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The Last Survivors (RP Thread)

Chilfo Freeze

Emma Jean Stone

She whipped back around, staring at him. "We've all got our problems! Why do you think we're all alone and not with family or friends, huh? You think you're the only one who's lost someone close?!" By this time, she was right up in his face, pointing a finger and accusing him.

"Hmph. And yet, we choose to see the positives in our situation currently - all except you." She turned around, whipping her short hair and flinging her hand in the air.

"Sick of it. We don't need this." Tass walked out and took the cart with her, making her way to the opposite side of the shop and beginning to fill the guns that she had found with ammo.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

He'd had it with this group. That was it, he wasn't going to stay here anymore. He pushed past others and out the door, taking what he'd had with him.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster

The situation around him was dissolving fast. People weren't getting along and they all needed to stick together. Eric rushed over to Dantay and blocked his path to the street. "Look, let's just calm down and talk things out alright?" Without out waiting a response he grabbed Dantay and spun him around, pushing him back inside without much force.

Eric looked at the two parties and said first to Dantay, "Look, I understand your having a rough time, believe me, I get it. I've seen countless friends killed before, sometimes right in front of my eyes when I could do nothing about it because if I did I'd give up my cover."

Eric turned to a slightly smug looking Tass and said, "And don't go acting like you see the positives in this situation. You've got just as much hurt as the rest of us but you choose to cover it. Well I've seen this kinda thing before and when you finally loose it later on believe me, he's not gonna be helping you and you'll need as much as help you can."

Eric turned to Cyrus and said, "Can you examine these two?"


Cyrus was working on consolidating all the items they salvaged from the lab when Cyrus asked him to look at Tass and Dantay.

Cyrus walked over to the sulking pair and observed them for a second before fishing into his personal medical kit in his trench coat. "Here," he said. "I think you both could use some of this." Cyrus handed them both syringes filled with a light clear blue liquid. There was about 5 ml in both. "It's a relaxant. Just inject it into yourself and in about 5 minutes it should take effect. It'll release a chemical into your brain that'll calm down the area that uses human emotions, specifically those associated with anger. Suffice to say, it should calm you down. Use it."


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

"Do you really know what I went through? Look, those animals are smart. They forced me to watch my family die! They tied me up and ate my family, right in front of me! Laughing all the while! And I'm not taking your damn injection crap."

Dantay shoved back the blue liquid and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

Chilfo Freeze

Emma Jean Stone

"You deny that I try to see the positives?" Now she was in Eric's face. She couldn't believe these people. "I try to see the damned positives every day, because that's all I have left!" Upon the last word, she started to cry, but forced herself to quit. She snatched the syringe from Cyrus's hand.

"Give me that." She stuck it in her arm, not giving any second thoughts.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster

Eric heard Dantay's words and immediately went off. "You think you know what it means to loose? You have no idea. I cut ties with my family when I was 18 and never talked to them again. They're probably dead and I can't bear the thought of that." Eric's hand tightened absentmindedly on his revolver. "I've seen members of my team killed in front of me on covert missions. I've even had to kill them myself in order to cover. And I had no time to mourn. Now take that drug like Cyrus said."

Eric stormed out out into the street.

Chilfo Freeze

Emma Jean Stone

Upon sticking the syringe in her arm, she didn't feel anything. She pulled it out of her arm and looked at Cyrus, waiting for something to happen. She didn't feel any different physically, but her emotions started to curve.

"Oh Dantay, take the syringe, will you?" She smiled at him; something so unlike herself that she was momentarily confused. She hadn't smiled in what felt like years. "I... I think I'm just gonna lay down."

Tassurelle crawled onto the top of the desk, splaying herself over it and placing her arm under her head as a pillow.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011

Dantay didn't reply to anyone and just set the syringe down roughly on the table.

"I'll do what I want with my mind and body. You do whatever you want with yours."

Dantay found a chair in a corner and sat down.


Seek a door that carries a [9]
Mar 22, 2012
Nevada Test Site
Vince sighed and held his forehead, "Danger. We must move quickly."

Shannon looked at Vince, "Oh... we should go now... He shoved as much food as he could into a cart and pushed it out the back. "There are cars in the back. The first one we wire, we take. You too, white haired chick. No one gets left behind."

Krissy shrugged and pushed a different cart out the back that contained weapons and ammo.

('white haired chick' is Sierra, by the way. Just sneaking Ali Baba in this.)


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
Dillon (I think that's his name :xd: ) heard Shannon remark. "Whatever car you want, I can wire it." He smirked. "So, where are the cars?" Tayler smiled. "You didn't listen? Surprise surprise. They're in the back."

Chilfo Freeze

Emma Jean Stone

The syrum faded just as quickly as it flowed through her body, and she sat up at Vince's remark.

"Danger. Alright, we have to move out then. We don't need any injuries right now."

She got up, heading out the door. She then turned to Tayler and Shannon, "The first car we get wired, we use. It's the quickest way, like Shannon said. Let's get moving."

With that final statement, she walked out the door and to the back, where multiple cars sat, waiting to be driven.


Seek a door that carries a [9]
Mar 22, 2012
Nevada Test Site
Shannon instinctively ran to one of the cars and started hard wiring it, he pointed to the other cars and spoke, "Try."

Vince glanced at one of the cars and said, "If you think I know how to do that you are crazy..."

Krissy rolled her eyes and began to hard wire the car Vince has glancing at.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster

Eric checked his radar and then his watch. "Looks like we need to move in about 10 minutes. We've been here way too long."

Eric stands up and hoists his shotgun onto his shoulder. "So is everyone ready?"

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