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The Triforce of Power



ok, so we all know link has triforce of courage and zelda has triforce of power. but in skyward sword, we dont even know if ganons gonna be there. so who has the triforce of power? the triforce plays some role, as it will apear on the royal crest in this game. what if the tribe ghirahim says hes part of is an early version of the GERUDO? that would explain why ganondorf isnt there. what if ghirahim has the triforce of power, and it gets sent down to ganondorf? that would explain why ganondorf got the triforce of power in ocarina of time! one gerudo man every hundred years. isnt that the length between SS and OoT?=\


oyea. LOL. typo. sorry

saying this cuz i need 30 characters
Jul 29, 2010
Cincinnati Ohio
i dont think this is much of a question at all. NOBODY has the triforce of power, wisdom or courage in skyward sword because the triforce was only split half way through ocarina. the triforce is still in tact and still in the sacred realm in this game.


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
The Triforce will almost certainly be within the Sacred Realm in this game. In Ocarina of Time 3D, Zelda describes the events of someone touching the Triforce as something that is "foretold" instead of "told" as it was in the original. This means it hasn't actually happened yet, but that's what would happen when it does happen. We see no crests on their hands in SS, and the Skyloftians seem to know little to none of the Triforce. It's more likely that, following the backstories of several games that come later on the timeline, some evil force will be trying to gain access to the Sacred Realm so they can use the Triforce they find there to rule Hyrule.

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