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Zelda Art The Hero of Spirits

Azure Sage

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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Thanks a lot for your comments, guys! Now it's time for Chapter Forty-Nine! At this point, we're moving even closer to the ending, and it looks like Chapter Fifty-Four might end up being the final chapter. I hope you guys are looking forward to that, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please tell me what you think. :3

Chapter Fifty-Three


“So, explain why the two of you snuck into the castle.” Sigal said to me.

“Yeah.” I said. “It has to do with the reason we’re in the Mystic Realm to begin with. Drake appeared in the Physical Realm and kidnapped my friend Regret. In pursuing him, we ended up in this world. We’re trying to rescue Regret from Drake.”

“Demon King Drake kidnapped your friend? Why?” Kurt asked.

“We don’t know. We think he’s being held here in the castle somewhere, so we snuck in.” I said.

“You’d really go against Drake just to save your friend? You’re either crazy or suicidal.” Winston said.

“Yeah, you’re just a human! Drake is a Demon! What can you do against him?” one of the prisoners asked me.

I raised my hand and tried focusing my magic power around it. I still wasn’t very good at drawing it out without using the Lokomo Sword as an amplifier, but I could summon enough for the prisoners to clearly see it. They all looked at me in shock, mouths gaping.

“A human with magic power? Impossible...” Sigal said, dumbfounded.

“It isn’t my own power. I’m the Hero of Spirits. This is the magic power of the Spirits of Light. I can fight against Drake with this.” I said.

“... Even if that’s true, this whole thing sounds completely crazy. What would Drake possibly want with your friend? I mean, he’s a human like you, right?” Kurt said.

“No, Regret isn’t a human. He’s a Demon.” I said.

This came as a shock to everyone, even Naomi. “Regret is a Demon, Alphonse?” Naomi said in surprise.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure. Remember how I told you I met him during the Gerudo Fighting Festival? During our match, I realized that he was a Demon. I’d fought the Demon Lords Vaati and Ghirahim before, so I could tell by his magic power. Although, when I asked him about his magic later, it seemed like he didn’t even know himself since he’d lost his childhood memories, so I just decided to keep quiet about it.” I explained.

“Oh., I see. But I guess knowing that doesn’t really help us figure out what Drake wants with Regret, huh?” she said.

“Not really.” I agreed.

“Hold on a second!” one of the prisoners said as the two of us started going off on a tangent. “You knew he was a Demon but you still call him your ‘friend’?”

“Of course.” I said. “Regret is my friend. It doesn’t matter to me if he’s a Demon.”

“I just learned he was a Demon myself, but I still think of him as my friend. My opinion of him hasn’t changed.” Naomi added.

The prisoners didn’t seem to understand that. They all looked at the two of us in amazed disbelief. It was like their minds couldn’t process the idea of humans and Demons getting along. This was expressed by what a prisoner said next.

“How come you’re okay with that? How can you be okay with being his friend if he’s a Demon? Even if he doesn’t know he’s a Demon, you still know! You humans hate Demons, right? How can you be friends with him?!” he asked.

“Most humans probably do hate Demons, just like you Demons hate humans. Most, not all of them. Naomi and I are different. And I’m sure there are some Demons out there who are different, too.” I said. “Think about it. This whole hatred between our two races all started hundreds of years ago, and it was just because humans feared Demons because they have magic power and Demons looked down on humans because they don’t have magic power. Don’t you think that’s weird at all?”

When I asked this, all of the prisoners looked around at each other. They appeared to actually be seriously thinking about this. I could see in their eyes and their expressions that they were really questioning the logic of holding on to this old, misguided hatred.

“Now that I’ve seen both the Mystic Realm and the Physical Realm, I can tell you that there’s no basis for that hatred. Humans and Demons live exactly the same way as each other. When I was in St. Versailles yesterday, I couldn’t help but notice that it was exactly like any town in the Physical Realm. You all didn’t even realize that Naomi and I were humans until it was mentioned! Doesn’t that tell you that we’re really not that different after all?” I said.

The prisoners continued to look around at each other. They were beginning to whisper to each other. I heard someone say “Maybe he’s right...”, and someone else said “I never thought about that...”. They only needed a little more pushing to convince them now.

