this point.

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