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Trick or Treating Law

Niko Bellic 817

GH3: Legends of Rock
Apr 24, 2009
A new law relating to trick or treating was passed. People are no longer allowed to trick or treat if they are over the age of twelve. I personally don't agree with this law because people should be able to trick or treat if they want candy. It's not like all people over this limit are gonna T.P. or egg someone's house.


I'm an assassin.... sshhh
Mar 13, 2010
The shadows
where is this law? I am far over twelve and I like getting candy... is that immature to say? I honestly enjoy trick or treating

Peace Of Heart

Piece of Heart Collector
Oct 26, 2010
I think the state of.... Illinois(Or some other "I" State) passed this law. I saw the mayor of one of the cities on the news a few days ago concerning this, apparently the law has been active for a couple years before the interview.
Aug 18, 2009
What the? Now there is even a trick or treating law in the States? That's bull... Since when can one be not allowed to go out and have fun while asking for candy? Ridiculous, but that's the world for you.

Peace Of Heart

Piece of Heart Collector
Oct 26, 2010
People claim that "it's scary" having teenagers not dressed up coming to your door asking for candy.....That doesn't even make sense to me >.>
Jun 14, 2010
That's a not the greatest law, no offense lol. There are lots of people over 12 who have a great halloween spirit. A law they should make, is to not ring on peoples door bells for candy at freaking 12 o clock. And not to cause no problems or harm anyone else. Don't put the matter of how old you are into it.


Dec 16, 2009
United States
Attack helicopter
This seems harsh and all, but there was a reason for this. People were getting freaked out over 6 ft. tall Trick-or-Treaters. They should change that a little. What if there was someone who was 14, but hasn't hit their growth spurt yet?


Hylian Thief
Jul 16, 2010
It's a secret to everybody
I don't think 12 is old enough to stop trick or treating.
I mean, sure, they're getting up there, but I think the cut off age should be raised to maybe 15.
Even then, I think it's something that shouldn't even be reported or fined on. Yes, they might be older than normal kids, but how much of a kill-joy do you have to be to report that to the police?
That's completely ridiculous.
I myself am going to be handing out candies this Halloween, and like hell am I going to report someone to the police just because they're a bit older.
The most I'll do is probably give them "the look" and give them less candies then the children.
Jul 4, 2010
in a great black pit
i haven't heard of it passing here in illinois. it's such a stupid law and has no good reason for being passed. if it has, then i'm just gonna break the law this halloween. the cops can't arrest me for it, i can't be put in a jail, and i don't even have to give them my real name because i don't have any ID. i'll obey most of the laws, but not a stupid one like this. i'm pretty sure my neighborhood doesn't even care.

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