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Zelda Art The Legend of Crap: Majora's Mask (^_^)


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
The Bizarre Saga: Majora's Mask (^_^)

EDIT: The same thing applies to this story about the title changing as the Ocarina of Time one. However, at some point the chapters start being called The Bizarre Saga because I changed the original files and kept posting them after that.

Hi! For the few of you that I'm actually aware that read my story, here's the next one for one of my favorite games: Majora's Mask! If you haven't read my last story, you can go back and read it if you want to understand this one a bit better (let me warn you that it's a bit crazy), or you can read this one right now and the majority of it won't make any sense. You're choice!

Here's the link to the Ocarina of Time one just for convenience.

(The random asterisks are still confusing me. I honestly wish I knew why they appear.)

If you have read the other one (or you simply decided to be somewhat confused throughout most of the story), let's jump in to this parody of utter craziness!


The Legend of Crap: Majora’s Mask
Chapter 1: The Story Continues

In the land of Hyrule, there echoes a legend. A legend held dearly by the Royal Family that tells of a boy, a girl and a fairy…

This team, after battling evil and saving Hyrule, crept away from the land that had made them a legend…

Done with the battles they once waged across time, they embarked on a journey. A secret and personal journey…

A journey in search of another place to explore, because they’d been pretty much everywhere in Hyrule.

Now for the sequel to Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Crap: Majora’s Mask!

“Hmm…*I’ve never seen this part of the Lost Woods before,” Saria spoke as her horse trotted along.

“I thought the Lost Woods were all tunnels, basically,” Link stated, on top of his horse as well.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Navi said. “Finding a place in the Lost Woods that we’ve never even heard of before…”

While Link, Saria and Navi had their backs turned, looking behind them into the foggy forest, two fairies, one pale yellow and one purple, scared their horses, knocking both Saria and Link off of them, unconscious.

“Oh come on! You guys have suffered more than that!” Navi yelled. She turned to the two fairies that sabotaged them. “What’s your problem?!”

A mask suddenly appeared. It seemed to be floating in mid air until the one wearing it came into sight.

“What’s going on here! I demand answers!”

The Skull Kid wearing the mask grabbed Navi and tossed her to the ground, pretty much knocking her out too.

He started to check Link’s pockets. He pulled out the Ocarina of Time.

“Hmm, what’s this?” the Skull Kid wondered. He tried to play it. The noise it made sounded awful. “Muahahaha! I am a musical genius!”

“Ooh, what a pretty ocarina!” the purple fairy exclaimed. “Lemme touch it!”

“No, you can’t, Tael!” the yellow fairy yelled. “What if you broke it?”

“Aww, but Tatl, I wanna try it out too…”

“And it doesn’t even make sense that you played it with that mask on anyway!”

“Ugh, my head…” Link muttered. “…*Hey! What…? What are you doing with my ocarina?”

Saria slowly got up too, “Hey, what…?”

“Oh crap!” Tatl yelled.

“Huh? What?” Skull Kid asked, turning around. “Ahh!” He hid the ocarina behind his back.

“Ha ha, but you can’t fool me just by hiding it behind your back!” Link told Skull Kid. “Give me back the ocarina! You couldn’t play it in your dreams!”

“You dare steal from us?” Saria gasped. “You will regret that.” She drew her sword.

“You can’t catch me!” Skull Kid jumped onto Epona. She started to run away in shock. Because Chase, Saria’s horse, had a crush on her, he began to gallop after her.

“Hey! Get back here!” Saria ran after them and grabbed Skull Kid’s leg. “You can’t just go stealing people’s stuff for no reason!”

“Get offa meh!” Saria bit his leg. “AUGH!”

“I know you’re only taking Link’s stuff but it’s not cool to steal from people for no reason!”

Epona suddenly made a sharp turn, flinging Saria off of Skull Kid. He laughed at her failure.

“Gah! I’ll kill you! Link, get your butt over here, you’re stuff’s being stolen!”

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Link told Saria.

“Take this more seriously! This is the Ocarina of Time we’re talking about! If Princess Zelda figures out that it was stolen by some imp wearing a mask, she’ll kill both of us because I’ll get blamed too for some reason!”

“Oh craaaaaap!” Link dashed forward. Saria followed him quickly.

They flipped across platforms until they got to a tunnel. They were so determined to catch up with Skull Kid and his fairies that they didn’t realize there was a huge hole on the other side of it, which resulted in them falling down.

“AAHHH!!” they screamed as they fell.

“…*Huh? Guys?” Navi asked, flying through the tunnel. “Oh snap, they must’ve fallen…” She flew down the hole quickly and caught up with them as they fell down the hole.

“Did blue moss grow in my bed again or are there really colorful floating icons?” Link questions.

“I’m pretty sure those are real…” Saria answered.

They both fell down on a big pink flower, which had somehow grown down there even there was no sunshine down there at all.

“Well aren’t you persistant!” Skull kid said from the other side of the room.

“I hope you know you just stole something that belonged to the princess of Hyrule,” Saria hissed. “She’ll send guards after you to hunt you down and kill you. She’s that violent.”

“Hahaha! As long as I have this mask, I am invincible!”

“And what did you do with our horses?”

“Oh, those things? The one I was riding didn’t do a thing I said to it, so I did you a favor and got rid of it! And that other one? It was really annoying so I figured I’d get rid of it too.”

“You are sick! I swear, I’ll make sure you suffer slowly when I kill you!”

“Umm, Skull Kid, I have a bad feeling that you messed with the wrong people,” Tael whispered.

“Shaddap, foof!”

Saria raised an eyebrow, “Foof again? What is wrong with people these days?”

“All right, I’ve had just about enough of you!”

“Your face is ugly! Why do you wear that hideous mask? Seriously, it’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Skull Kid started to shake his face. The eyes on the mask got really bright, and suddenly Link and Saria found themselves in a pitch black area with an army of Deku Scrubs marching towards them.

“What the soup is that?” Link asked.

“I don’t know, but it doesn’t look good,” Saria told him. She grabbed him and dragged him away as quickly as possible. The army of little Deku Scrubs turned into a giant Deku Scrub, which zoomed up to them and they were back in the cave.

“I feel shorter…” Link looked at his reflection in the water. “Oh muffin! My hair is messed up!”

“That’s all you notice?”

“Oh yeah, I’m a Deku Scrub too… Oh, whatever! Does it matter much?”

“Muahahaha! I have messed up your hair!” Skull Kid laughed.

“You dare mess up my hair! I will destroy you!” Link reached for his sword, but it wasn’t there. “What did you do with my stuff!”

“I don’t know, they disappeared after the transformation.”

“Wait, all you were going for was messing up our hair?” Saria asked.

“Yep! I am evil! MUAHAHAHAHA!” Skull Kid started to fly towards a door as he laughed madly. Tael followed slowly after him.

“Hey! Get back here!” She and Link ran across the water towards the door, but Tatl hit them back.

“Stay away from him, losers!” she said. Saria swatted at her.

“S-sis!” Tael shrieked as soon as he realized Tatl was still in the cave. The door slammed shut behind him.

“Oh crap!” Tatl flew over to the door. “H-hey! You can’t leave without me! Get back here! I don’t wanna die in here with them! I’m probably going to be killed beforehand anyway!” She beat at the door, but with no success at all. “Hey, you! If I wasn’t dealing with you, I wouldn’t have gotten separated from my brother!”

“Excuse me? You’re the one who decided to get in our way! So it’s your fault that you got separated in the first place!” Navi yelled, finally speaking again.

“Ohhhh, Tael…*I wonder if that child will be all right on his own?” Tatl sighed. “Well, don’t just sit there! Do something!!”

Saria and Link looked at each other and then back at Tatl.

“Why are you looking at me like that? What, is there something stuck on my face? Will you stop staring and just open that door for me?!? Please!!! C’mon, a helpless, little girl is asking you…*So hurry up!”

A few seconds of silence.

“Why can’t you open it?” Navi finally asked.

“I’m a freakin’ fairy. Do you really think that I can open it? I’d like to see you try!”

Navi raised an eyebrow. She flew over to the door, tapped it and it opened. “Problem solved.”

“Well… how was I supposed to know it did that?!”

“All doors in Hyrule do that except for ones that have knobs.”

“Again, how was I supposed to know that!! I’ve never run into one before!”

“All right, all right! Enough with the bickering! Can we just get a move on?!” Saria yelled.

“Whatever,” Navi muttered, sitting on Link’s head. “I can’t stand talking to her anyway.”

“We just met and I already hate you!” Tatl shouted.

“Actually,” Link started. “It’s your fault that you hate her too. Navi is actually really nice, but when you get on her nerves, she gets kind of violent.”

“Yeah, like that time when Ganondorf, the King of Evil, called her flutterpants. Worst mistake ever,” Saria told her.

“Yes? And what happened then?” Tatl asked.

“I beat him up painfully!” Navi finished confidently, cracking her knuckles. “And he’s bigger than a seventeen year old version of Link, and probably ten times more powerful!”

“Hello!!” Link yelled. “I’m right here!”

“You know, I think maybe I should be quiet now,” Tatl mumbled.

“Oh, yeah,” Navi replied, grinning.

And they finally went through the door.

“Hey, hey! Wait up!” Tatl said, flying up to them.

“We were just walking!” Saria told her.

“So, um… That stuff back there…*I… um… apologize, so… So take me with you!”

“Really? You don’t seem like the kind of person who apologizes that easily,” Navi stated.

“You wanna know about that Skull Kid who just ran off, right? Well, I just so happen to have an idea of where he might be going. Take me with you and I’ll help you out. Deal? Please?”

“Okay, fine…”

“Good! So then it’s settled! Now then, I’ll be your partner…*or at least until we catch that Skull Kid…”

“Are you sure you want to go back to him? He’s a rotten thief,” Saria said. “Why can’t you just take your brother and leave?”

“Because I need to find out what’s up with Skull Kid. My name’s Tatl. So, uh, it’s nice to meet you or whatever. Now that we’ve got all that straightened out, can we stop messing around and get moving?”

“All right, all right,” Link muttered. He took a few steps forward and realized that he couldn’t go on anymore.

“If I figure something out, I’ll make a loud dingy noise and I’ll tell it to you. Hopefully, you’ll manage to get by without my help until then!”

When Link took a step onto a flower in front of him, Tatl made the loud dingy noise.

“All right, listen up! If you press and hold A as a Deku Scrub while standing on a Deku Flower, you can dive into it. If you wait a bit before releasing A, you’ll launch out of the flower. Press A while flying to descend. Did you get that?”

“Umm, not really. What’s A?” Link asked.

“You’re just like Ingo,” Saria stated. “He said stuff about A too while Link was learning how to ride a horse.”

“Okay, let me try again. If you’re on top of a Deku Flower as a Deku Scrub then you can dive into it at your own free will and shoot out whenever you want. While you’re flying you can descend whenever you feel like it.”

“Why does everybody always say all these A things?”

“Because it’s normally a video game,” Navi spoke. “And you would be using buttons to do everything.”

“Okay, whatever…”


Link got Deku Nuts!

“DA DA DA DAA!!” Link said, holding them above his head.

“If I’ve known we would be dragged into another adventure, I wouldn’t have sold all of our items…” Saria muttered.

“Yeah, but then there wouldn’t be any fun in it!”

Saria sighed. “I wish so bad that I still had my bombs with me.”

“You had bombs? How old are you, twelve?” Tatl asked.

“Well, actually, we got bombs when I was ten,” Link stated.

“Oh my crap. Did you even have a guardian of some sort?”

“Saria was my guardian until Navi showed up.”

“Isn’t she little young to be a guardian?!”