“See? Humans and Demons aren’t that different from each other! But because of petty differences like magic power and life spans, discrimination and hatred rose up. But that should all be ancient history now. That was all a long time ago! How many of you have actually had bad things happen to you by the hand of a human? Sure, there are some bad humans out there, but there are also some good ones! And there are good Demons as well as bad Demons, too!”

The prisoners who were people we saw in St. Versailles yesterday recognized those last few words of mine, the same words I said to them yesterday. They all saw me save the life of Arin, Sigal’s daughter. That alone started to put a dent in their ideas that all humans were bad. My words reinforced this. I could tell that they were finally starting to be convinced.

“I get that it can be hard to just forget about all of that prejudice and start over. But if we don’t try, things will never get better between our two races. Even if it seems easier, we can’t just go on hating each other forever, especially if that hatred is unreasonable! Do you all agree?” I said.

The prisoners were no longer looking back and forth between each other. They were all staring at me now. The look in their eyes told me they each reached a conclusion.

Sigal stepped forward. “I never imagined a human like you would exist. You’re definitely different. Maybe... Maybe you’re right. Maybe we’ve all been holding to to this hatred because it’s what we grew up with.”

When he said that, it seemed to resonate with the other prisoners, as if some of them could identify with that feeling.

“What you said earlier, when you asked us if we’ve even had bad things done to us by humans..." Kurt began. "I don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve never been hurt by a human before. I just hated them because I was taught they were bad, just like Sigal said...” Then he turned to Naomi. “I... I’m sorry I tried to grab you yesterday in town. It was wrong of me.” he said to her.

The prisoners were shocked by this action. A Demon apologizing to a human was probably an insane concept to them, but Kurt still had the guts to do it.

- This is good! They’re finally starting to understand!

“When you said that we didn’t even realize you were humans until it was mentioned...” Winston began, “... You were absolutely right. I would have never known if you hadn’t said anything. I’ve never really thought about it before now, but... If I can’t even tell the difference between a human and a Demon, then it really is pretty crazy of me to hate them.”

The other prisoners began saying things to Naomi and I like “I’m sorry for yelling at you like that.”. They were all finally convinced.

“I’m glad you all understand now.” I said. “I hope this means you guys can trust me now.”

“Yeah. We’ll give you a chance. You said you’d help us escape and return us to our families. I believe that you’ll get me back to my daughter.” Sigal said.

“But how are we going to escape?” Kurt asked.

“Well, our original plan was for me to leave Naomi in here while I search for Regret in disguise. Then, once I found him, I would come back here to get Naomi, and then the three of us would leave. But now that we’re helping all of you escape as well, it’ll be much harder to leave the castle.” I said.

“Wait a second. There’s no way they won’t notice that all of the prisoners have escaped. Even if we all do get out, we can’t just go back to our normal lives. They’d just come after us again!” one of the prisoners said.

“Yeah, that’s also a problem.” I said.

“Damn it! What are we supposed to do? We wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for that damned Drake!” one of the prisoners complained.

“‘Damned’? Do you guys not like him?” I asked.

“Are you kidding?!” Kurt said. “That guy’s a freakin’ dictator! He places all these strict laws and harsh penalties and just expects us to follow them! He’s also the boss of the military, so they’re forced to uphold his crazy laws. But even then, some of the guys in the military are corrupt like him. You saw them arrest us just for participating in that riot, right?”

“Yeah. Even when I was running away back then, I thought that was pretty unfair.” I said.

“Unfair is a major understatement! Guess when we’re getting released?” Winston said.

“When?” I asked.

“The twelfth of NEVER!” he replied.

“Wait, they’re imprisoning all of you for life?! Just for participating in a riot?!” I exclaimed.

“We’re all imprisoned for life! That’s how Drake rules!” Sigal said. “Once you commit a crime, you’re considered a threat to the stability of his territory. So, you get imprisoned for life to ensure that you can’t threaten that stability ever again! Even worse, when the prisons start to get full, he'll round up a handful of prisoners and execute them on the spot just to make room!"

“Once you’re locked inside these cells, you never set foot outside again.” a prisoner said.

“That’s awful...” I said.

- That would have blown our cover for sure if I had gone back to let Naomi out like we’d planned... I guess, in a way, it was fortunate that things turned out like this.

“As long as Drake is ruling us with that iron fist of his, we’re never gonna be free.” Winston said.

