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SSHD Those who haven't played Skyward Sword

Skyward Sword HD

Have you played SS?

  • 100% completetion

    Votes: 6 19.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 16 51.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 29.0%

  • Total voters


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
For those who haven't played Skyward Sword, How much are you hyped for SS HD?
Why haven't you tried SS?
If HD hadn't been announced would you have gone for SS?
Apr 12, 2021
Sorry I can't make this at Twitter or Reddit length: :dealwithit: :gno: says the average USA poster:

I think they'll be hyped till their 2nd or 3rd dungeon when they can't find out how to shut off my sister Fi and wished they listened to reviews even at the risk of some spoilers. Does Nintendo think their fans are this stupid that they will forget the other things that broke it? Motion controls are the least of their worries, More like Switch Emotion controls will need to be added to sooth the super frustrated player!

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Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
I don't feel like playing a Zelda game with motion controls, so I haven't. I'll play HD when it comes out but I'm very hyped for it, because I thought we would be getting a 3D collection instead
Apr 12, 2021
I don't feel like playing a Zelda game with motion controls, so I haven't. I'll play HD when it comes out but I'm very hyped for it, because I thought we would be getting a 3D collection instead
Think of BOTW only having the Great Plateau to explore and some regions around it squeezed in: it's very linear AND furthermore you'll be back tracking at least several times across said Plateau to the point you don't want to EVER hear the name 'Great Plateau' again..
Also imagine a side quest where you have to be super sneaky thru the Great Plateau or a Lynel will appear to kill you which you don't adaquete weapons to elp you out. Once that Lynel kills you then you have to start that stupid quest ALL OVER again! :)

That is a light version of Skyward Sword to reference BOTW's size and gameplay.


Spirit Tracks Zelda best companion, LinkxNavi FTW
Oct 7, 2020
I have not played SS yet, due to not having access to be able to play it, i am extremely looking forward to SSHD. I have watched a full playthrough though so i am quite aware of everything in the game, but i really want to play it myself.


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
The only thing I didn't really 100% about it was the Gratitude Crystal quest tbh. A few of those eluded me, and I just couldn't be bothered
I will not be getting the HD version, as I still have the normal version for my Wii
Apr 12, 2021
This will explain the best and worst SSHD had to offer: It made me both appreciate that they tried but still failed so miserably in other ways: The Best & Worst of Zelda Skyward Sword - YouTube Neat and straight to the point: He doesn't mumble into the mic nor rants and raves like a lunatic. It shows me it's not even a 'small' version of BOTW: No not in the slightest!

Seems I was right when I figured this game would be just like the Great Plateau combined with quick trips to the main plot areas of the said game instead of all there is to explore: And to add to the insult,to make the game seem longer they make you back track to the same areas several times to get stupid crap.
Imagine if the most asinine sidequests in BOTW was all there was to do post story? No guardians to hunt down,No Lynel farming,No dragon farming,No armor collectiong,none of that.
Mar 17, 2020
I’ve tried several times now to play SS but I’ve given up, I just cannot figure it out, the first set of monsters kill me.
The whole thing feels a bit clunky and awkward and doesn’t flow well.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
How much are you hyped for SS HD?
I'm pretty excited, glad to see another Zelda game on the Switch, even if this means we probably won't get TPHD or WWHD
Why haven't you tried SS?
New to Zelda games, haven't gotten around to it.
If HD hadn't been announced would you have gone for SS?
Probably, but not as soon as I'll get HD
but I'm very hyped for it,
Don't you mean not very hyped?

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