“There really wasn’t anybody else to look after him because we grew up in a place where we didn’t have parents and the guardian was a tree…”

“Okay, just stop! You’re confusing me!”


Tatl flew over to a weird looking tree, “Hey, you! C’mon! Press Z and talk to me! I mean, come over to this tree and check it out.”

“It’s not like we need glasses,” Saria stated. “We can see it from here.”

“Get over here and get a better look already.”

“Okay, okay!”

She and Link flew over to the platform with a flower.

“It’s strange, but the way that kid looks in that form looks sort of like this tree,” Tatl said.

“Is that supposed to be an insult?” Link asked.

“No, it’s not. The face of the tree actually looks like you. It looks all dark and gloomy, almost like it could start crying any second now…*How sad…”

“Maybe the tree was a Deku Scrub,” Navi suggested. “Cursed by Skull Kid just like Link and Saria but turned into a tree.”

Tatl suddenly changed the subject. “Hey! I think we made it to the exit!”

“Really? I can’t wait to get out of this weird hole!” Link cheered.

They went through the exit as Navi took one last glance at the weird tree as they left.

As they walked forward, it seemed like the tunnel they were going through was spinning around.

“I feel dizzy…” Link mumbled.

When they went through the door, everything stopped spinning and a heavy stone door closed behind them.

“Wait, weren’t we just in a hole…? How did we get into…” Navi started.

“Looks like we won’t be going back,” Saria stated, banging her fist on the stone door.

“C’mon! Follow me!” Tatl said, flying up the path going upstairs. Link, Saria and Navi followed her up the tower and almost went out the door when somebody seemingly appeared behind them.

“… You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?"


Ah... No matter how much I read that ending line, I never get tired of it. It just gets me X3

All right, if you read this without reading Ocarina of Time (for whatever reason), then Saria joined their team back at the beginning of the story. Navi didn't leave. Saria is a pyromaniac and enjoys "defeating" things. There.

I hope you enjoy my story :)
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gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
It took me a little while, but I finally realized why no one else is responding. I think it's because people come here without reading the OoT one, then they go back to that one and read it. MAYBE. (Or my story is just flat out unpopular XD)

Anyway, here's another chapter.

The Legend of Crap: Majora’s Mask

Previously on The Legend of Crap, Link and Saria were transformed into Deku Scrubs, Navi was awesome, Tatl joined their team and a person appeared behind them.

Now for Chapter Two.

“You’re the mask man from that shop!” Link exclaimed. “That wasn’t written in the previous story!”

“Indeed, I own the Happy Mask Shop. I travel far and wide in search of masks. During my travels, a very important mask was stolen from me by an imp in the woods.”

“The mask Skull Kid was wearing?”

“Indeed. So here I am at a loss, but now I’ve found you. Now don’t think me rude, but I have been following you…”

“Eek! Creeper!” Tatl exclaimed, hiding behind Saria.

“But I do know a way to return you two to your former self…”

“Really?” Link and Saria questioned at the same time.

“If you can get back the precious item that was stolen from you, I will return you to normal.”

“Why do we need the Ocarina of Time?” Link asked.

“Because it’s a mystical instrument that you need to turn back to normal.”

“Oh yeah, duh.”

“Now in exchange… All I ask is that you also get back my precious mask that the imp stole from me.”

“What?!” Saria yelled. “Are you kidding me?!”

“What? Is it not a simple task? Why, to someone like you, it should by no means be a difficult task. Except…*The one thing is… I’m a very busy fellow… And I must leave this place in three days. How grateful I would be if you could bring it back to me before my time here is up.”

“Sorry buddy, but I don’t think you’ll be leaving. There’s a giant stone door in the way of the exit.” But the Happy Mask Salesman ignored her.

“But yes…*You’ll be fine. I see you are young and have tremendous courage. I’m sure you’ll find it right away. Well then, I am counting on you…”

“What! We didn’t even say yes!”

“Time continues to pass even as we speak! Move along now!”

“Actually, I think that in the game time doesn’t pass in the clock tower,” Tatl stated.

“GO!” The Happy Mask Salesman pushed them out of the tower.


“He gives me the creeps! That mask salesman was the…” Tatl started. “Sorry…*just thinking aloud. But three days? Even if we never sleep, that still leaves us with a measly 72 hours! Talk about demanding! Well, don’t just stand there! We’re going to see the Great Fairy!”

There was a silence in the group.

“Umm, something wrong?”

“Yes, something is very wrong,” Link said.

“There are Great Fairies here too?!” Saria yelled.

“What’s the problem with the Great Fairy?” Tatl asked.

“She’s a nude for Nayru’s sake!”

“Yes, guys, I know that she is hideous and doesn’t wear clothes, but we have to…” Navi spoke.

Link and Saria sighed.

“I guess we do…” Saria muttered.

“What are you guys talking about?” Tatl questioned. “I’m clueless!”

“Have you ever seen the Great Fairy?”

“Well, no, I never had to.”

“She is a hideous weirdo that wears vines and leaves that hardly cover her. And her laugh? Don’t even mention it!” Saria told Tatl. She sighed.

“But we have to go see her…”

“Where’s the fountain?” Navi asked.

“In North Clock Town in an easily spotted cave,” Tatl answered.

“Really? Usually Great Fairy fountains are hard to find.”

“They are?”

“Yeah. The first one was on top of a volcano behind a giant rock. The second one was in castle grounds behind another giant rock. Another was inside a gigantic wall that nobody would ever guess there is something there. There was another inside a volcano crater behind more rocks. There was also one in the middle of a desert inside a wall. The last one was on a path to the King of Evil’s castle behind a HUGE rock that you could only lift with magic gauntlets.”

“Okaaaaay… Let’s get a move on. We’re wasting time! And by the way, this is Termina.”

Navi raised an eyebrow.


They entered the fountain to see a bunch of strange looking orange fairies flying around the fountain.

“Oh no! The Great Fairy!” Tatl exclaimed.

“I think the Great Fairies finally decided to reorganize,” Link said, looking at the different looking fountain.

“Help! One of the fairies is lost in the town!” the orange fairies pleaded.

“Quickly! We have to go find the remaining fairy!” Link ran out of the fountain.

Saria and Navi were silent.

“Come on! We can’t keep wasting time!” Tatl yelled, flying out. “Just three days!”


“Tatl, are you even aware that time passes normally in this story unlike the game? It’s not faster?” Navi asked.

“FOUND IT!” Link stated, pointing to an orange fairy flying around in the Laundry Pool.


They went back to the fountain after getting the fairy. It flew into all the other ones and an orange haired Great Fairy appeared.

“Thank you for returning my broken and shattered body to normal. I am the Great Fairy of Magic. I thought that masked child was helping me, and I grew careless,” the Great Fairy said.

“Holy crap,” Tatl muttered. “Now I know exactly what you’re talking about.”

“All I can offer you now is this: I shall grant you Magic Power as a sign of my gratitude. Please accept it!”

Link and Saria got Magic Power!

“Wait, didn’t we already have this?” Saria asked.

“It’s a new story,” the Great Fairy told her. “You can now shoot bubbles with it. Also, the man who lives in the observatory outside of town may know of the Skull Kid’s whereabouts. But be careful! You must not underestimate that child’s powers, kind young ones. If ever you are returned to your former shape, come see me. I shall give you more help.” The Great Fairy went back into the fountain.

“Is it just me or are the Great Fairies more useful now?” Navi questioned.


“Hey, who’s that guy up there?” Link wondered. He shot a bubble at the guy’s balloon, making him fall to the ground.

“What’s this? Green clothes…*Fairies…*Sir, could you, by chance, be a forest fairy? Oh my!” the guy exclaimed.

“Dude, you just stated that I had fairies with me, how does that make you think that I’m a fairy too? Do I even look like one? No! I don’t!”

“My name is Tingle! I think I am the same as you, sir. A forest fairy!”

“I’m not a fairy!!”

“Alas, though I am already age 35, no fairy has come to me yet…”

“Why would a fairy have a fairy anyway?!”

“My father tells me to grow up and act my age, but why? I tell you…*Tingle is the very reincarnation of a fairy!”

“I think he means Kokiri,” Saria whispered to Link. “He thinks that Kokiri are fairies.”

“Well, if he does, is he aware that Kokiri don’t grow up nor do they keep track of their age? He’s way too old to be one,” Link whispered back.

“Now while I stand here waiting for a fairy of my own, I sell maps to help out my father,” Tingle stated. “Lucky! Lucky! You’re so lucky to have a fairy! I know! I know! We should be friends!”

“Friends? Ew! Heck no!”

“Yes! Yes! In exchange, I will sell you a map for cheap as a sign of my friendship. Will you buy one of Tingle’s maps?”

“Maybe we should,” Tatl spoke. “He’s kind of psychotic, but a map would be useful.”

“RAAAIIIINBOW HAAAAIIR!” Tingle spun around in a circle.

“Are you sure we should buy a map from him?” Saria asked.

“I will sell you a map of Clock Town for 5 rupees!”

“Well, I guess so…” Link said, giving Tingle a blue rupee.

Link got a Map of Clock Town!

“Well, call again! TINGLE, TINGLE, KOO-LOO LIMPAAAH!!” Tingle chanted. A balloon came out of his bag and he resumed floating in the air.

“Well, this map isn’t that bad,” Saria stated, looking at the map.

“…*There’s a picture of the Great Fairy on the back of it…” Navi said. “Holy crap, and the way he drew it is even worse than the actual Great Fairy.”

“Well gee, that’s pleasent,” Tatl muttered.

“Balloon popin’ time,” Link spoke, shooting a bubble at a balloon that had Majora’s Mask on it for whatever reason.

“Are you the one that just popped that balloon up there? Not bad for a Deku Scrub!” the kid who had been trying to pop the balloon said.

“Why thank you!”

“We Bombers have a hideout that leads to the observatory outside town. You need a code to get in. Maybe I’ll tell you what it is!”


“But I don’t think you’re getting it that easily! I can’t just tell you what the code is…*You’ll have to pass my test first.”

“What test?”

“Are you ready?”

“…*Umm, sure?”

“All right! Line up, guys!”

A few other kids that looked like the kid he was talking to first lined up. They looked exactly like the first one except they were wearing blue bandanas instead of red.

“These are my most trusted henchmen! If you can five all five of us by tomorrow morning, I’ll teach you the code!”

“Tomorrow morning? That’s a really long time. This’ll be a piece of cake!” Navi stated.

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah, sure…” Link said.

All of the kids ran off to different places.

“Oh, great. We’re supposed to be getting that mask and now we have to play hide and seek with a bunch of little kids,” Tatl muttered.

“I found two of them already!” Link exclaimed. One was just walking around a tree and another was hanging around behind a rock.

“I don’t think these kids understand the concept of hiding.”


“Dude, I can’t believe you found us all in ten minutes!” the kid wearing the red bandana stated.

“I can’t believe one of you was just walking around West Clock Town,” Tatl said.

“Well, you did it. So what’s your name?”

“I’m Link,” Link answered.

“Saria,” Saria spoke.

“Navi,” Navi stated, but she knew they didn’t care.

“Why do you need to know my name?” Tatl asked.

“Well I’mma Jim! The leader of the Bombers! The code is Pie on a Platter. Did you memorize it?”

“Yes, we did.”

“You’re pretty good for a Deku Scrub, but if only you were human…*Then I could give you an original Bomber’s Notebook and make you a member…*What do you guys think?”

“No way! No Scrubs!” all the other Bombers said at the same time.

“Well, I guess not. Once, we let some kid who wasn’t human join our gang, and boy, did we ever regret it! Sorry!”

“Do I like, not exist anymore?!” Saria yelled, waving her arms. “People only ever pay attention to Link now!”