I took some time to seriously consider this. I desperately wanted to help these people. In fact, it was my duty to help people as the Hero of Spirits. However, just like Byrne had said, that duty is to the Physical Realm and its people, not to the Mystic Realm. I had no place as the Hero of Spirits to help these people.

Even so, I still wanted to help. I couldn’t ignore people suffering from injustices right before my eyes. Even if it meant risking my life going against a Demon King, I wanted to do it. This was the same risk I was taking in trying to rescue Regret. So even if I chose to rescue all of these people as well, it wasn't like I would be taking any bigger of a risk. It would be going against Drake all the same.

Although my duty wasn’t to these people, I wasn’t going to let that stop me. When I faced Acnologia in the Desert Realm, I was ready and willing to throw away my title, as long as I could protect Naomi. If I was willing to do that for the sake of someone else, I was sure as hell ready to ignore my duty for the sake of others, too. And so, I made up my mind.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll defeat Drake.” I said.

Instantly, everyone stared at me in shock. This was the most shocked they’d ever been at me so far, and that was really saying something.

“D-defeat...” Sigal stuttered.

“B-boy... Do you even know what you just said?” Kurt stammered.

“Of course.” I said. “Drake may be a powerful Demon King, but so is Malladus. If I can’t beat Drake, then there’s no way I can defeat Malladus as the Hero of Spirits like I’m supposed to. And I’m going to defeat Malladus. So, I’m going to defeat Drake.”

“... I-I see... I su-suppose you could look at it that way...” Kurt said, looking incredibly dumbfounded.

I heard someone say “This kid is insane...”.

That kind of reaction was understandable. To them, I probably sounded like some crazy overconfident kid.

“Don’t worry. If anyone can do it, it’s Alphonse.” Naomi said.

The prisoners looked around at each other with eyes and faces full of uncertainty, but at last they sighed.

“I guess we don’t have a choice but to trust him.” one of them said.

“There’s still the matter of how we’re going to get out of here.” Winston said. “Does anyone have any ideas?”

"Can't you break out using magic?" I asked.

"Don't you think we would have done that already if we could? You see how we're all still handcuffed, right? These handcuffs are made with a special property that negates magic power. As long as these are on our wrists, we can't summon any magic power." Sigal explained.

"Oh..." I said.

- So those handcuffs are just like Danyel and Vino's swords.

Sensing the silence as an opportunity to shine, Naomi spoke up. "I have an idea!” she said with enthusiasm.

“You’ve got an idea already?” I said.

“I was thinking about it while you guys were talking.” she replied.

“Okay, then. What’s your idea?” I asked.

“Okay. Here’s the plan: Alphonse will go look for that soldier who helped him bring me here, and ask him to lend him the keys to the cells because he’s under orders from Rinz to interrogate me. If he questions that, he can tell him that Rinz said it’s a chance for him to prove himself since he’s the one who brought me in. Then Alphonse will come back here with the keys and unlock all the cells. The prisoners will start a riot, and Alphonse will use that confusion to look for Regret. Then the two of them can join the fight, and then we simply keep going until we defeat Drake.” she explained.

All of us stared at her in amazement. “How do you come up with this stuff?” I asked her, bewildered.

“Give me some credit! I said I wanted to try to be as helpful as I can despite not being a fighter! This is the best way I can help, so I’m giving it my all!” she said.

I smiled at her. “Yeah, that’s right.” I said.

I was tempted to reject her idea because having the prisoners fight with the soldiers while she’s here would put her in danger. But her determination told me that any resistance I put up wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Well, that plan is all well and good,” Sigal said, “But where are we gonna get weapons to fight the soldiers? We can’t rely on just our magic power alone.”

“There’s lots of weapons that have been confiscated. They’re all in that closet over there. The other cell blocks are sure to have lots of confiscated weapons, too.” one of the prisoners said.

"I bet we could find the castle's armory, too!" said another.

“Then that settles that.” I said. “Is there anything we’re leaving out?”

“What about our handcuffs?” Winston asked.

“I still have the key to Naomi’s handcuffs. Maybe the same key will work for all of yours, too.” I said.

“Yeah, maybe. We’ll have to take that chance. We can’t exactly have you ask for handcuff keys, after all.” Sigal said.

“That’s right. That’d definitely be way too suspicious.” Kurt said.

“Okay. Is that everything, then?” I asked.

“There’s still just one problem.” Naomi said. “You can’t fight at full strength without the Lokomo Sword, so you’ll have to be really careful not to get discovered.”

