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Majora's Mask Was Majora Hard?

Jul 11, 2010
The Lost Woods
I think that, without the Oni Link mask, you had to use the "Song of Healing" Masks, Boomerang fins in first form to stun, then run up to Majora with the Great Fairy's Sword. Second, use Goron form to chase him around (Majora was the most spastic thing I had ever seen). But the Deku mask is quite useless, because in the final form, you shoot the guy with arrows, not bubbles!


Pinball Wizard
Apr 23, 2010
The first time I beat him, I had the FD mask. Easiest final boss ever.
I have beat him normal Link, and he is pretty hard than. At least harder than OoT Ganondorf/Ganon


I don't suffer from it ..
Jun 17, 2010
I think that, without the Oni Link mask, you had to use the "Song of Healing" Masks

Nah she's very beatable in all 3 forms as Hylian Link. There are actually only 2 masks I've ever donned when fighting the Majora trio .. the Diety Mask, and more commonly the Bunny Hood.

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