“The entrance to the hideout is in East Clock Town! Go there before you forget the code!”

“Oh please. How hard is it to remember…” Link started. “Ummmm…”

“Don’t worry, I remember the stupid code,” Navi said. She grabbed Link and pulled him away.


“Hey! What’s the secret code?” a kid wearing a yellow bandana asked. He was guarding the entrance to an alley.

“Hey, you’re kind of short to be guarding an entrance. Somebody could just step over you,” Tatl stated.

“Wrong! Get lost invaders!”

“I wasn’t trying to say it!”

“Hey! What’s the secret code?”

“Pie on a platter,” Navi said.

“You may pass!” The kid walked out of the way. But once Navi flew in, he went back in the way again before anybody else could enter.

“Hey! What’s the deal?!” Saria yelled.

“What’s the code?”

“Are you kidding me? Isn’t it obvious that if everybody is in the same group, then they all know the code?!”

“I asked you what the code was!”

“Pie on a freakin’ platter! Now let me in!”

“Wrong! Get lost invaders!”

“Oh for the love of Nayru!!” Saria grabbed the kid’s shirt. “Why in the world would you let her in and not us!”

“Because she said the code!”

Saria sighed. She tossed Link over the kid and kicked him out of the way.

An alarm suddenly went off. “INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!!”

Saria face palmed as an army of four year olds wearing bandanas ran into the area.

“Is that enough attention for you?” Navi asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Shut up,” Saria gumbled.

I was looking at the date that I wrote this chapter. Some of the chapters have recent dates because I found typos in them, but this one hadn't been changed at all. The date was October 25 2011. This story is old, whoa!


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
Y'know, I wonder what happened to the rest of the people viewing this…

It's not that I don't like you or something but it feels a little strange to be posting a story and only one person bothers to post. Or even reads it at all. Aw well…

The Legend of Crap: Majora’s Mask
Chapter 3: The Moon Pie Will Kill Us All

Previously on The Legend of Crap, Link was stupid, Navi proved the hideousness of the Great Fairy to Tatl, Saria set off an alarm, Tatl discovered the hideousness of the Great Fairy because of Navi and annoying Tingle was introduced in this story.

Now for Chapter Three.

“Hold it!” Saria yelled, taking a giant shell out of no where. The Bombers army froze. “Don’t make me use this!”

“Saria! They’re a bunch of kids!” Navi told her. “What she’s trying to say is that you should only have to say the code once for a group of people!”

“ESCAPE INTO THE CAVE!!” Saria ran into the cave, grabbing Link and pulling him along with her.

“I’m always getting dragged everywhere!” Link stated.

“GET THEM!!” a Bomber ordered.


After a little bit of running through the sewers, they came into this colorful rainbow place. Saria quickly barricaded the door with random items.

“Well…” a Bomber behind the barricade started. “It looks like the professor doesn’t want anybody bothering him, which is probably why this barricade is here.”

“They probably went a different way,” another Bomber suggested. So all the Bombers left.

“Whew! That was a close one,” Saria said. “My disadvantage: not being able to use weapons…”

“They’re really stupid,” Link stated.

“Hey, this is probably the observatory the Great Fairy was talking about!” Navi exclaimed. “Let’s see if the professor is here!”

They went up the staircase and an old man was looking into a giant telescope.

“Umm…*Excuse me…”

“Oh! Are you new friends of the Bombers?” the old man asked.

“Uh, yes?” Saria answered slowly.

“What’s this?” Link asked, pointing to a glass case next to the old man.

“Oh, that’s my Moon’s Tear. It is a delicate gem. That reminds me that a troublesome masked child came here a while ago and said he’d take it and destroy my observatory if I didn’t give him candy! What a bother!”

“Skull Kid came in and demanded candy?!” Tatl yelled. “I can’t believe him! Why can’t he just wait until Halloween? It’s in a week in real life!”
That's when I wrote this a few years ago

“Really?!” Link exclaimed.

“Pull yourself together, Deku boy!” Tatl smacked him on the head. “This is serious!”

“Can we look through the telescope?”

“Why sure, my boy!” the old man answered.

Link got a stool and looked through the telescope. “Holy crap!”

“What? WHAT?!” Saria yelled, shoving him out of the way. “Oh my Farore.”

“What’s there? A picture of the Great Fairy?” Navi asked.

“No…*There’s a giant fake moon above Clock Town! It has a face!”

“What?!” Navi looked into the telescope. “This must be the work of Skull Kid!”

“That masked child said he would drop that moon on town in three days. Man, I am glad that I am out here,” the old man spoke.

“Ooh, what’s this?” Link asked, walking over to another glass case. But he stumbled on the stairs and crashed into it. The contents of the case went all over him.

“Well, looks like I’ll have to find another sample of blue moss without having to touch it…”

“Oh crap! Blue moss!!” Link started freaking out. “It does haunt me! I can’t believe it followed me all the way to another country!”

“Hey wait! Let me look into the telescope again!” Saria said. She looked into the telescope and saw Skull Kid on top of the clock tower. “I see Skull Kid!”

A rock suddenly fell from the moon’s eye and crashed onto the ground like a meteorite. Skull Kid mooned at the telescope and jumped away.

“I think another Moon’s Tear just fell outside…”

“Ooh, look! An ice cream truck!” Link exclaimed. He ran into a wall. “Noo! Don’t go! I still want my ice cream!”

Saria grabbed his wrist and pulled him outside.

“It’s Kevin!” Link stated, pointing at a bush.

“Link, be quiet,” Saria told him.

“No really! It’s Kevin!”

A peacock walked out from behind the bushes.

“Baa,” the peacock said.

“It really is Kevin!” Link stated. He ran over to it and hugged it. “I love you Kevin!”

Kevin stared confusingly.

“Link, it doesn’t know that its name is Kevin yet. That was at the Water Temple, remember?” Saria reminded Link. “And besides, it could just be any other peacock.”

Suddenly Kevin transformed into an airplane and flew into Skull Kid, who had climbed back on top of the clock tower.

“Go Kevin!” Link cheered, clapping his hands. “Hey look! A pizza!” He started to try and climb to the top of the observatory, but since it was round, he kept falling down. “I want pizza!!”

Saria finally decided to pick up the Moon’s Tear!

“Oooooooh, shiiiiny…” Link drooled as he stared at the Moon’s Tear. He looked at Saria. “Nice hat, pizza man.”

“I hate blue moss…” Saria muttered.


“Are there any Bombers out there?” Saria asked Tatl, who was peeking out of the barricade.

“Oh no! There are terrorists in the space station?!” Link gasped.

“The coast is clear,” Tatl replied.

Saria kicked the barricade out of the way and sprinted out, holding onto Link.

“I’m still getting dragged everywhere! When are people going to realize that I can walk myself?!” Link yelled. “And I didn’t get to order my chicken sandwhich yet! Ooh, look! A vending machine!”

“Shut up, Link. You have no reason to talk,” Saria said.

“But I want pink lemonade!!”

“Saria, don’t bother talking to him,” Navi told Saria. “He’s gone psycho. It happens whenever he’s involved with blue moss.”

“OMD! Saria’s holding a pie!”

“Link, this is not a pie. It’s the Moon’s Tear.”

“The moon pie’s tear? I didn’t know there was a pie shaped like a moon. Cool.”

“No, Link, this has nothing to do with a pie. It’s a Moon’s Tear. It came from the moon that’s going to kill us all.”

“The moon pie is going to kill all of us?!”

“Okay, fine! Call it whatever! Yes, the moon pie is going to kill all of us!”

“What’s the moon pie?”

Saria face palmed.


“Oh no! It’s Doctor Evil Evil!” Link exclaimed, pointing at a Deku Scrub in a flower. “I can tell because he has a mustache!”

“I am no Doctor Evil Evil,” the Deku Scrub said. “This is my property. But I would give it to anybody if I can get a Moon’s Tear!”

“Please take it,” Saria spoke immediantly and gave the Moon’s Tear to the Deku Scrub.

“Oh wow! This is a very magnificent gem! Thank you very much! You can have this flower and my property!”

Saria traded the Moon’s Tear for a Land Title Deed!

“Later!” The Deku Scrub flew out of town with a ton of bags.

“How could you have that much stuff in a little flower…?” Tatl wondered.

“So, what are we going to do for the rest of the three days?” Navi asked. “We’ve done pretty much everything required.”

“How do you know that?”

“Uh… I don’t know… Well, anyway, time passes normally in this story, and three days is like, five chapters.”

“Well maybe we can go look around outside town,” Saria suggested, but the guard got in her way.

“Hey, Deku Scrub, are you alone? What happened to your parents? Surely they are somewhere in town worrying about you. Go find them and leave town together!” the guard said.

“What are you talkin’ about! I can go wherever I want!”

“I can’t somebody like you outside town without a parent or some kind of guardian!”

“I don’t have a guardian or parent.”

“I have a guardian fairy!” Link blurted out.

“Okay, look kid, the authoress told me that you’re not supposed to be allowed to leave town in the first three days as a Deku Scrub. So you have to stay inside town,” the guard told Saria.

“Come on! Time is normal in this story! It passes slower than it does in the game! What the heck are we supposed to do for three whole days stuck in this town?! And Tatl was just complaining that was hardly any time at all!!” Saria yelled.

“Hi audience!” Link greeted.

“Link, don’t break the fourth wall,” Navi spoke.

“Now live with what is supposed to happen,” the guard stated.

Saria groaned, “Well, I guess that we can actually sleep during this time because there is nothing important to do.”

They wandered off into a random building.

“Oh, this looks like an inn!” Navi exclaimed. “I hope that we can get a room here to sleep in!” She flew over to the lady behind the desk.

“It’s the chicken lady!” Link stated.

“The what?” the lady asked.

“Don’t listen to him, he’s gone crazy,” Navi told her. “We’d like a room. We don’t live here and we kind of need a place to sleep at night…”

Suddenly the postman ran in, “Letter for Miss Anju!” He sighed. “I can’t believe I was an hour and 43 minutes late… I am a horrible postman!”

“…*Who’s it from?” Anju, the lady, questioned.

“It’s from Kafei.”

“Oh my crap! Where the heck did you find this?”

“The postbox…”

“No! Where! The postbox where?!”

“The postbox somewhere.”

“That’s not what I mean!”

“Good byeee!” The postman ran out of the room.

“Gah…*Men these days…” Anju glanced at the letter in her hand. No offense. The postman is just stupid.

“Excuse me,” Navi started.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“We need a room to sleep in…”

“Your name?”

“I’m Navi. The psycho Deku Scrub is Link, that’s Tatl and that’s Saria.”

“Did you say Link? I have a reservation for that name!”

“Wha… what?”

“Just get on with it!” Tatl whispered.

“Your name is the second room upstairs, the Knife Chamber. It’s just called that for whatever reason. There are no actual knifes in there.”

“Wait a second… I thought you couldn’t get a room until you were turned back to normal…” Navi stated.

“Seriously, where do you learn all this stuff?” Tatl asked.

“I have absolutely no clue…”

“Hey, just out of curiousity, how many rooms do you have?”

“Two,” Anju replied.


“We used to be a cafeteria, but after my father died, the room rentals that were a part of our service became our main focus. We’re just a small inn with only two rooms, but people from all over come here at this time of year…”

“How? You only have two rooms!”

“We still have ten beds. One of them has eight, so people usually have to share. It’s weird, but people are still coming in and asking for rooms even though the eight bedded room is taken up by a group of preformers that has like, six people in it or something. But strangely enough, only one of them actually sleeps in there…”

“What the heck do the other ones do all night?”