“Can’t I just bring it with me?” I said.

“No, that soldier told you to put it with the other confiscated items! If he sees you carrying it around, he’ll get suspicious!” she said.

“Oh, yeah, that’s right...” I said, realizing I was still holding onto it. “I’ll put it in that closet before I go, then.”

“Good. Now, that takes care of everything.” Naomi said.

“Great! Then let’s get this plan started!” Kurt said excitedly.

The prisoners all started cheering. “Yeah! Let’s do this!” they said.

“Alright. We’re getting you all out of here! Just leave it to me!” I said.


Regret dashed through the valley, looking for a place to hide. He’d already had to duck out of the sight of some soldiers out searching for him twice already. He needed to find a safe spot he could stay at for a while while he figured out what to do next.

Currently, he was running through a thicket of bushes. The branches scratched at his clothes and his cheeks, but he ignored it as he pushed on through them. Suddenly, he heard rustling nearby. He stopped and listened. The rustling grew closer to him.

Damn it! Have they found me?

Suddenly, a figure burst out from the brush and lunged at Regret. He jumped back and out of the bushes onto the dirt path next to them, prepared to fight against this foe. The figure left the bushes as well, and stood before Regret. Once he saw who it was, Regret gasped.

“You’re the guy I fought in Hyleigh City’s ruins!” Regret said.

“You’re Alphonse’s friend!” Byrne said. Regret prepared to fight him. “Wait, I’m not your enemy!”

“Don’t lie to me!” Regret yelled. “You just attacked me!”

“I thought you were a soldier!” Byrne said defensively.

“Oh, right, I’m still wearing this disguise...” Regret said, looking over himself.

“Disguise? So that’s how Alphonse and Naomi got you out of the castle...” Byrne said.

“What?! What are you talking about?” Regret asked.

“... You mean they didn’t get you out?” Byrne said in surprise.

“No, I escaped by myself last night. I didn’t even know they were here in the Mystic Realm!” Regret said.

Byrne’s expression became full of horror. “Then that means... Those two went to the castle without realizing you’ve already escaped! This is bad! They could be in serious danger!” he said.

“What’d you say?! Alphonse and Naomi are at the castle?!” Regret gasped.

“Most likely.” Byrne said. “They went there to try to rescue you. We’ve got to get there, now!” Byrne said.

“Hold on a second! I can’t trust you! You’re Alphonse’s enemy, aren’t you?” Regret said.

“Look, I’m not asking you to trust me. But I need your help. Please.” Byrne said, begging Regret.

Regret stared at Byrne. His face didn’t show any signs of lying, but Regret still didn’t think he should trust him. But when he thought about Alphonse, he realized that sneaking into the castle of a powerful Demon King was something that crazy fool would definitely do.

“I won’t trust you right away.” Regret said. “But I do trust Alphonse. And the Alphonse I know would probably do something like that if it meant helping someone. So I’m going back. I’ll go back to help my friends!”


“Excuse me! Berrigan!” I said as I ran up top the soldier who helped me escort Naomi to the prison earlier.

I saluted him as he turned around to face me. “Ah, Rookie!” he said, saluting me back. “You need something from me?”

“Yes, sir. Captain Rinz asked me to get the jail cell keys from you so I could interrogate that girl I brought in.” I said.

“He asked you to do it? That’s odd, you’re still just a rookie.” Berrigan said.

“Captain Rinz told me it was a chance to prove myself, since I’m the one who caught the girl.” I said.

“I see. Then in that case, here you go.” Berrigan said as he began to hand me the keys.

- It worked! Naomi is a genius.

“Hold it!” a voice shouted.

Berrigan and I turned to see where this familiar voice had come from. It was Rinz. He stood further down from us in the hall with his sword drawn.

“That boy is an imposter and a human!” he shouted.

- Damn it! He did know after all!

As I began to panic, Berrigan freaked. He quickly retracted the hand he held out the keys to me with and drew his sword. I drew the officer’s sword I stole and parried Berrigan’s attack. Then I jumped back to avoid the swipe of Rinz’s sword.

“As a human who has committed a crime in the Mystic Realm, you have been sentenced to death! I shall execute you at once!” Rinz bellowed.

- If he knows I’m a human, then he probably knows Naomi is a human, too! She’s in danger!


