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Trollish Moves in Pokemon

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
I'm one that enjoys the Pokemon series for what it is, but I've never been a fan of competitive play, unless it's with my friends. I purposely stay out of competitions because some of the biggest trolls out there I've encountered in Pokemon games. Usually these trolls want level 99 Meloetta's for level 1 Pikachus, and most of all they use the most annoying and trollish moves in battle. What are some moves that you think are trollish and annoying?

Okay...I admit it. The most trollish move (and the only trollish move) I've ever used is with my Gengar: Destiny Bond. Now, this move has worked wonders for me, but if someone used this move on me I would be hella pissed.
Dan's post reminded me for some reason, I also hate the moves that switch your pokemon, because I always use Yvelta and when he is switched out it is annoying.
Jun 14, 2011
Uses status moves to increase stats to the maximum, baton passes to another Pokémon... opponent uses Roar... whole strategy ruined!
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Apr 5, 2015
Ash: Pikachu, DODGE the attack!
Pikachu: PIKAPI! :bubsy:

If the game developers ever make this an option in the series, that would most certainly be something that I would turn into Godzilla for.


Still Fandom Trash
Jul 7, 2015
Furthest Ring
Protect. It literally serves no purpose, because you can use it again and again, until you have no more PP for it, and then what? You would have made no progress in that time, and you are still in the same boat as before. It just wastes time XD

Transform as well. Nothings worse than going into a battle with an epic Pokemon, and end up fighting a Ditto who turns into the exact same Pokemon as you. Ruins any sort of type advantages or other strategies.

And lets not forget Substitution, the move that allows you or your opponent to use the Pokemon version of the Teddy Bear from Earthbound.


And, if that's not enough, how about the one hit moves, like Guillotine? It's both a troll for the person trying to use it turn after turn and failing, and the opponent, who may, at any point in the battle, lose one of their Pokemon in a single hit, no matter the type, level, or defense. Those moves are just bad ideas.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Protect. It literally serves no purpose, because you can use it again and again, until you have no more PP for it, and then what? You would have made no progress in that time, and you are still in the same boat as before. It just wastes time XD

Transform as well. Nothings worse than going into a battle with an epic Pokemon, and end up fighting a Ditto who turns into the exact same Pokemon as you. Ruins any sort of type advantages or other strategies.

And lets not forget Substitution, the move that allows you or your opponent to use the Pokemon version of the Teddy Bear from Earthbound.


And, if that's not enough, how about the one hit moves, like Guillotine? It's both a troll for the person trying to use it turn after turn and failing, and the opponent, who may, at any point in the battle, lose one of their Pokemon in a single hit, no matter the type, level, or defense. Those moves are just bad ideas.

Protect can't be used consecutively it has a higher chance of failing each time. And yeah one Hit KO's are vicious when they hit like Sheer cold, even worse about that move is Kyogre can learn it, same with Fissure, Fissure on Groudon makes things stupidly cruel

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