“One of them is a man who plays music all day, and continues at night so they kicked him out so we could all sleep. He plays all night and comes back in the day time… Two others wander around the inn with incredibly short dresses, and leave at night to dance at West Clock Town. I know this because I once went for an evening stroll and saw them. They didn’t come back until the next morning. The other two guys, the jugglers, stay up and play cards all night. The only guy who goes to bed sleeps on top of his underwear.”

“That’s a really weird group of preformers…”

“I’ll say…”

“So! What’s for lunch?”

“We kind of already had lunch here a while ago… If you didn’t eat yet, I guess you can just go into the kitchen and find something…”

“Yay! I’m so hungry I could eat an octorok!” Link stated.

“I hope the blue moss is wearing off, he doesn’t seem to be as crazy as before,” Navi spoke.

“TEXAS HAT! MUST HAVE!” Link ran up to the wall and started jumping, as if he was trying to reach something that was too high.

“…*I stand corrected…"



gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York

Heck no, I'm not stopping >:]


The Legend of Crap: Majora’s Mask

Previously on The Legend of Crap, Link broke the fourth wall, Navi got them a hotel room, Saria got very annoyed, Tatl had a lengthy conversation with Anju the innkeeper and Kevin returned.

Now for Chapter Four.

“OMD! Magical formula!” Link exclaimed when they walked into the kitchen of the inn.

“Link, that is not magic formula. That is simply poorly made broth,” Navi told him.

“It’s white…” Tatl stated, looking into the pan. “And holy crap, that is thick! It’s like, as thick as condensed milk!”

“It is magic formula!” Link said.

Saria searched through the cupboard to see if there was anything to eat, “I don’t think there’s anything in here but spices and other stuff…”

“CONGAS!” Link ran over to two conga-shaped containers and started hitting them. “They aren’t making conga noises!”

“That’s because they aren’t congas!” Saria walked over to the containers and pulled the top off. It was full of vegetables.

They searched through the entire kitchen.

“Seriously! This inn does not provide very good food choices!” Tatl said. “I haven’t found anything except for spices, vegetables, that weird broth and a raw fish swimming around in that puddle!”

“Well then, I guess we have no choice but to make soup,” Saria spoke.

“You don’t know how to make soup!” Navi reminded her.

“It can’t be that hard, can it?”

“I’m not eating what you make…”


“DINNER BE READY!” Saria stated. Link jumped up.

“Are we eating magic formula?” Link asked.

“No. Shut up.” Saria put a bowl of soup in front of him.


“…*Is that a compliment or an insult…? I mean like, coming from a blue moss infected person…”

Tatl tasted it the soup, “Holy crap. Have you done this before or something?”


“What?! You told me you’d never done it before!” Navi said.

“I just said that to be funny.”



“Wow. This place is kind of fancy for such a ramshackle inn,” Tatl spoke once they entered their room.

“FLUFFY PILLOW!” Link yelled and jumped on one of the beds. He fell asleep.

“…*I guess that one’s Link’s…”

“Should we leave him there?” Saria asked.

“Well, it might not be safe…*Maybe we should wake him up or else he won’t go to sleep at night time…” Navi said. “But then again, he might wake up cured.”

“Well somebody has to stay behind and watch him,” Tatl stated, eyeing Navi.

“Oh come on! Why me?”

“Because you’re his guardian fairy,” Saria answered.

Navi sighed as Saria and Tatl walked out the door with the key.

“Well, I’m sure maybe there’s something to keep me occupied in here…” Navi spoke. She flew around the room. “Wait a minute, why is there a treasure chest between the beds…?”

Navi struggled to get the chest open.

Navi got a Silver Rupee!

“Holy crap, this thing is worth a hundred rupees! Well, I guess it’s my reward for having to stay in here with Link! SUCKERS! I JUST FOUND A HUNDRED RUPEES!!” Navi yelled.

Saria and Tatl dashed back in immediately.

“Say what?” they asked at the same time.

“I just found a hundred rupees! And it’s mine because I have to stay here with Link!” Navi laughed.

“Oh come on! I wasn’t expecting you to get paid for having to do this!” Saria complained.

“Move along now! Have fun!”

Saria and Tatl groaned and went back out the door.

“…*Now what do I do…?”


“Well great, Navi just found a hundred rupees in a rental hotel room. Now what?” Saria questioned.

Tatl pointed over into the room where the desk was, “Hey, what’s that guy over there doing?”

“It’s a Goron… So they’re here to?”

“I’m sorry, but we’re booked solid with reservations. I apologize, but we can’t help you,” Anju told the Goron.

“I made a reservation…*The name is Link-goro!” the Goron said.

“Mr. Link-goro? I don’t have a reservation under that name. There is one close to that, but…”

“What?!? Really-goro? Well, it’s nice weather, so I’ll just sleep outside-goro.”

“I’m terribly sorry.”

“Holy crap, I think the Goron’s name was Link and we stole his reservation,” Tatl stated. “No wonder we’re staying for free.”

“Seriously, I now know four people with the name Link,” Saria said. “First the Hylian Link, second the Goron Link that hasn’t been born yet, third Dark Link, and fourth that Goron that just walked out the door…”




“LINK! WAKE THE HECK UP!!” Navi screamed. “Haven’t you gotten enough sleep?!”

“AH! Huh? What?” Link asked.

“Are you infected anymore? Is there a texas hat on the ceiling? Is there a pony on the other side of the room? Is the ceiling falling? Is that fireplace a toilet? Is soup magic formula?”

“What the heck are you talking about? It looks like a pretty normal hotel room to me…”

“Good…*I think that you’re cured…”

“I think I’m feeling better now… Where are Saria and Tatl…?”

“They’re doing stuff without you because I was forced to stay here and watch you sleep so you didn’t wake up still messed up and blow up the room.”

“Let’s go find them.”


“Hey there, baby!” a scarecrow greeted.

“…*Are you a talking scarecrow…?” Saria asked.

“You bet I am! I’m a stylin’ scarecrow wandering in search of pleasant music. Time will pass in a blink of an eye if you dance with me. If you like, we can forget the time and dance until dawn! Whaddaya say?”

“No! I’d rather wait than spend 60 hours dancing with you!”

“Oh, I see…*By the way… I know of a mysterious song that allows you to manipulate the flow of time…*Want to hear it?”

“I’m listening…”

“Oh, yeah! Now listen up! If you play that mysterious song backward, you can slow the flow of time. And if you play each note twice in a row, you can move a half day forward in time! How’s that? Pretty interesting, isn’t it?”

Navi suddenly flew in, “Hey! Link woke up.”

“Is he feeling better?” Saria asked.

“Yeah, he is.”

“GOOD! I was getting sick of his insanity!”

“Let’s go buy doughnuts!” Link said. “Tatl, where can you buy doughnuts?”

“Uh, the bakery?” Tatl replied slowly.

“TO THE BAKERY! YAY!” Link dashed out, but shortly came back. “Where’s the bakery…?”


A few hours later…

“Navi, can you tell me a bedtime story?” Link pleaded, under the covers of his bed.

“Link, aren’t you a little old for bedtime stories? You’re twelve,” Navi said.


Navi sighed. "He was raised by kids after all and had no encounters with an any adults until he left the forest at age ten. “Fine. Once upon a time, there was a boy and a fairy who went into a giant tree to save him. They succeeded but it turned out they did it for absolutely nothing. They got a green rock and a crazy girl joined their team. They took the rock to a princess and she went into a huge speech ripped straight from the game so they stole a piece of paper with instructions on it. They got another rock that was red from a bunch of fat people and another rock from a bunch of fish people because the crazy girl ate their guardian god.”

“Good times…” Saria sighed, smiling. Tatl stared at her.

“Anyway… After getting that stone, the princess escaped from the castle and gave them a very important ocarina, which they used to travel seven years forward in time. They were then instructed to go to five temples and free the five Sages. One of them was the crazy girl. Another was the leader of the fat people. Another was the princess of the fish people, another was an ugly ninja woman, and the last one was a desert woman that was abducted by old hags. Then they went to the villain’s castle, made a girly bridge and a bunch of Mario carts drove in because they thought it was Rainbow Road. The fairy and the crazy girl beat the first phase of the final boss, and then the Mario cart drove them out of the collapsing castle. The boy did the final blow on the villain and then they got sent back in time to live their lost years, and here they are now…”

Link was fast asleep.

“…*Weird…*I didn’t think a story like that would put him to sleep…”

“All of that is true?” Tatl asked.

“That was a shorter version of our previous adventure…”

“You made up the Mario cart part, right?”

“No. That actually happened.”

“Holy crap.”


Two nights later, it was finally the Night of the Final day. During those times Link dragged them all over the place, doing whatever he wanted.


“The carnival is in twelve hours,” Tatl stated. “That’s when the Clock Town opens up and we can finally face Skull Kid.”

“Is it just me or did those 60 hours pass faster than usual?” Saria asked.

“Maybe time in Termina passes differently,” Link suggested.

“Really, Link? I don’t think that’s possible.”

“What if Termina isn’t another country, but another dimension?”

“Yeah. Time passing differently. Like that’s possible.”

“Or maybe the Goddess of Time is making time pass faster so that we don’t have to hang around for three days doing nothing.”

“I think that’s sort of true,” Navi said. “In the game, the first three days pass even faster because you’re trapped inside town.”

“I am still clueless on how you learn these things,” Tatl spoke. “Did you play the game or something?”

“No. If I did, I would be cut out of the story and it would be as if I had left Link at the end of Ocarina of Time.”

“You leave in the game?” Link asked.

“We aren’t having this conversation anymore.”



“Well, I guess the conclusion of this conversation is that time doesn’t pass normally in Termina, unlike we’ve said many times before…” Saria said. “…*So, when does the clock tower open…?”

“At midnight,” Tatl replied.

“But-- what-- We have to wait another twelve hours?!”

“See? That’s why time passes faster.”

“Wait, is it just me or does the town seem more deserted?” Link questioned. “The only person besides us here is that guy that looks oddly like that person from Gerudo Valley standing by that tent.”

“What if it’s the same person?” Saria asked.

“I doubt it.”

Saria walked over to the Mutoh look-a-like. “Hello, do you recognize me?”

“No. Get lost kid,” he answered.

“What if all of the people here are made to look like somebody from our past adventure? What if we actually are in another dimension?!”

“Hahaha,” Link laughed.

Saria walked over to him and pushed him into a little pool of water. “Shut up.”


A while later, midnight finally came. There were fireworks as the clock tower tipped over, making the clock a platform.

“Quickly! We have to get up to the top of the Clock Tower!” Tatl said. “The moon’s really close and it looks like it could fall any minute now!”

“Correction: Five minutes,” Navi told her.

“You are definitely looking at the strategy guide!”



Two chapters cuz I'm nice.


The Legend of Crap: Majora’s Mask
Chapter 5: Utterly INSANE Salesman

Previously on The Legend of Crap, Link’s infection of blue moss went away, Navi knew random stuff, Saria made soup, Tatl discovered how weird their last journey was and they almost went up the clock tower.

Now for Chapter Five.

“…” Skull Kid was silent.

“Sis!!” Tael exclaimed.

“Ah! Tael! We’ve been looking for you two. Hey, Skull Kid, what if you gave that mask you’re wearing back now? Hey, c’mon, are you listening?”

“I think he’s possessed,” Saria said. “Either that or he’s too busy listening to an iPod.”

“Swamp. Mountain. Ocean. Canyon. Hurry, the four who are there…*Bring them here…” Tael spoke.

“SHADDAP!” Skull Kid yelled, slapping Tael aside. “I’m trying to listen to music, here!”

“Nooo!! What are you doing to my brother?!” Tatl demanded. “Skull Kid, do you still think you’re our friend after that?!!?”

