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Video Games That Require the Most Thought?


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Well we have all been on the streets enough time to hear "Call of duty is dumb just point and shoot", This inspired me however to create a thread on this lovely forum, what an excellent use of my time I smirked to myself. Anyway What games do you believe require the most brain power?
Oh and no using games like this, that's not fair :P



Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
I think multiplayer fighting games that require heavy analysis of ones opponent and their character traits take tons of concentration to play to the extreme. Imma say those.
Mar 15, 2013
I'd say the Arma and Company of Heroes series.

In Arma, there are alot of stuff that could be used, but could end horribly for you and your team if not enough thought is given. Seriously they are too many list.

Company of Heroes is a strategy game that doesn't use the old "buy the heaviest tanks and rush the enemy" system. Yeah, tanks are very powerful and expensive, but they are nothing that a cheap Anti-Tank gun can't take down. In the mean time, an AT gun crew is a good clear target for one of your snipers to practice their art. Infantry cannot be used mindlessly since a single machinegunner can tear down an entire platoon in seconds. There's also a cover system. A covered soldier will last a lot longer than one in the open, for that reason theres the possibility to place sandbags around your base or your outposts. And the territory system can be annoying. If a supply line is broken, your army won't receive any ressources from the territories that are not connected to your base.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I find that online FPS require the most thought...despite what people say, you do need a ton of pre-emptive foresight into things, you need to know your surroundings and you need to anticipate or else you'll get stomped.

Next come logic-puzzle type games for self-explanatory reasons.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
RPGs? You think?

I can see old school RPGs requiring a decent amount of forethought and whatnot but not very many of the new ones do.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Role-Playing Game [from what I've seen] and most First Person Shooters. This is coming from someone who was practically raised and bred a casual "gamer" on Nintendo's family-friendly output; namely Zelda. But I've come to value strategy as one of the top reasons to enjoy and replay games.

RPGs? You think?

I can see old school RPGs requiring a decent amount of forethought and whatnot but not very many of the new ones do.

Check out The Last Story sometime. It's an amazing Japanese Role-Playing Game.

Believe me, it requires a lot of thought and time to put a strategy together in most battle situations in TLS. The boss fights particularly had me on edge. Many times I'd literally have to pause the game just to come up with an efficient plan and succeed in combat. Otherwise I'd be at a standstill for what could be hours at a time...


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Easy answer. Myst.

Honestly, Myst occupied people's thoughts at work and at school. While doing the dishes. Vacuuming the living room. Sitting on the stool. Lying awake at night. The puzzles in Myst were so fiendishly challenging and cryptic millions of players spent a majority of their waking hours trying to figure them out, even when they weren't playing!

And if Myst was that thought provoking, the puzzles in its successor Riven were twice and again more challenging and that game concluded with what is easily the contender for video game's most challenging puzzle during the end game.

Players obsessed over Myst and Riven's puzzles. Seriously, the games should come with a warning "Do not play while operating heavy machinery."

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Role-Playing Game [from what I've seen] and most First Person Shooters. This is coming from someone who was practically raised and bred a casual "gamer" on Nintendo's family-friendly output; namely Zelda. But I've come to value strategy as one of the top reasons to enjoy and replay games.

Check out The Last Story sometime. It's an amazing Japanese Role-Playing Game.

Believe me, it requires a lot of thought and time to put a strategy together in most battle situations in TLS. The boss fights particularly had me on edge. Many times I'd literally have to pause the game just to come up with an efficient plan and succeed in combat. Otherwise I'd be at a standstill for what could be hours at a time...

Ah yes, totally forgot about about turn-based RPGs. I haven't played one since FFX. I was initially thinking along the lines of RPG/ActionAdventure games like Dragon Age or any other WRPG, but yeah I get what you mean now.

I also agree with TehLeet. TBS games really force you to think too. Total War series is a notable example.


Jan 28, 2013
I think Castlevania LoS has A LOAD of thinking to do with it. I sometimes felt like throwing the system out the window.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I think multiplayer fighting games that require heavy analysis of ones opponent and their character traits take tons of concentration to play to the extreme. Imma say those.

Oh tell me about it! Learning all those combos and what not. Not to mention reading up on how to do certain things, it goes something like this.
"okay so yeah what you want to do is initiate a combo, press triangle square square THEN on the forth frame hit R1 R1 Triangle sqaure circle forward square jump x" Just makes my head spin. I'd say a lot of fighting to take a lot of thought and some can have quite a steep learning hill.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Ah yes, totally forgot about about turn-based RPGs. I haven't played one since FFX. I was initially thinking along the lines of RPG/ActionAdventure games like Dragon Age or any other WRPG, but yeah I get what you mean now.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the combat in this game is in real-time. The main character, Zael, is able to move freely around while his companions are off to the side providing support. Zael's main job is to ensure that they survive, or else the tide of battle can quickly turn against him. That's what makes the gameplay so invigorating, and requires that the player put an extra edge on strategical analysis. Nevertheless, it does have an optional feature which shows three powerful moves that Zael and his colleagues can access to turn the tables back in their favor. Even then, in many cases, it could be hard to succeed.
Anything with a maze really, early metroid games (and the first Prime game) and Castlevania, took me ages to figure out thew right route so much so that i had to step back and think about it.

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