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Smash Bros Trim the fat

Threads relating to the Super Smash Bros series.


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
Just eliminate the clones and turn them into skins. Most of the recolors are terrible anyway.
For certain Echo Fighters, like Lucina, Dark Pit and Chrom, I agree wholeheartedly. Though, I wouldn't go too far and cut Dr. Mario or Falco or anything crazy like that. But I feel that, while Echo Fighters are just bonuses added to make the game feel bigger, most of them should either be unique fighters or alternate costumes. I think we'd have a lot less Fire Emblem spot-stealers if they just made them alts.

In other news, I've been thinking about that motion-controls idea I mentioned in the Sephiroth thread.
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What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
As someone who’s largely OK with motion controls, I think that having them in a fighting game is a ridiculously bad idea. The entire point of a fighting game is to use precise controls to gain the advantage over your opponent, and motion controls would completely ruin that.


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Ultimate is a wonder in itself. They are never gonna get cloud back for a third game, let alone sephiroth and other third party characters.


Staff member
ZD Champion
Ultimate is a wonder in itself. They are never gonna get cloud back for a third game, let alone sephiroth and other third party characters.
That's fair, I don't think they'll always have access to these third party guests forever.
But OP's post was listing solely Nintendo characters that don't have this kind of issue.


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
That's fair, I don't think they'll always have access to these third party guests forever.
But OP's post was listing solely Nintendo characters that don't have this kind of issue.
There's been plenty of cuts from the series for various reasons. Having too many characters makes the game's development harder. Even Sakurai said the next roster will have cuts.


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
You’ve lost me

Fates and Three Houses deserved the glory they received. Nintendo wouldn’t just scrap them for no reason
What glory? Who even heard about Fates before it got a Smash rep? Yes, they'd scrap them, because there's too many and they aren't unique enough. Two there should be.


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Awakening is the only modern game that really deserves the staying rep, saving the series from dying and all and making it very popular.
Fates is crap and generally seen as a mediocre entry and corn was added just to promote it, and three houses is actually pretty good, but nothing more than the obligatory new lord rep that probably hets replaced next game.


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
Awakening is the only modern game that really deserves the staying rep, saving the series from dying and all and making it very popular.
Fates is crap and generally seen as a mediocre entry and corn was added just to promote it, and three houses is actually pretty good, but nothing more than the obligatory new lord rep that probably hets replaced next game.
Robin was the best choice for an Awakening rep. I definitely see why Awakening got representation. I think the next Fire Emblem rep should be more unique, i.e. not a swordfighter. I've heard good stuff about Three Houses' sales, so to add a rep makes sense, but DLC was the worst way to do so.

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