“Well, whatever. Even if they come now, they wouldn’t be able to handle me…*Hee, hee. Just look above you…”

“Yeah yeah, we know the moon is there,” Saria stated, rolling her eyes. “Just give back the stupid mask and the ocarina and I won’t hurt you.”

“Hahaha! You don’t have a sword though.” Saria took out her giant shell. “Oh please. What are you doing to do, hide in that?”

“SHUT UP!” Saria tossed the shell at him. It hit him in the face, making him drop the Ocarina of Time.

“Smart thinking,” Navi said. “But you probably could’ve just used the bubble.”

“It’s to hard to aim with that.”

Link ran over and picked up the Ocarina of Time.

Link got back the Ocarina of Time! Suddenly, memories of Princess Zelda come rushing back to him…

“What?! This is the worst time for a flashback!” Tatl shouted.


“You’re already leaving this land of Hyrule, aren’t you?” Zelda asked. “Even though it was only a short time, I feel like I’ve known you forever…”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Link questioned.

“I’ll never forget the days we spent together in Hyrule…*And I believe in my heart that a day will come when I shall meet you again. Until that day comes, please take this.”

Link got the Ocarina of Time!

“I am praying…*I am praying that your journey be a safe one. If something should happen to you, remember this song…” Zelda took back the ocarina, wiped the mouth piece with her dress and played the Song of Time.

Link got the Ocarina of Time again!

“The Goddess of Time is protecting you. If you play the Song of Time, she will aid you…”

End of Flashback!

“SNAP OUT OF IT!!” Tatl screamed. “What are you doing lost in memories?!? Get yourself together!! Getting that old ocarina back isn’t gonna help us!!! Somebody! ANYBODY!!! Goddess of Time, help us please! We need more time!”

“Goddess of Time?” Link wondered. He took out the Ocarina of Time, which turned into horns, and played the Song of Time. Somehow he knew how to play them.

Before he knew it, they were falling down into a space of whiteness and clocks. They appeared back outside the clock tower.

“W-What just happened?! Everything has…” Tatl started, “…*started over…”

“Even I’m confused…” Navi said. “I didn’t know that the Song of Time could to that.”

“Wha…*What are you, anyway? That song you played…*That insturment…*That insturment!!!” Tatl paused. “Wait! That’s it! Your insturment!!! The mask salesman said that if you got back the precious thing that was stolen from you, he could return you to normal! Did you completely forget or what?!”

“Kind of?” Link replied slowly.

“Link, that flashback you had was incorrect…” Navi spoke. “That is not what happened.”

“You aren’t a mind reader! … Are you?”

REAL flashback!

“So, you’re leaving, aren’t you?” Zelda asked.

“Uh, yeah?” Link answered.

“Good. I was getting sick of you. I still can’t believe you ditched me in the middle of my speech.”

“Nobody wants to hear speeches ripped from the game, for the last time, Zelda!” Navi said. (I'm getting tired of it too)

“Whatever. Take this freakin’ ocarina. I don’t want it anymore because you put your mouth on it.”

Link got the Ocarina of Time!

“And by the way, don’t play the Song of Time on it or else you’ll end up going back in time three days. Have a nice day. Now get out of my palace or I’ll call the guards.”

End of real flashback!

“Ohh…” Link said.

“Link!” Saria yelled, slapping him. “I want my sword back!” She grabbed him and pulled him into the clock tower.

“Were you able to recover your precious item from that imp?” the Happy Mask Salesman asked.

Saria dropped Link on the ground. “Yeah, yeah.”

The salesman began shaking Link madly. “Oh! Oh! Ohhh!!! You got it! You got it! You got it! You got it!!!”

“AAAAAAAUUGH!!” Link screamed.

“Why do you care so much about us?!” Saria demanded.

“Do you want to be back to normal or not?” the mask salesman questioned.


“Then listen to me. Please play this song that I am about to perform, and remember it well…”

“Perform on what?”

A massive organ appeared on the other side of the room with the Happy Mask Salesman sitting on the bench. “This is a melody that heals evil magic and troubled spirits, turning them into masks.”

“Is that how the mask Skull Kid was wearing came up?”

“…*Maybe… Well, I’m sure this song will be of assistance to you in the future.” The Happy Mask Salesman played the Song of Healing on the huge organ and Link played it on the Ocarina…*er, Horns of Time.

Link and Saria suddenly appeared in the completely black area again with the giant Deku Scrub moving away from them.

“Bye bye sucker!” Link told it. The Deku Scrub mumbled something about elves and hair dye before disappearing.

“Holy crap! I’m a human again!” Link cheered. “I mean, Hylian…”

“My sword is back!!” Saria stated, unsheathing her sword and hugging it. “Hey, what’s this?” She picked up a mask on the ground.

“Ah yes, I give you this mask in commemoration of this day,” the salesman spoke. “Fear not, for the magic has been sealed inside the mask. When you wear it, you will transform into the shape you just were. When you remove it, you will return to normal.”

“Well, maybe that’ll be useful at some point,” Tatl said.

“Like, if you have to get into a place where they only allow Deku Scrubs,” Navi added.

Link and Saria got Deku Masks!

“Now, I have fulfilled my promise to you…” the Happy Mask Salesman stated. “So please, give me that which you promised me.”

“Uhhh…” The four were all silent.

“Don’t tell me…*My mask…*You did…*get it back, didn’t you?”

“Funny story, actually--” Saria started, but was cut off.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!!!” The salesman started going crazy. “If you leave my mask out there, something terrible will happen! That mask that was stolen from me is called Majora’s Mask. It is an accursed item frmo the legend that is said to have been used by an acient tribe in its hexing rituals.”

“I told you we should’ve gotten that mask back first!” Link told Navi.

“No you didn’t!” Navi yelled.

“It is said that an evil and wicked power is bestowed upon the one of wears the mask,” the mask salesman said. “According to the legend, the troubles caused by Majora’s Mask were so great, the ancient ones, fearing such catastrophe, sealed the mask in shadow forever, preventing its misuse. But now, that tribe from the legend bas vanished, so no one really knows the true nature of the mask’s power. But I feel it.”

“So how did the mask get out of darkness?”

“I went great lengths to get that legendary mask. When I finally had it, I could sense the doom of a dark omen brewing. It was that unwelcome feeling that makes your hair stand on end. And now… that imp has it…”

“It’s your fault Skull Kid has it in the first place?! Good going! Why did you have to take it out of darkness?!”

“I am begging you! You must get that mask back quickly or something horrible will happen! I’m begging you! I’m begging you! You must do it!”

“Umm…” Link paused.

“Really? You’ll do it for me? I was certain you would tell me that.”

“What?!” Saria yelled. “We didn’t say that!”

“You’ll be fine! Surely you can do it. Believe in your strengths… Believe…” The Happy Mask Salesman chuckled.

“So I’m guessing we’re about to get launched into another adventure…”


“I am now calling my horns the Hornicus,” Link stated.

“Why?” Saria, Navi and Tatl asked.

“Because I feel like it.”

“Well anyway…” Tatl started. “That mask…*The Skull Kid uses the power of that mask to do those terrible things. Well, whatever it takes, we’ve gotta do something about it.”

“Duh,” Saria said.

“The swamp, mountains, ocean and canyon that Tael was trying to tell us about…*I bet he was referring to the four areas just outside town. There’s one in each compass direction. But what do you suppose he meant by the four who are there?”

“The Beatles?” Link suggested.

“Really, Link?” Navi asked disbelievingly. “The four are probably some really important guardians who got sealed away. The result is us going through four temples and fighting four bosses. The first temple requires the Deku Mask, the second will probably be a Goron, the third will be a Zora and the last will be something totally unknown and unexpected.”

“Maybe a ninja.”

“Navi, was that just a guess or do you actually know?” Tatl questioned.

“I was just guessing…” Navi said.

“Well, if we go through the gate straight ahead, we’ll be heading in the direction of the swamp. Come on!”

So they ran over to the gate. The guard jumped in the way.

“Stop right there! Have you some errand in the swamp? It’s dangerous ouside town, so I cannot allow children like you to… A sword? My apologies. It was wrong of me to treat you like children. The southern swamp at Woodfall lies this way. Be careful,” the guard stated.

“That happened way too quickly…” Saria spoke.

“Wait wait wait! We can’t go yet!” Link yelled. “We have to go see the Great Fairy first because she said that if we returned when we were human again she’d give us something.”

“Fine. But you’re going yourself.”

And Link was off.


Link ran into the fountain with the stray fairy and the Great Fairy appeared.

“Oh, kind young one! Thank you for returning my shattered body back to normal!” she said. “The Great Fairies of the other locations outside town have had their bodies shattered as well. This mask will help you with that!”

Link got the Great Fairy’s Mask!

“…” Link was silent before exiting the fountain. That mask was one of the scariest things he had ever seen in his life.


“Wow! Termina Field is so much cooler than Hyrule Field!” Link exclaimed once they exited town. “The background music is the Legend of Zelda theme!”

“Hey, I just remembered something. A talking scarecrow told me about a mystic song that lets you change time,” Saria said. “I wonder if he was refering to the Song of Time… He said playing each note twice worked like the Sun’s Song, and playing it backwards slowed time down…”

“Maybe that will be helpful in the Water Temple here,” Navi suggested. “But since time passes way slower than it does in the game, it’s less useful.”

“Come on! We have to go to the swamp!” Link stated. He started running in a south eastern direction.

“Link, that’s not the direction to the swamp…”

“I have a strange feeling that we will get a lot of help by going there first.”

“Oh fine.”

After a little while, he stopped. “Look at the pretty parrot flying in the sky!”

“Watch out!!” Tatl yelled, pushing him behind a nearby tree. “That’s a Takkuri! It steals your stuff and they somehow end up at the Curiousity Shop, where you have to buy them back! For a heck lot of money!”

“How do you know that?” Saria asked.

“It seems to fancy swords. Once it takes it, there’s no getting it back unless you buy it from the store.”

“Oh crap, we better avoid that thing…”


“Hey! There’s a giant boulder in the way!” Link complained a few minutes later. “Not cool!”

“This road is called Milk Road,” Navi stated, reading a sign. “I guess it leads to a ranch or something.”

“Sorry kids,” a carpenter trying to break the rock told them. “I don’t think this will be cleared for a few days.”

“Why are you the only one working?”

“All my fellow carpenters are at Clock Town, building a tower. But since all the others are so lazy, I’m the only one actually doing something. I don’t get why I got stuck by myself trying to break this rock.”

“Well maybe if we find a giant bomb we could blow it up,” Saria said. “Or maybe just something that is strong enough to blow it up.”

Link was playing the Song of Double Time. “I’ll just skip ahead to when it’s out of the way!” he spoke.



:lol:, sort of a cliffhanger. I don't want to post more than two chapters, though.



gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
I never planned to stop it, I just wish that other people would post :/

The Legend of Crap: Majora’s Mask
Chapter 6: Red Number 40 Is Bad

Previously on The Legend of Crap, Link called his ocarina in horn form the Hornicus, Navi told Link what actually happened before they left Hyrule, Saria dragged Link around more, Tatl was boring and the Happy Mask Salesman threw an uncontrollable tantrum.

Now for Chapter Six.


“What have you done, Link?!” Saria yelled.

“Look! The rock is out of the way!” Link cheered. “And besides, we can just play the Song of Time again to go back.”

The others sighed as Link skipped into the opened passage.

“Wow, this is a really big ranch! Really big compared to the Lon Lon Ranch!” He ran up the path, up to two buildings.

“L-look!” Tatl exclaimed. “Aren’t those your horses?!”

Link dashed over. “Epona!! How did you get in there?! Are the evil people owning this ranch trapping you in here?! Obviously they don’t know the proper way to raise a horse! A horse needs to be able to run free in a large area!”

