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A Link Between Worlds The New Artstyle!


Apr 22, 2013
United Kingdom
Hey guys! I just saw the trailer for the new "A Link to The Past" sequel. And I'm really excited! I actually love the art style. Some people are not so sure about it. But what do you guys think?:wallpush:


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
To me it does not really look all that new. They are trying to keep it fairly close to the look of the SNES era art style. Overall I like it since it has a level of detail to it that was commonly left out of the WW art style. I always thought that design was so limited, and for a lot of the characters a little awkward. Far too many big heads, weird eyes and never any feet on anyone. With this style they can maintain a very cartoonish look and feel to the game but still keep all the details and not have to make the characters be so abstract. Sometimes I thought they went a little overboard with the WW styled characters.
Its cute, it looks a lot like how the Snes version would probably look now. I don't see why people aren't liking it much, its perhaps one of the most generic artstyles we've seen in a Zelda game since WW


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
It's nice. It's not anything over-fancy, or over-simplified like Wind Waker. A nice little mix, and I bet it'll fit the game. Link looks just great in it, too. :D But I really don't have any particularly strong feelings for or against the artstyle.


Jul 1, 2012
I see it as what the old school games tried to do... Back then the games didn't have the colour pallete to create such a diverse amount of colours as well as the polish that the 3DS is capable of supplying. I would describe it as a cross between the old school style like seen in the original A Link to the Past with the Minish Cap .

To be honest I don't see any problems with it so far, at this time it's probably the best direction to go for a top down game.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
No Complaints, But Just as a Heads Up!

Considering its ALttP, i think it looks just right, take the 16-bit sprites, turn them into 3-D models.....Boom "ALttP 3DS". Simple as that. i would have liked Link to not be so...idk how to explain it, "Roundish" lol i guess. But hey, thats what he looked like in the SNES title so i cant rightfully complain about anything!

For those of you who know anything about me, you know this new game is going to be a very sensitive topic to me, that ALttP is my Ultimate Favorite Game of All-Time and im really excited about this title. I will/am trying my best to stay calm, informative and mature about Threads pertaining this game! Opinions are opinions, and as long as people keep them as opinions and not claim that things are the way and that's just it, i think i can debate at an informative, mature level!

LOL its funny that i find myself saying this, or explaining too you(especially with the chance of a "stay on topic" knuckle crack), but i just dont want anyone thinking im mad at them or that I don't like them or anything of that nature. Even those I disagree the most with I still like em'. We just have strong views about some things and that's all!

Back on topic i wish they would have tried to make the new models a lil more scary considering the plot and setting of the original was intense and dark for its time (that being a general opinion of the SNES era). But the way it looks now it is Exactly what it is, which is ALttP on the 3DS! I'm satisfied with everything so far! Oh and just one lil :bunnylink: cameo Please
Jun 14, 2011
I do like the fact that it's not a specific artstyle like realistic or Cel-shaded. I think it's good that Nintendo have moved away from the cat-eyed, cartoon like artstyle for a change, it was starting to get a little stale.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I'm happy that it's merely an evolution of ALttP's art style - it has all the same color palettes for the most part but it's almost like clay modelling which I think was what ALttP wanted to do at least in spirit. :3


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
It's got a nice whimsy that tWW played at but missed due to a miasma of oddly-proportioned bodies.

Definitely looks like the SNES game remastered for the 3DS, which is (likely) contributing to people mistaking it for a remake.


Apr 17, 2013
I like it myself, it's only the screenshots that make it look absolutely terrible. In videos and whatnot, it looks fifty times better and I'm sure in person is even better than that. Anyways, how do I feel about the art style?

It looks like a slightly cartoonified version of the original. I can't say I like or dislike this; I'm probably going to have play it for myself and figure out what I think. I do have to stay that I'm extremely pleased that they are bringing back Link's original design. Brown hair? Hnng~ I'm also curious as to how the 3D will affect the games looks, if at all. Being it top-down, I'm guessing that we're going to see the depth-3D rather than popping out? Except for maybe him jumping, I guess, idk.

I don't dislike the art style yet, at any rate. Can't say I have any strong feelings either way, though, I'll have to wait until I play it :3


The Quiet Man
No strong opinion from me. The proportions and colors so far look like a logic step from Link to the Past and it's nice to get a break from the chibi artstyle on portables for a change. I thought the detail had a really slight almost insignificant uncanny valley-ish effect on me, but I guess it was quick to warm up to. Still, there's something about the glossiness that makes it look, well, plastic to me. It's like Link was a moving piece of clay with shiny glaze, which looks unnatural to me... minor gripe, but still springs to mind whenever I see screens. Thinking about it better, the gloss might actually be what gave me the reaction I mentioned before.

Even then, it still doesn't override the (off topic incoming in 3, 2 ,1...) move back to button controls in the things that make me enthusiastic about it.
Apr 12, 2013
I also personally love the "new" graphic style, which appears to my eyes as a brilliant mix of the best aspects of A Link to the Past, Minish Cap, and Phantom Hourglasses's visuals. I like how it advances the art style of ALttP without straying too far from the tone and feeling of the original sprites. Objects in the game appear to be near perfect translations of their earlier 16-bit forms into textured 3D polygons. This is especially evident when Link turns into a drawing and we get a closeup shot of the environment. The dungeon's stonework is shown to have appropriate roughness and Link looks like a real to life crayon-drawing as he moves along the walls (I mean this as a complement).

I would have preferred Nintendo using darker colors for some environments. I think the trees, for instance, looked better in AlttP with a darker shade of green. However, I also can appreciate the brighter tone and lighting Nintendo is using in the sequel.

At first I didn't want to see another Zelda game use 3D models on a 2D plane. I wasn't a huge fan of how my beloved Wind Waker's art style was translated into this format for the DS games. However, it appears that this type of graphical presentation will end up looking a lot nicer on the 3DS.

As a side note, I'm really glad Link doesn't have pink hair anymore. :)


Lost Woods Explorer
Apr 30, 2013
On the topic of why people don't like the art style, I think it has more to do with their expectations than the style itself. Everything looks a little "chibi" if you will in this installment, which there is absolutely nothing wrong with, but I don't think fans were expecting something so... classical (keep in mind the hype for a Majora's Mask 3D). There are those who still clamor for the art style of Twilight Princess, but in HD (which Nintendo has stated they're developing while working on Wind Waker HD, so I suppose all that's necessary here is patience). One must keep in mind what type of game Nintendo is making though, this is a top-down Zelda, like the original, Lttp, and Gameboy releases. These games have never been known to use a more realistic art style, and something more bright and simplistic (but not necessarily simple) works perfectly for the game.

Personally, I think it all looks beautiful. It's the re-visitation to the SNES's Hyrule I've dreamed of. I think Link might be a little chubby, but I adore the enemy designs, and the dungeons too (those faces... they're screaming nostalgia in their design). Honestly, with this and Wind Waker HD arriving this year, we Zelda fans have a lot to look forward to.

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