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General Art The Real Gerudogirl Art Thread


a crazed guns women
Mar 29, 2011
Under your bed... BOOGIDY BOOGIDY BOO!!!
RITALIN WORKS THE WRONG WAY! i'm supposed to draw less, and listen more to the teacher, but instead, I listen less to the teacher, AND DRAW FREAKIN' MASTERPIECES!

a demon(?) eye:


a random TF2 Pyro (yeah, not the best of them.) :


Midna's evil twin (lol, wut?) :


and something that looks somewhat religious (hurr, it's funny because i'm an atheist!) :


can tell you now, it looks better on paper.


Flirtatously Flirty
Aug 13, 2011
no, i think i'll stop with it for now, school is kinda stressful now with the final exams, but i will do projects like book covers, avatars, or siggys. and contests, of course, I LOVE WINNING FOR BEING A LONE COMPETITOR!

Lawl. Can you make me a Tako Luka Avatar?


And mabe her with a Tuna as a Siggy?
(so friggin adorable)
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Aug 18, 2009
Okay, you have impressed me with your art, you keep showing more awesome stuff every time you post. Maybe when the time comes I'll ask a request of you, I hope you can draw the new Saga for me, I want to see what you come up with using just your imagination and bits of info from the story. For now, keep it up, your art surely has more than impressed me, and I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us. ;)


a crazed guns women
Mar 29, 2011
Under your bed... BOOGIDY BOOGIDY BOO!!!
Okay, you have impressed me with your art, you keep showing more awesome stuff every time you post. Maybe when the time comes I'll ask a request of you, I hope you can draw the new Saga for me, I want to see what you come up with using just your imagination and bits of info from the story. For now, keep it up, your art surely has more than impressed me, and I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us. ;)

maybe i'll do it. someday.

Hey!!! I have a Gender Bender Request! How about a female Vaati???

oh god, how'd i missed that request?! CAN'T...RESIST...GENDER BENDING! *grabs tablet*

annnnnnnd done! ain't she a beaut? but i think she's into girls, considering she said she'll make Zelda her BRIDE. <.<

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An enthusiastic nobody.
Mar 29, 2011
Gotham City.
Awww maann-- I really love how active you are and your art! There's just something about it that's just so appealing. I'm so jelly Q__Q!

A-Are you still taking requests? If so, could you please draw one of my (developing) OCs? Or genderbend her xD!
She doesn't have a name yet, but if you have a suggestion, it would be appreciated!

Thank you very much-- and never stop being amazing @o@!!

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