Epona neighed. She looked at Chase who neighed in response. Then she neighed again.

Link made a sad face. “Are you talking about me?”

“Wait, who’s that?” Saria wondered.

Off in a distance, there was a girl that looked like young Malon sitting on a box. She looked like she’d been up all night.

Saria walked over to her. “Hello?”

“Who…? Who are you again…?” the girl asked.

“Again? I don’t think we’ve met…”

“I can’t let the aliens… steal the cows…” She fell off the box and onto the ground.

“Either she’s been up all night or she’s been brainwashed. Or both. But I still don’t get what there is to do here, as our horses have been trapped behind a giant fence that we can’t get them over.”

“Maybe we could reason with the ranch owner and convince him or her that the horses are ours,” Navi suggested.

“Hey, the roof is blown up!” Link stated. He ran into the barn and found a girl that looked like grown up Malon. “Is something wrong?”

“I should have believed my sister,” the older girl muttered. “The cows truly have been stolen by aliens…”

“This place is weird…” Link began to walk away slowly.

“No no! Stop! I’m not crazy! It’s true!”

“How is knowing this going to help me? Obviously, your cows have been stolen, but you probably can’t do anything for me right now because you’re at too big of a loss.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, I mean, you’ve trapped our horses behind a giant fence and we kind of want them back, but you probably aren’t going to think about that right now.”

“Your horses? My little sister found them wandering around the road to the ranch. The only reason I let her keep them was because we didn’t want the Gorman brothers to get them.”

“Maybe Skull Kid just poofed them out there… You see, they got stolen by Skull Kid and he made them disappear. I’m pretty sure that they’re ours because they look exactly like them and the black one was cuddling close to the red one and Saria’s horse does that to my horse and her horse is black and my horse is red.”

“So your point is?”

“That we want them back.”

“I’m sorry, but really, the Gorman brothers, in disguise, came here once when we had two other horses we found that were colored like cows. They told us those horses were theirs and we gave them to those freaks. Now they use those horses for all their evildoings, so I can’t really trust in giving horses to anybody now.”

“Come on! We got those horses from a person that looks exactly like your little sister. Exactly.”

Tatl flew through the roof all of a sudden, “What does that explain?”

“That Epona and Chase belong to us?”

“Yeah, doesn’t really explain anything…” the older girl spoke.

“But still! Do you even know how to properly take care of a horse? Look at all this land that you have! It’s even bigger than the ranch where we got our horses! Why are you keeping them behind that fence?!”

“Because they kept trying to leave.”

“And find us!”

“WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!” Navi yelled, flying into the building. “Stop trying to destroy the point of the side quest! You probably get your horses by doing a side quest that is only completable by getting into the ranch on the first day! You can’t get them now no matter what you do, okay?!”

“Oh fine! I’m outta here!” Link stomped over to the door and grabbed the knob. The door broke. “…*I didn’t do that.”


“Cucco house!! I bet there are a bunch of cute little chicks in there! I can’t wait to meet the person who owns them! I bet it’s a cute girl!” Link stated.

“Fat chance,” Saria said. “It’s probably going to be an ugly emo person because baby cuccos are so cute.”

“Nonsense!” Link grabbed the knob of the door going into the cucco area. The door broke. “What the crap.”


Link stared upon the ugly emo person with a mohawk sitting in front of a tree.

“Are you the person who owns all these chicks?” Link asked slowly.

“Yep,” the emo person replied.

“Dang it.”

“My dad said that moon is going to fall in three days. I just wish I could see all these little chicks grow up before then…”

Link suddenly put on a mask and marched around the area playing a jumpy tune on his ocarina. All the chicks followed after him, and once all of them were behind him, they popped into cuccos.

“What in the world was that?” Saria questioned. “And where did you get that?”

“I think I found it in Zelda’s bedside table,” Link answered.


Link was fiddling around in Zelda’s bedroom when he came across a mask that looked like a chicken.

“Cool,” he said, putting it in his bag. “I hope it’s not something important to her.”


“WHERE THE CRAP IS MY MASK I WAS GOING TO WEAR IT TO THE MASK PROM!!” Zelda screamed, tearing through her room.

End of Flashback!

“It probably was just some other crap she didn’t want,” Link spoke.

“You made all of my cuccos grow up! I’m going to reward you with the most useful non transformation mask in the game!” the emo person said.

Link got the Bunny Hood!

“Umm…*What is wearing this going to accomplish…?” Link asked.

“It makes you run twice as fast and jump twice as far,” the emo person told him.

“Ooh, useful. Now Saria doesn’t have to drag me around anymore.” Link eyed Saria.

“I just want to get to places quickly and I don’t have time to think about the fact that you might be running right behind me!” she yelled. “Now come on, we’re going to the swamp. Now.”

“Fine…” Link played the Song of Time.


“Hey, cool! I still have the Bunny Hood!” Link exclaimed.

“How is a ridiculous looking set of bunny ears going to help us?” Tatl asked.

“It makes me run twice as fast and jump twice as far. Useful, huh?”

“Yes, but there’s only one.”

“Saria doesn’t need one because she’s usually the one who wants us to run in the first place and she runs faster.”

“Whatever, now let’s stop wasting time here and go to the swamp. Who knows, we might need all three days in order to complete it.”


“Hurry up, the swamp is this way!” Tatl said, flying way ahead of the rest of them. She stopped once they got to the entrance of the path. “Oh, I remember this!”

“Remember what?” Saria asked.

“This picture on the tree. Tael and I drew this with the Skull Kid when we first met him. He told us that he had been fighting with his friends and that they had left him all alone. I’m sure it was because he was always playing tricks, so nobody wanted to play with him.”

The screen cut to a flashback of Tatl and Tael flying in the rain, looking for shelter when they found Skull Kid shivering under a giant hollow log. Then once the rain stopped they were playing around in the grass and drawing on the tree.

“But once he got his power…”

The screen showed Skull Kid stealing Majora’s Mask from an unconscious Happy Mask Salesman. Either that or he was just asleep on the ground, in the woods…

“…*Soon he was having us ambush people in the woods and stealing their stuff. We still thought he was our friend, so we just went along with what he was doing, so I tried to stop you from getting back your stuff, which made me end up here. Then I realized he wasn’t himself anymore, and I learned that mask was making him evil…” Tatl paused. “Come on. Let’s go.”

“How the heck did you not notice that he had magical powers to turn people into things?” Navi asked.


“Okay, okay!”


“Oh no, not you again,” Tatl muttered at the sight of Tingle.

“What’s this? Green clothes…*Fairies… Sir, could you, by chance, be a forest fairy? Oh my!” Tingle exclaimed.

“Holy crap, he’s saying the same things he said last time,” Saria stated.

“My name is Tingle! I think I am the same as you, sir. A forest fairy!”

“I’m leaving now,” Link said.

“No! Wait! I sell maps! Would you buy one from me?”

“You got the swamp?” Saria asked.

“Yes! Yes I do! It’s twenty rupees!”

“Fine.” Saria took money out of Link’s wallet and gave it to Tingle.

“Hey!” Link yelled.

Saria got a Map of Woodfall!

“Well, call again! Tingle, Tingle, Kooloo-Limpah!” Tingle chanted, and flew back into the air.

“…*Weirdo,” Saria spoke.


“Ewww,” Link muttered once they entered the swamp. “Swampwater.” He poked the water.

“Hey,” Saria said. “Have you realized that over time we’ve become more sane and mature? It’s horrible! We’re not entertaining anymore!”

“Well, maybe that’s because you haven’t been eating as much sugar--” Navi started, but cut herself off. “Oh crap, why did I just say that?”

A few minutes later, Link and Saria had eaten a huge amout of sugar.

“OMD I HAVEN’T FELT SO GOOD FOR TWO YEARS,” Link stated, jumping all over the place.

“Oh no…” Navi and Tatl said at the same time.


“IT’S A WITCH!!” Link screamed once they entered the potion shop.

“YOU HAGGY ZOMBIE!” Saria yelled. “How dare you come back from the dead!”

“What the heck are you talking about…?” Kotake asked.

“Or maybe you’re quadruplets! The two evil witches live…*er, lived in Hyrule, and you live here in Termina! Or maybe it is because almost everybody has a look-a-like…”

“I’m kind of confused right now…”

“Don’t pay attention to them,” Navi told Kotake. “They’re hyper.”


“Don’t take this the wrong way, but we met some evil witches that look exactly like you and they died of old age…”

“NO! I killed them,” Saria corrected.

“Saria, whether they were killed or not, you don’t need to bring up death in front of an innocent old lady. Anyway, it’s very nice to meet you. Can we do anything for you?”

“Well yeah,” Kotake replied. “My sister Koume has disappeared into the Woods of Mystery. I was just about to go look for her.”

“We’ll go find her for ya old ladeh!” Link said, skipping to the door. He grabbed the knob, and guess what? It broke. “… Dude…”


“Why the heck is it playing my song in the background?” Saria asked once they entered the Woods of Mystery.

“Maybe the mushrooms were imported from the Lost Woods,” Link said. “And they’re singing your song.”

“That makes absolutely no sense, Link.”

Link grinned. “It doesn’t need to.”

“Hi there,” a monkey greeted.

“HOLY CRAP A TALKING MONKEY!!” Link ran behind Saria.

“Follow me!” The monkey ran off.

Link walked back out from behind Saria. “It seems as if it wants us to follow it.”

“No duh, genius,” Saria said.


“Ohh! Owow-ow! Help meeee!” Koume pleaded, lying on the ground.

“Oh noez! It’s Ursula’s crazy sister!” Link exclaimed. Saria pushed him into a wall.

“What up?” Saria asked Koume.

“I was just busy minding my own business, picking mushrooms when…*BAM! I got hit from behind! That pesky Skull Kid! Did he think an old hag wouldn’t recognize him if he hid his face?”

“How long ago was this?” Tatl questioned.

“A few hours ago. Oh, ow! To think he’s that powerful…*and now I can’t even move! You! Don’t you have anything that gives you energy?”

“Candy?” Link suggested. “It gives me tons of energy!” He smiled.

“No, something that replanishes life like a potion.”

“So you want us to go get you a potion?” Navi asked.

“Pretty much.”

“Okay, I’ll be right back…”

A few minutes later…

“Here, take this, I just got it for free from Kotake,” Navi said, giving Koume the potion.

“Oh thank you!” Koume exclaimed, suddenly jumping to her feet and taking the potion.

“I thought you couldn’t move!” Saria stated.

Koume drank the potion and tossed the bottle at Link. “Ooh! Feel the energy flow! KOUME IS REVIVED!!” There was a poof and she appeared on a broomstick. “You saved me! I’m the swamp tour guide. I run the boat cruise, so come by if you want a free ride!”

“Cool! A free swamp tour on top of the water!” Link cheered. “The best thing is that it means we don’t have to swim the whole way!”

“I’ll see you around!” Koume flew off on her broomstick.

“…*I wonder what that potion tasted like,” Saria randomly said.

“Blood,” Link replied creepily. “Thick, goopy blood.”

“Link, shut up. Things can have very interesting colors. Or maybe she just added food coloring.”


“Link, I mean like some kind of vegetable coloring. Old ladies are always obsessed with health, so she probably just added beet juice. Now shut up or you’re swimming while we all take the boat cruise.”

“Oh fine.”

In case you haven't figured it out already, "OMD" stands for "OH MY DIN". Just to point that out ;P


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York

The Legend of Crap: Majora’s Mask
Chapter 7: The Owl of DOOM

Previously on The Legend of Crap, Link broke a lot of doors, Navi suddenly became more mature,
Saria realized they were mature and ate a lot of sugar with Link, Tatl hardly ever spoke and really, not much happened that had to do with the plot.

