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Violet's Hall of Graphics.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
OMG the second one, just, absolutely beautiful! Both are, but the second one is perfect! I love it so much, thank you!

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012
I was messing around with the textures in PicMonkey but it turns out I got something really pretty from it:



The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Your gfx are a bit different, considering you use PicMonkey instead of programs such as GIMP and Photoshop. That being said, it's a little more difficult to critique. I use PM to touch-up my selfies (yeah, I'm that lame), so I'm only somewhat familiar with it. From what I can tell, and hopefully you don't take too much offense to this, you just slap a picture onto a background and call it done (i.e. your latest tag and the one with I'm assuming a sketched version of Mikasa and Eren). Although it's not bad, it lacks a bit of creativity on your part. Sometimes you've actually done pretty well by adding effects and text, but some of your tags lack those sometimes. I want to offer you suggestions, but I really can't. Just experiment and practice as much as possible. Also, try to see if you can download a program like GIMP, because it's really helped me make gfx.

Overall, though I think you might lack in a little creativity, you do shine elsewhere. You're not a bad graphic artist, Vio! :D


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Nice graphic you made Violet! Though it is a bit plain, I believe the simplicity of the design gives it that potent emotion that the two characters are dwelling in. Keep up the lovely work Vio! Can't wait to see more art from you in the near future! :yes:

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012
Welp, here are my recent Osu avvies:



(currently using this one)

My friend wanted one, so:

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012
New sig~ Shintaro x Ayano for life


I gotta try focus on resolutions soon.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Good job on your neat graphic Vio! Now I don't know much about Kagepro/Mekakucity Actors, I do know how you like that ship between the two characters. I find it adorable how much you like the chemistry between the two characters! It really is a nice graphic Vio! I hope you make more based on characters that you like as it definitely shows how much you appreciate those characters! ^^


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Can you make me a Fullmetal Alchemist Sig. I want both the elric brother in it, and doing a transmutation, out side of that, ive seen your work, and its amazing, if you wanna add other characters feel free. I you find a way to add a still frame of one of the epic battles thats cool too. just try to make it a lil on the dark side!
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