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Ocarina of Time The Master Quest

Jul 28, 2011
Tampa, Florida
The Master Quest was originally released for the Gamecube if you pre-ordered the Wind Waker. But since that was so rare they decided to put it into the 3DS version after you beat the original quest. This added a whole nother' buttload of difficulty for gamers including me. I recently just beat the Master Quest with 98 Gold Skulltullas and can't find the other two. So I said," Forget you Master Quest, I'm going to go make a thread on how evil you are." So here we are now. The Master Quest (3DS) is mirrored from the original Master Quest also making it harder for you to cheat and Nintendo just wants to make you throw your 3DS against the wall. So yeah that's my thoughts of the Master Quest. What are yours? PEACE :)

PK Love Omega

PK Flash's Good Twin
Jul 28, 2011
In a forest
Pretty much easy. Water temple was soooooooo easy. Believe me. I'm on the Spirit Temple And have LOADS of heart containers.

PK Love Omega

PK Flash's Good Twin
Jul 28, 2011
In a forest
Not that hard really. You get confused, but I ended up going the wrong way when I went back to the Original just to 100% it XD

Azure Sage

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I already played Master Quest on the gamecube so I knew what to do. Personally, though, I like it better than the normal quest. It's harder, and more challenging. And the 3DS version is mirrored, which just makes it better. As if that wasn't enough, each enemy does double damage. Now that is awesome. I love it. I don't see why people would complain about it at all.


Master Quest gets frustrating, but all in all, its a refreshing twist on OoT if you get tired of killing the original quest!

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