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Breath of the Wild Villain Team Up!!!!

Jul 18, 2013
Hey guys just curious on what you guys thought about a possible team up between previously seen Zelda villains like Ganon and Vatti. Personally I'm kind of intrigued by the idea of Ganon and Girahim somehow coming together and not like a master/servant deal but like as equals coming together to stop Link. Just a thought dont rip me a new one :P

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
Well, you mention Ganon and Vatti, and I'd like to mention that they've already "teamed up," somewhat, in Four Swords Adventures, although there really wasn't any on-screen interaction between the two.

As for other villains teaming up, I think it would be interesting to see. I'm really hoping for Ganon to make a return in Zelda U, but if he did so with another previously seen villain, that would be quite interesting. To be completely honest, though, I don't have too many ideas myself, as anything would seem too fan-fiction-esque. Also, the game might seem a bit fan-fictiony itself if this idea was used. Sounds cool as a concept, but the execution would probably kill it.
Last edited:
Aug 20, 2013

S.S.B.B Style maybe? hear me out, In SSBB the villains are manipulated by tabu and he ends up betraying them all maybe something like that?, You know someone pulling Gannon's strings behind the scenes or something then betraying him to get what he really wants (triforce probably) then you have to team up with Gannon to take him down


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I dunno about team ups. To me they're on the "We've ran out of ideas!" shelf, and, I don't necessarily think they usually do villains justice. If it was well-written and really added to the story, then by all means, but, I don't see a good villain being willing to share power in any way. There'd be no team-up, it'd be a truce to better themselves till they backstab eachother before the other does first. :P
Aug 20, 2013
I dunno about team ups. To me they're on the "We've ran out of ideas!" shelf, and, I don't necessarily think they usually do villains justice. If it was well-written and really added to the story, then by all means, but, I don't see a good villain being willing to share power in any way. There'd be no team-up, it'd be a truce to better themselves till they backstab eachother before the other does first. :P

glad someone agrees about the backstabbing thing

Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
Interesting idea. Ganon and Ghirahim is an interesting idea, I'm not sure it would work well, but I can see Nintendo pulling it off okay. I personally wouldn't mind seeing it. It's an intriguing idea that has potential to end up being good. Of course as Mercedes pointed out there could be the issue of them backstabbing each other. But I'm sure they'd find someway, perhaps a realization the Link outmatches either one of them alone, so the threat of being overcome by a common enemy could keep them in check.


Jul 1, 2012
Sounds like a fresh idea to me.

We haven't actually seen any real team up between two villains, we have seen two significant villain figures be involved in the same plot, but no real "team work". The only noticeable one that I see is Twinrova, but they aren't really that key of a figure in my eyes, but it gives a good example of two equals working in unison. I guess that's kind of the question here though, how will those two villains team up? They can be equals in a sense but that may work against the idea, having two similar figures may lessen the impact that one all powerful villain has.

I'd like to see two figures come together to take charge; however, there should be one clear leader out of the two - the latter villain figure will act like Zant or Ghirahim, but both exist in the same time period. Even though this idea isn't necessarily new, I would like to see an expanding on it. Maybe giving us an insight into the relationship of the two and how they work together, that means both need to be involved in multiple plot points and cut scenes.
Aug 12, 2013
Ashland, OR
Hmmm . . . Only the big honchos? I'd say it would be cool only if it flowed, as in we get the back story of how these 2+ villains even met, as well as the stories that led to them being villains in the first place. For example, if Vaati were to make a come back in a new game, they would need to show that he used to be a member of the Minnish, what that means, and that it was his lust for sorcery that led to his mutation, and if it was Demise to get hooked up with someone, then the SS story would need to be included. I guess it really depends on where in the time line we want to go. And would it be allowed to bring back a villain that is already established as dead?

Lots of factors to consider, and if done well I think it could be really cool, but I doubt the developers would be willing to include enough story to make it worthwhile and awesome.

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