“You think Alphonse will be okay?” Sigal asked Naomi as they stood in the cell.

“Yes. He’ll definitely be okay. He’s the guy I love, after all!” she said cheerfully.

“Oh, so you two are an item, eh? I was kinda getting that vibe from the two of you!” Kurt said.

As the prisoners engaged in light-hearted conversation like that, the door to the cell block burst open. A soldier, who Naomi recognized as one of the two who showed up with Rinz in the entrance hall, barged in. He looked around the cells, and when he spotted Naomi, he approached the cell.

“There you are, filthy human!” he said.

Oh, no! They’ve figured us out!

As Naomi thought that, the prisoners all looked around at each other in dismay. The soldier drew his sword with one hand and reached into his pocket with the other. He removed the cell keys from them.

“As a human who has committed a crime in the Mystic Realm, you have been sentenced to death! I shall execute you at once!” he shouted at Naomi.

Naomi backed up in fear as the soldier went to unlock the cell door.
Last edited:

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Thanks a lot for your comments, guys! Now it's time for Chapter Fifty! I can't believe I've made it to fifty chapters now. That seriously blows my mind. @_@

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please tell me what you think. :3

Chapter Fifty-Four

The soldier unlocked the cell door and placed the keys back in his pocket. “Stand back, maggots! I am under orders to execute that human girl!” he bellowed.

The prisoners looked around at each other, and nodded. The soldier pushed the cell door open and walked in as the prisoners backed away. Naomi cowered back in fear, thinking that the prisoners were just going to let her die. The soldier held his sword over her head.

“Die, human trash!” he shouted.

Just as his sword began to close in on her, the prisoners all charged at the soldier.

“Get him!” they shouted. “Don’t let him hurt Naomi!”

“What the-?!” the soldier gasped.

Naomi was shocked. She didn’t expect them to protect her like this. Under any other circumstances, they probably would have just let her die. But she realized that the reason they were protecting her was because of Alphonse. They believed that the two of them would get them back to their families.

Naomi smiled as she watched the prisoners grapple with the soldier. She thought of Alphonse, and how it was thanks to him that the prisoners, Demons, could help her, a human.

“Get the keys from him!” a prisoner shouted.

“I got them!” shouted another.

“Great! Start uncuffing everyone, and handcuff this sucker and leave him in the cell!” shouted another still.

The soldier was so dumbfounded that the prisoners were helping a human he couldn’t even fight back. It didn’t take long for the prisoners to overpower him, even while handcuffed. Soon, handcuffs started popping off the prisoners’ wrists and dropping to the ground like flies. Naomi felt someone grab her arms, and her handcuffs fell to the ground as well. As she rubbed her wrists which felt uncomfortable from being cuffed, she watched the prisoners run amok in the cell block.

They had taken the cell keys from the now handcuffed soldier and unlocked all the other cells in the block. They stormed the closet with the confiscated items and took any weapon they could get their hands on. Then they left the cell block and started heading to the other blocks to free the prisoners there, too. On their way out, Sigal tossed Naomi the Lokomo Sword. She caught it in her arms clumsily.

“If they figured out you’re a human, then they probably know Alphonse is a human, too! You said earlier that he can’t fight at full strength without that sword, right? We’ve gotta hurry and take it to him! Come on!” he shouted.

“R-right! Let’s find him!” Naomi said.

“Don’t worry, we’ll protect you on the way, Naomi! We won’t let you get hurt!” Kurt said.

As the escaped prisoners stormed out of the cell blocks and up the stairs to the main part of the castle, Naomi ran with them, protected by a crowd of them surrounding her. While they stormed the castle and started riots, Naomi couldn’t help herself from smiling.

Alphonse, this is all thanks to you. You gave them the hope they needed to fight for their freedom.

Soldiers appeared, drawn by all the noise the prisoners were making. They began to clash with the prisoners. Naomi clutched the Lokomo Sword tightly to her chest as fights erupted all around her. The battle for the prisoners’ freedom was beginning.

* * *

I parried Berrigan’s slash with the officer’s sword, and our blades locked. Rinz then charged at me as Berrigan tried to pin me in place. However, I kicked his stomach, and he stumbled. I managed to get out of the way of Rinz’s attack thanks to that.

