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Smash Bros Trim the fat

Threads relating to the Super Smash Bros series.


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
It's time to determine who should be cut from the roster in the next game. Here is my idea of who should be cut for a minimalist roster. Note that I'm only doing first party characters, since third-parties hang in the balance at all times.

In order of appearance:
Sheik: Has not appeared in a game since her debut. Now that she and her Princess-y alter ego are separate, either cut her or replace her with Impa. My preference is the latter, since Sheik's moveset is really good.
Pichu: I don't wanna be one of those Pichu haters, but this character was cut from Brawl for a reason. It's just a Pikachu clone that damages itself.
FE Characters: I like Roy, I like Ike, but back in Melee and Brawl they followed the Rule of Two: Always two there are. No more, no less. And that's how it should be. So it should just be Marth and a character from the most recent game. That's it... except for Roy and Ike, they can stay. And maybe Robin... no, no, only two there should be...
Lucario: Mewtwo should've never been cut from Brawl. This character really isn't that fun to play as and has no relevance in a current Smash game.
Toon Link: He's just short speedy Link. At least Young Link feels different. So just keep Yink and yeet Tink.
Villager: I like Isabelle better, what can I say? But this one I'm feeling kinda iffy on. With how big Animal Crossing is nowadays, I guess two reps makes sense.
Wii Fit Trainer: Why? Why is this in the game?
Rosalina: The least relevant Mario character. The Galaxy games were over a decade ago. No need for this old trash.
Greninja: The same reasons as Lucario. Honestly, Pokemon should just be like what I outlined for Fire Emblem, but, I mean, we're kinda in a corner since there's two 64 reps and Mewtwo's cool and Pokemon Trainer's so unique. Then again, Pokemon has more relevance than FE could ever dream of having.
Duck Hunt: I like the dog, but I was never a big fan of this moveset.
Incineroar: Assuming we're following the rules I outlined before, unfortunately we'll have to say goodbye to funny cat man. I like this guy a lot, 'tis a shame.
Plant: I really like Plant, but it's just kinda weird and out there, so... maybe it should be cut, or maybe replaced with Petey, or... maybe not?
Byleth: I feel as though I have to mention once more that ONLY TWO THERE SHOULD BE, CUT CORN AND BYLETH, I HATE THESE LOSERS SO MUCH

So, that's a minimum of 62, which, with only Nintendo characters, would be 48. I'll probably return with further potential cuts.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
Even though Pichu is one of the cutest Pokémon, I do agree that is already another, more popular evolution: Pikachu. Maybe they could get rid of him in the next Smash and bring in another more unique Pokémon?

Or what if they got rid of Pikachu and kept Pichu?

Rosalina: The least relevant Mario character. The Galaxy games were over a decade ago. No need for this old trash.

Excuse me? Rosalina is one of the best Mario characters with a beautiful backstory in the one of the best Mario games. She also has a cute lumas <3. She definitely deserves to be in the future Super Smash Bros. Especially since Super Mario Galaxy recently got ported to the Nintendo Switch and has acquired a whole new wave of fans.

Azure Sage

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If I had my way, no one would get cut. The more CPUs I have to beat up, the more interesting the battles are. I don't even use more than 20 different fighters probably, but I still like having the rest of the roster around. I also tend to prefer the echoes over their ogs, like with Lucina who is a main that I never want to leave. Everyone on the roster is loved by someone, so I'd rather they all stay and we just keep getting more.

Of course, I doubt that will happen at all. Ultimate is probably not gonna be topped easily without all these fighters. I know this thread was about picking fighters to cut out, but sorry, I can't do it.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I agree with everything except for toon link and the Pokémon

Toon Link represents an entire subset of the Zelda Series, and while I’d rather they just made the links different as opposed to cutting them, I’d rather keep toon link than generic link.

And lucario and greninja represent 2 generations of Pokémon that otherwise wouldn’t be represented. If you’re gonna cut Pokémon characters it should be one of the 6 that are from gen 1, Mewtwo being the absolute first to go


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
Even though Pichu is one of the cutest Pokémon, I do agree that is already another, more popular evolution: Pikachu. Maybe they could get rid of him in the next Smash and bring in another more unique Pokémon?

Or what if they got rid of Pikachu and kept Pichu?

Excuse me? Rosalina is one of the best Mario characters with a beautiful backstory in the one of the best Mario games. She also has a cute lumas <3. She definitely deserves to be in the future Super Smash Bros. Especially since Super Mario Galaxy recently got ported to the Nintendo Switch and has acquired a whole new wave of fans.
Rosalina's great, don't get me wrong, but, I mean... that shoddy Switch port means nothing.