Now for Chapter Seven.

“HOLY CRAP WE HAVE TO HURRY,” Tatl yelled all of a sudden. “We’ve hardly started the swamp and we’re already at the seventh chapter!”

“Well, those three days did take up a lot of time,” Navi said. “Like, four chapters.”

Three monkeys suddenly jumped down in front of them. “You have strange powers, no?” one of them asked.

“Umm…” Link started. “Maybe?”

“Me been watching you! Lately, this swamp, filled with poison water. Temple above waterfall strange…*Brother go to temple. But brother no able to find temple entrance. Temple for Deku only. Brother captured by Deku. Now in palace. Help!” All of the monkeys ran off and were gone.

“Uh, was that supposed to be understandable?” Saria questioned.

“They said that the water is poisonous and their brother was captured by the Deku Scrubs and taken to a palace,” Link said.

“How did you understand anything that he said?”

“He wasn’t speaking a different language, he was phrasing them incorrectly.”

“Link, it was just a monkey making stuff up. Come on.”

“I’m telling you…”


“Hello there!” Koume greeted as they entered the tourist center.

“Hey people,” a fat person spoke. “You wanna show me that pictograph you’ve taken for the contest?”

“Excuse me? I was talking to them!”

“Oh wait, you haven’t entered the contest. Here’s a pictograph box then.”

Link got a Pictograph Box!

“Go take a picture of something cool at the swamp and bring it back here. Just so you know, it can only take one picture in black and white.”

“Wow, that’s cheap,” Navi stated. “This must’ve been a really long time ago. I can’t imagine how much farther in time that Wind Waker was. Color cameras that can take three pictures exist then.”

“EXCUSE ME!” Koume shouted. “It’s my job to give them the pictograph box!”

“Whatever,” the fat person replied.

Koume sighed. “Would you like to take the boat cruise?”

“Yep,” Link replied. “Is it called the boat cruise because it’s a giant luxury boat or it’s just a boat cruisin’ along the water?”

“Um, the second one.”

Link snapped his fingers. “Dang it.”

“And besides, giant luxury boats haven’t been invented yet. Now get on the boat before it leaves without you.”

“How? Is it automatic?”



“Welcome to the boat cruise,” a voice said, but there wasn’t a speaker anywhere. “Please set your pictograph box to C, then press C to look through it. Please enjoy the swamp scenery to your heart’s content.”

“Buttons,” Saria muttered. “It’s always buttons.”

“Camera ready,” Link stated, taking out his pictograph box. “Wow! That is one magnificently colorful tree! I think I might take a picture of it!”

“Link, you have to take a picture of something exciting. Taking a picture of something colorful is useless because it’s a black and white camera,” Navi told him. “You’re probably not going to see anything on this boat cruise that will be impressive in black and white.”


A little while later…

“Holy crap! We’re heading straight for a giant octorok!!” Link screamed. “Abandon ship!”

“No Link, we’re not abandoning the ship,” Saria said. “It doesn’t look like it’s going to attack the boat. It’s just sitting there.”

“I don’t care! We’re going to die!!”

Suddenly the tip of the boat hit the giant octorok, killing it.

“…*Oh… Well, I guess maybe they made the tip pointy for a reason…?”

“I told you,” Saria spoke.

“Hey, the water’s turning purple! It’s poisonous!! Just like the monkeys said!”

“Really, Link? The water is not poisonous.” Saria stuck her hand in the water and immediately withdrew it. “Holy crap! That was painful!”

“Ha. I was right.”

“Shut up.”

The boat stopped once they came to a dock. “Now arriving at Deku Palace. The swampwater is poisonous here, so please watch your step,” the ‘speaker’ said. “Are you disembarking?”

“What does that mean?” Link asked.

“Yes, we are,” Navi answered.

“I think that’s the entrance to the Deku Palace,” Tatl stated, pointing to a nearby entrance. “It’s wear the Deku King lives. Come on.”

"For Termina's sake, we need to get there no matter what stands in our path!"


“I am standing in your path!” a Deku Scrub yelled, standing in front of the entrance to the palace itself. “Have you some kind of business with the Deku King?”

“Now where have I heard that before?” Link wondered.

“Whether you do or not, we can’t let you pass! This is a restricted area in which only Deku Scrubs can enter!”

“SCREW THAT!” Saria yelled. “I’m not putting that mask on!”

“Get lost already!”

“I’m the Sage of the Forest! You have to let me through!”

“I told you to go away so get lost!”

“Hmph!” Saria tossed a rope she took out of no where and it wrapped around a pole on the top of the palace. “Later suckers!” She swung around the palace, hitting a giant octorok in the face before swinging back and climbing up the rope, into the palace.

Link, however, just put on the Deku Mask and the guards let him through.

“Saria, always going the risky way…” Link sighed, going into the room straight forward.

Inside, there was a prison cell with a monkey in it, a throne with a crazy king on it, a butler beside him and a few Deku Scrubs jumping in front of the throne.

“The Deku King! It’s perfect!” Link snapped a picture of the Deku King. Then he realized there was a fire in the middle of the room. “Holy crap! Fire!” He ran over to the Deku King. “Don’t you think that it’s a bad idea to have fire burning in a wooden palace in the middle of a forest? What if something goes wrong and the palace catches on fire, eventually leading to a forest fire making this place a burnt wasteland?”

“Hmm…*Good idea! We need to dunk that monkey into a pot of disgusting, thick, boiling broth from the Stock Pot Inn instead!” the Deku King said.

Saria suddenly climbed through a window, up near the top of the room, onto a platform that happened to be there.

“This story is getting really long,” Saria thought. “Back in Ocarina of Time, it took four chapters to cover all three Spiritual Stones, and we haven’t even completed the first area and we’re already in chapter seven…” She secretly swung into the cell where the monkey was. (The wall of the cell didn’t go all the way up, so she could easily get in)

“Oh, thank goodness you’re here!” the monkey whispered. “Try to cut my ropes!”

“What happened to the monkeys speaking language that we can’t understand?”

“I’m the only one who can. You have a sword, so try to cut my ropes and we’ll escape through that open door right there.”

“Why is that door open?”

“I’m tied to a pole! They have no reason to lock it! Now cut the stupid ropes!”

Saria reached up with her sword, but couldn’t reach the monkey, as the pole was quite high.

“Ugh, no use… Wait…*You don’t happen to have something that can make a lot of noise…*like a loud insturment with sound that carries a long way? If you have one, show it to me!”

“No, I don’t have one,” Saria told the monkey. “But he does.” She pointed to Link, who was looking at the Deku Scrubs setting up the pot with the broth in it.

“Well, I need you to teach the song that lets you into the Woodfall temple! It has to be something really loud or else you can’t get in. By the way, who are you?”

Saria fell over anime style.

“Oh, whatever! Just listen to me! I was trying to find out about the poison in the swamp, so I went to the Woodfall temple above the waterfall. But the temple had become a monster’s lair, and the princess was captured by the monster… Since the Deku King thinks I kidnapped the princess, he won’t listen to a word I say.”

“But if you kidnapped her, why aren’t the Deku Scrubs searching the swamp for her?” Saria asked.

“I don’t know! The Deku Princess is in trouble now, so I must somehow hurry to the temple and save her! Do you understand my plight?”

“I guess so…”

“Good! Since I have no way out of this, you will go in my place and save the princess!”

“Of course I will…”

“Okay, now I’ll teach you the melody that opens the temple. The princess taught it to me! We can’t let them hear us, so I’ll sing it softly. Open your ears and listen hard!” The monkey sang a song very quietly.

“Wait, I didn’t know monkeys could sing at all.”

“That doesn’t matter! Play the stupid song already!”

“Okay, okay.” Saria played the song on her ocarina, which slightly caught the Deku King’s attention.

“This is the Sonata of Awakening, the song that opens the temple! Now go get the princess!”

However, the monkey had said that too loud and the Deku King took that phrase the wrong way.

“That monkey! Everyone, did you hear that? This melody, which only the Deku Royal Family know…*It proves the foolish monkey deceived the princess so he could enter the temple! Everyone! Let the monkey’s punishment commence! And kick the human out of the palace!” the Deku King ordered.

“Well, technically, I’m not human…” Saria started, but they grabbed her and tossed her out of the palace. Link was already out there.

“Hey Saria--” he started, but Saria cut him off.

“We’re going to the temple. Now. I’m sick of being here.”

“But where--”

“Just shut up and follow me…”


“It should be right around here…” Saria said, jumping onto another platform.

“Hoot hoot,” a voice hooted. “Guess who!”

“No. Oh no. Please no.”

“Holy crap,” Navi muttered.


“IT’S HIM!!” Link screamed.


“Yep, you guessed right! It’s me, Gabe!” Gabe told them. “You thought you saw the last of me back in Ocarina of Time, didn’t you? Well you guessed wrong! Just because I don’t have my job anymore doesn’t mean I’m gone forever!”

“It’s been two freakin’ years! I thought you were gone forever!”

“Actually, I was looking for a place to move when I ran into that tunnel and ended up here! So I’ve settled here in Termina, but I never expected to see you here!”

“So what are you going to do, blurt out useless information endlessly?”

“Who the heck is this?” Tatl asked.

“This is an annoying owl that stalked us all throughout our last adventure,” Navi answered. She looked at Gabe. “Look, we’re kind of on a time limit here, so could you please move aside?”

“No, no! I’m here to help you with that time limit situation,” Gabe explained.

“But you just said you didn’t know we were here!”

“Okay, I just made that up because I ran into you. This rock here has a song carved into it that lets you warp to certain places, and while you were talking I thought of that.”

“Really? You’re actually going to be…*like, actually helpful? Not just giving us some information that we could’ve found out ourselves?” Link questioned.

“Yep. It’s called the Song of Soaring. All over Termina, there are statues that strangely happen to look like me. If you strike them with your sword, then you can warp there when you play the song to make traveling easier, just in case you need to come back here for whatever reason. Now, I’ll be on my way.” Gabe took flight and was off.

“…*Wow.” Link hopped over to the rock, took out his ocarina and played the song on the rock. “I wonder why he signed that contract in the first place…”


“Gah,” Saria groaned. “This place stinks of poison.”

“We’ve been here for ten minutes and you just noticed that?” Tatl asked.

Link pointed to a large cave off in a distance, “I wonder what’s over there.”

“Probably another Great Fairy Fountain,” Saria replied.

“I’ll just fly over there really fast to find out,” Navi spoke and flew over to the cave. Inside, there was indeed a fountain, but there were stray fairies flying all over it.

“Please hear my plea!” the stray fairies begged. “I have been shattered and fifteen of the fairies are hidden in the Woodfall Temple! Oh please, help me!”

“Sure thing…” Navi flew back to the others. “It was a fountain with a broken Great Fairy, but we have to find fifteen fairies in the temple to help the her this time.”

“Oh great,” Saria muttered. “Okay, Link, put on your Deku Mask and play the song I’m about to tell you…”

“Okee dokee!” Link said. He put on the Deku Mask and took out his nicknamed Hornicus.

Saria took out her ocarina and played the Sonata of Awakening and Link played it on the horns. There was an earthquake and the Woodfall Temple rose out of the poison water.


“Hey, is that one of those statues Gabe was talking about?” Navi wondered, looking at a statue behind them. Saria smacked it with her sword and its stone wings spread. “…*I guess so…”

Link spotted a flower in front of them, “…*Cool! We get to fly over!” 

“Oh crap, I don’t wanna be a Deku Scrub!” Saria complained.

“There isn’t anything for your rope to wrap around, so I guess you have to.”

“Gah! Drat!” Saria put on her Deku Mask and turned into a Deku Scrub.

