Your gfx are a bit different, considering you use PicMonkey instead of programs such as GIMP and Photoshop. That being said, it's a little more difficult to critique. I use PM to touch-up my selfies (yeah, I'm
that lame), so I'm only somewhat familiar with it. From what I can tell, and hopefully you don't take too much offense to this, you just slap a picture onto a background and call it done (i.e. your latest tag and the one with I'm assuming a sketched version of Mikasa and Eren). Although it's not bad, it lacks a bit of creativity on your part. Sometimes you've actually done pretty well by adding effects and text, but some of your tags lack those sometimes. I want to offer you suggestions, but I really can't. Just experiment and practice as much as possible. Also, try to see if you can download a program like GIMP, because it's really helped me make gfx.
Overall, though I think you might lack in a little creativity, you do shine elsewhere. You're not a bad graphic artist, Vio!