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Yeah, next smash will pe pretty different, and the roster probably a lot smaller.
I wish we could just work with this roster and go on, but thats just not gonna happen.
there are a lot of characters I would wanna trade out or just cut for others, but here are some characters that actually make sense that they leave.
I'm not even gonna mention the echoes because they all are pretty much a waste of space and probably leave. (rip dark samus)
I can also see all third parties leaving with maybe the exception of Sonic, pac-man and megaman. Maybe banjo and ryu

Dr. Mario
Bowser jr.
Rosalina MAYBE. I can see her staying but the rest I think will go

One of the Links for sure, probably Young Link.
Maybe Sheik, but I doubt they will cut much from zelda unless they go crazy with new zelda characters.

Probably only zero suit.

As much as I hate it, Wolf will probably be gone again.

I really want Jiggly to be replaced, but I don't think they will ever get rid of the original 12
Pichu, Lucario, greninja and incineroar are a given to make way for newer pokemon. Maybe one of them stays in, but not Pichu
MAYBE Mewtwo too, but I doubt it.

Lucas probably

I can see the ice climbers leaving again too

Fire Emblem:
Sakurai ****ing loves this series so I doubt we will see many cuts here, but if he was rational and didn't give series undeserved love:
Everyone except Marth, Robin and a toss up between Byleth and Ike. and maybe corrin if the coin landed on its side.

Kid icarus: I can see Palutena going, but she's the uprising rep pretty much, and thats sakurai's baby.

Animal crossing:
Isabelle is probably out.

I can see arms getting tossed out too, Shulk replaced for a new character or tossed out. Game and watch, and Wii Fit just gets ditched. ROB and Duck hunt I'm a bit iffy on, but those 3 probably stay.

The Mii's depend on whatever the new system use. Probably gone.

This just makes the most sense to me when they start cutting, but honestly, it will probably be totally different.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I'm not even gonna mention the echoes because they all are pretty much a waste of space and probably leave. (rip dark samus)
I can also see all third parties leaving with maybe the exception of Sonic, pac-man and megaman. Maybe banjo and ryu

I don’t think they’re ever gonna get rid of Steve, he’s too popular of a character and Minecraft is too popular an IP.

Dr. Mario
Bowser jr.
Rosalina MAYBE. I can see her staying but the rest I think will go

I really don’t think either Rosalina or Bowser Jr. will go. If it were just bowser Jr and not all of the kooplings sure, but that’s 8 separate characters that you’d be getting rid of.

I really want Jiggly to be replaced, but I don't think they will ever get rid of the original 12
Pichu, Lucario, greninja and incineroar are a given to make way for newer pokemon. Maybe one of them stays in, but not Pichu
MAYBE Mewtwo too, but I doubt it.

I’m 99% positive that Mewtwo would leave before lucario or greninja based purely on the fact that they represent later entries. Honestly I think Pokémon trainer is more likely to get cut.
I can see arms getting tossed out too, Shulk replaced for a new character or tossed out. Game and watch, and Wii Fit just gets ditched. ROB and Duck hunt I'm a bit iffy on, but those 3 probably stay.

Not game and watch or ROB, those two have been here too long. I’m also a bit iffy on Shulk as he’s also a decently popular character


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
Pokemon trainer? one of the better concepts in smash, (so much so thats its one of the few they brought back) probably the best idea for a pokemon rep, and not to mention its also tied to one of the most popular pokemon, one I doubt they will ever drop?

I don't know what drugs your using but they won't drop that. IF anything, they will make charizard its seperate character again and make the trainer from a different region, but that sounds like too much work for less known starters. I just don't see it happen.
If they really wanted to represent the gens we'd have a gen 3 rep by now. Where is my sceptile....

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Pokemon trainer? one of the better concepts in smash, (so much so thats its one of the few they brought back) probably the best idea for a pokemon rep, and not to mention its also tied to one of the most popular pokemon, one I doubt they will ever drop?

I don't know what drugs your using but they won't drop that. IF anything, they will make charizard its seperate character again and make the trainer from a different region, but that sounds like too much work for less known starters. I just don't see it happen.
If they really wanted to represent the gens we'd have a gen 3 rep by now. Where is my sceptile....
*grovyle for the epic PMD crossover


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
heck I'd rather the koopalings go and get bowser jr out of that damn car
As a Ludwig main, I disagree. I definitely think there's missed potential with Junior's current moveset, but unless they add the Koopalings as a separate fighter than this would be a bad move.

I'd like to mention that, as much as I despise Lucina and Chrom, the Echo Fighters have no impact on the game and are just bonuses to add extra roster slots. It was the same in Melee with the clones. With that said, Lucina and Chrom should be cut, Roy is the only good Marth clone. And give Daisy unique moves based on Super Mario Land.

I want Dr. Mario to stay in the hopes that the 64 reps get updated movesets that don't suck like Link's. Dr. Mario would be a preservation of Mario's old moveset, like how Young Link is a preservation of Link's old moveset which is good because BotW Link is trash. There's a lot of potential to create very unique clones while also having them be really quick to develop. So, yeah, Funky Kong punches while DK actually does DK stuff.

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