“Why do you hate being a Deku Scrub so much?” Tatl asked.

“Well, first, I hate not having a sword, I hate being short, I hate that my only weapon is a bubble you can hardly aim with, I hate not being able to do anything I want because people think I’m a little kid with parents, I hate having wooden skin… I could just keep going on and on!”

“This story doesn’t seem very parody-like,” Link randomly stated. “You know what? Starting next chapter, we’re going to make it what this story was originally created to be!” (Of course, this will end up failing because I decided that I do not want it to be what it originally was.)


“…*Um, yeah?” Tatl said slowly.

“Oh crap,” Navi mumbled.


Yeah, their plans fails and it remains the way it is. Oh well, not like it matters as long as it's still funny :3


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
The Legend of Crap: Majora’s Mask
Chapter 8: Defenestration

Previously on The Legend of Crap, Link, Navi and Tatl didn’t really do much, Saria was pretty much the main character of that chapter and Gabe was encountered unexpectedly.

Now for Chapter Eight.

“Well crap,” Tatl said when they entered the Woodfall Temple. “It stinks in here.”

“It was soaking under poison, after all,” Navi told her.

“IT’S A PINK FAIRY!” Link exclaimed. He grabbed it and shoved it into a bag.

“Hey, what’s the deal, kiddo!” the stray fairy yelled.

“I’m saving all the fairies in the temple.”

“Well fine, but you didn’t have to shove me into a bag.”

“Hey! Excuuuuuuuuse me, princess.”

“Shut up.”


Link hopped across the poison water in the main room onto a strange looking flower.

“Link, you should be careful, that flower doesn’t look very safe,” Navi warned him.

“Oh please, Navi,” Link replied. “They aren’t harmful at all. I think I’ll just take my mask off for a second because I’ve been in this form for such a long time.”

“WAIT LINK!!” Saria, Navi and Tatl yelled, but he already took off the mask and was getting chomped by the flower.


Link and Saria got Bows and Arrows!

“AWESOME! Now we can shoot things again!” Link cheered. “And I mean we! Not you!”

“I don’t think the rest of this series is going to be pretty…” Navi stated.

“I agree,” Tatl said. “And I technically just met you…”


Much time later, they finally got into the boss room. A giant tiki wearing a Chuck Norris tee dropped from the ceiling.

“I am the boss of this temple! Fear me!” the tiki yelled.

“I’m not being very fearful,” Saria said.




“Yeah, I kinda do…”

“I’m not really scared of you either,” Link stated.

“Not me,” Navi added.

“Seriously, just because you’re wearing a Chuck Norris shirt doesn’t mean we’re scared of you,” Tatl told him.

“DANG IT!” Odolwa(the tiki) shouted.

“SURPRISE BOMB ATTACK!” Link yelled, tossing a bomb at Odolwa.


“Wow, we defeated him already,” Tatl exclaimed.

“You mean I defeated it,” Link said proudly.


“I am so awesome, I defeated the boss in one hit with bombs that are incredibly hard to aim with.”

“We don’t care, Link,” Saria spoke. “Stop bragging already.”

“Yep, I’m the incredible destroyer of epicness!”


“What the heck does that mean?” Tatl asked.

“Defenestration: The act of throwing someone or something out a window.”

“I thought only geeks used really long words,” Link stated. Saria glared at him. “Well, um, not that you’re one…” He paused. “Hey wait, there aren’t even any windows in here! So you can’t defene…*whatever me!”

“I’ll make a window by doing it!”

“Holy crap.”


“Oh my gosh, did Skull Kid curse you twice?” Tatl questioned.


“First he stops you from growing up and then he turns you into a Deku Scrub?”

“No, I was born never going to grow past ten years old. I’m not human, you know.”


“Well…*That was sudden,” Navi spoke.

“HEART CONTAINER!!” Link yelled all of a sudden.

Link got the Heart Container!

“Now let’s get out of this place already! You guys are taking forever!”

“Well, I guess we kinda were,” Tatl said.

They walked into the blue light to be warped outside the temple.

Link seized Odolwa’s Remains!

“…*Uh, okay…?” Link said slowly.


“Holy crap! The blue light didn’t take us back outside the temple, it took us to a land of bubble bath!” Link exclaimed. “OH NOEZ!”

“YOUNG CHILDREN!” a nearby giant called.

“Oh my crap it’s a giant.”


“Well, Termina is kind of going to get DESTROYED by a giant fake moon created by an evil mask possessing an innocent Skull Kid,” Navi replied.

“Why the heck are you guys being lazy butts and not helping?!” Tatl yelled.


“Wait a minute, why does it have to be us?” Link asked.


“Dang it! It’s always us!”


“Holy crap, it’s the United States National Anthem or whatever?” Tatl questioned. (Obviously she's not sure since they're in Termina, not America)



“Hey, why are we still in the temple?” Link wondered.

“Hey, the four people Tael was talking about…” Tatl started. “Do you think one of them was that giant?”


“Now we just have to keep up the pace and save the other three!” She stopped. “Hey, um…*All that stuff I did to you…*your horses… I…*I apologize…*Sorry. Really. Last time I was just trying to get through that quickly.”

“It’s okay, Tatl. Skull Kid was just kind of making you evil,” Saria spoke.

“Hey! HEY! Help me!” a voice yelled from inside a prison that had been behind them.

“Oh my gosh! Somebody needs our help! But where are they?” Link asked.

“I’m right behind you, you idiot!”

“Where could they possibly be…?” Saria grabbed Link’s head and turned him around. “Oh.” He cut the vines in the way and walked in to see a very nicely dressed Deku.

“Goodness! I was getting sick of being in here!” she stated. “I would’ve gotten myself out because I have a survival knife in my pocket, but it didn’t do anything because that would mess up the game.”

“You’re…*the Deku Princess, right?” Navi questioned.

“Why yes I am. Did you come here to save me? Who are you?”

“That’s Link, that’s Saria, I’m Navi and that’s Tatl.”

“Pleased to meet you. Were you, by chance, asked by that monkey to come save me?”


“Aha! Just as I suspected! You see, your body smells a little bit like monkey.”


“So…*the monkey made it back fine after all. That’s good. I was worried that when I didn’t come home, my father would think that monkey had kidnapped me! I was worried that my father would even go so far as to punish the poor monkey…”

“Well, uh…” Saria started. “He actually is doing that.”

“WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I can’t believe him! Yet another hasty decision, father! Well, we haven’t any time to lose! Quickly! We need to get to the Deku Palace! But since I’m the princess, I shouldn’t need to walk!”

“Really? You so worried that we need to get there quickly, but then you say that you’re not walking there? There is absolutely nothing we can do except carry you, but that’s impossible since we can’t get through the water without swimming--”

Link suddenly swiped a bottle at the Deku Princess.

You put the Deku Princess in a bottle!

“What the freak?!” Saria yelled.

“That doesn’t even make sense!” Navi exclaimed.

“It doesn’t need to,” Link said. “It just works.”

“YOU STUPID SON OF A GUN!!” the Deku Princess screamed. “THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!!”

“Well, that’s kind of not your choice. It’s your fault for not wanting to walk.”




“What are you waiting for! Release me in front of my father already!” the Deku Princess ordered. “This bottle is running out of carbon dioxide!”

“Okay, okay,” Link spoke, somehow dumping the princess out of the bottle.

“Oh! My darling princess!” the Deku King exclaimed. “Where have you--”

“FOOLISH FATHER!!” the Deku Princess yelled, tackling the Deku King and jumping on him.

“That’s how she treats her father?” Link asked. “She’s lucky to even have one!”

“WHAT THE CRAP ARE YOU DOING?! Let that monkey go this instant!!”

Seconds later, the monkey was standing right next to them.

“Oh, Mr. Monkey, I am truly sorry. Father does such rash things when he’s worried about here.”

“Thank you so much for getting me out of that!” the monkey thanked. “They were dunking me into a boiling version of that disgusting stuff from the Stock Pot Inn and barely gave me chances to breathe!”

“Goodness! I need to give my father what he deserves… Five hours of Teletubbies! Thank goodness for Netflix!”

“NOOOO!!!” the Deku King screamed.

“Later, we’re outta here,” Saria stated.

“Wait!” the Deku Princess called. “You should go to the shrine on the left of the palace first! The butler has something he wants to give you.”

“Okay, fine.”


“Umm…*Why is it all dark and spooky?” Link asked.

“Why, you are going to try and follow me all throughout this maze without getting lost. If you get lost, you have to start over!” the Deku Butler told him.

“Can you tell us what the prize is first?” Tatl questioned.

“No, it’s a surprise.”

“Please tell us what it is,” Navi said. “Last time we weren’t told something like we ended up spending 200 rupees on a Bombchu that blew up right when we got it.”

“I’ll just give you some information about it: It’s a mask. It might seem useless, but believe me, in the end, you will need it.”



At the end…

“WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!” Saria yelled. “Why were you always trying to go faster than us?!”

“I’m sorry,” the Deku Butler spoke. “It’s just, when that kid wears that Deku Scrub mask, he looks much like my son. We did this race all the time, so I have a habit of always trying to go faster.”

Saria sighed.

“Anyway, please accept this gift!”

Link got the Mask of Scents!

“It’s a pig mask…” Link stated. “I knew it wouldn’t be worth it.”

“I told you that you will need it in the end!” the Deku Butler said before they appeared back outside the Deku Palace.

“How did that happen?” Tatl asked.

“It doesn’t matter…” Navi replied.

“All right, let’s see what this puppy can do!” Link said, putting on the new mask. He began sniffing the air uncontrollably. He then took it off. “Dude, it like, makes me smell ten times better.”

“That’s just weird…”

“I wonder what would happen if we made Mido wear that and smell the inside of his shoe,” Saria stated.

“Holy crap, that would be hilarious.”

Saria chuckled. “Perhaps that mask won’t be so useless…”


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE PICTOGRAPH CONTEST IS OVER?!” Link yelled at the fat guy from the Swamp Tourist Center.

“Sorry kiddo, but it ended when the poison went away,” the fat guy told him.

“I haven’t given my picture yet!”

“Well, if you’ve already taken the picture, I suppose I could let you do it…”

“Here!” Link showed his pictograph box to the fat guy.

“OH MY-- How did you get a picture of the Deku King?! This is incredible! Only Deku Scrubs are allowed in there! You win first place!”

“Yay! I won!”

Link got a Heart Piece!

“Wait, I didn’t know anybody came here… Did anybody else even enter the contest?”

“Well, kind of…” the fat person spoke. “But they were all just tourists that took pathetic pictures on the boat cruise two days ago. Nobody ever even thought of taking pictures off the cruise.”

“Get some imagination, people. Seriously…”

“HEY!!” Link’s bag suddenly yelled. “Have you forgotten about me?! YOU STILL NEED TO TAKE ME TO THE GREAT FAIRY FOUNTAIN!!”



“Thank you for finally returning my shattered body to normal,” the Great Fairy said. “I am the Great Fairy of Power.”

“Cool! Are you going to give me a totally awesome and powerful sword?” Saria asked excitedly.

“Sorry, but you don’t get that until you get all the fairies in the last temple. But be thankful that you get one at all. Instead, I’m going to give you a really powerful spin attack.”

“Didn’t we already have that?”

“I mean really powerful. In Ocarina of Time, a quick spin attack had blue magic surrounding you and a charged one had more powerful orange magic. In this game, a quick spin attack has orange magic.”


Link and Saria got a Totally Awesome Spin Attack!

“So now we’re going to the mountains,” Tatl spoke. “Song of Time.”

I don't actually have Netflix... I just know that everybody I know else does. :lol:

Also, since Dekus are plants, obviously they breathe carbon dioxide and not oxygen.

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