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Ugliest Models & Renders from the Zelda Series


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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Comm. Coordinator
Is anybody else concerned about why so many people in the Zelda series are SO HIDEOUS??? Like Idk if its some genetic problems or something but some of the head shapes I have seen are just unnatural and/or impossible! It's mostly SS and TP, but like by the time we reach the AT people have giant watermelon faces.

I'd like to change my view.


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
Skyward sword only has a couple (intentionally) bad looking faces
What makes tp so bad is it doesnt seem intentional like botw and ss
Yeah, TP just has hideous character design for some reason. At least they look a bit better in game than they do when you see the renders alone...

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