I then swung the officer’s sword at a slanted angle, aiming at both Rinz and Berrigan at the same time. Berrigan tried to back up to avoid it, but he ended up with a cut across his cheek. Rinz, on the other hand, made the right move by guarding against the strike. As the officer’s sword slammed across Rinz’s blade, sparks of metal scattered. In that instant, we locked eyes.

Rinz’s dull orange eyes did not budge even an inch. They were coldly focused on me alone, completely disregarding Berrigan. They were like the eyes of a lion focused on the sight of its prey.

It was obvious to me that Rinz was far more skilled than Berrigan. It was no wonder he was the Captain. He didn’t seem shocked or impressed by my skills, either. He seemed to shut out all of his emotions when he fought, focusing on one thing only; the kill.

For an instant, I was intimidated by him, but I forced that thought down as quickly as I could. Such a thought would do me more harm than good in this fight.

I jumped back and brandished the officer’s sword. Then I rushed forward, with my body leaning forward as well. I did this so I could duck under a horizontal slash from Berrigan’s sword. My sword arm was extended behind my back, and I swung it forward in a wide but fast swing. It was too fast for either of them to take advantage of the opening I left myself with.

The momentum I built up from such a wide swung, as well as the speed at which I swung the officer’s sword with, crashed against Rinz’s sword as he defended against the attack. He was pushed back a few inches across the red carpet on the floor of the hall. However, even being pushed back did not seem to affect his focused mood. I was starting to think there was nothing that could faze him in a battle. I was feeling quite impressed by that.

I dove out of the way to avoid another attack from Berrigan, and then leapt out of the way of Rinz’s attack. Then, I shot forward towards Berrigan, using magic power in my feet to propel myself. Combining this burst of speed with my attack, I swung the officer’s sword at a vertical, bottom-to-top angle. Berrigan didn’t have time to guard against it properly, and he was knocked off his feet from the force of the impact.

Berrigan hit the ground in a daze, groaning in pain. I quickly turned around to face Rinz, who was quickly closing in on me. I looked into his eyes again, and I didn’t see an ounce of concern for Berrigan in his expression.

- He’s either really focused or really cold-hearted...

I ducked under a horizontal slash, and returned with a quick thrust of my own. Rinz bent his body out of the way instead of trying to parry or back off, keeping himself in close proximity to me. He probably intended to ensure that he didn’t miss a chance to strike me, but I wasn’t going to allow that to happen.

I quickly gathered magic power into my free left hand, aiming to hit Rinz with the skill I developed when I fought The Behemoth in the Fire Temple. Upon seeing me use magic power, Rinz’s expression finally wavered. I saw the surprise in his eyes, and for an instant, I hesitated from surprise myself. I was shocked that he was actually fazed by something. This hesitation was a huge mistake on my part.

Rinz’s surprise quickly grew into anger, and suddenly, a pulsation of violet aura burst from his body. I was knocked back by the force of it, but I managed to remain on my feet. I skidded to a stop, and looked up at Rinz. What I saw in his eyes this time was pure wrath.

“How dare you, a meager human, use the magic we Demons pride ourselves on so much!” Rinz shouted. “Magic power is the very thing that makes us far superior to you lowly creatures! How dare you use it in front of a Demon!”

“This magic power isn’t Demon magic. It’s the magic of the Spirits of Light. I was granted this power because I’m the Hero of Spirits.” I said to him, rising fully to my feet.

“I don’t care how you got it, or whose it is. It’s still magic power, and it’s still slanderous!” Rinz shouted as he brandished his sword. “I shall cut you down for your mockery, wretched human!”

I brandished the officer’s sword I held as well. “You think it’s mockery? You’re really full of yourself, aren’t you.” I said.

“Your insolence knows no bounds, human!” Rinz said.

The violet aura pulsating from him seemed to seethe with anger. I could feel tension in the air from his magic power. I felt an involuntary shudder travel down my spine.

- This guy... He’s strong.

Rinz leaned forward, preparing to lunge at me. I held the officer’s sword up, preparing to guard against his attack. Suddenly, the area got noisy. What sounded like battle cries could be heard echoing throughout the halls of the castle.

“What is that?” Rinz said in surprise, looking around.

- Wait... Is it them?

As I thought that, a stream of armed Demons poured into our hall as they ran by. Many soldiers were giving chase, cutting some of them down while some of them were being cut down themselves.

- It was them! The prisoners escaped on their own!

“What the hell is this?!” Rinz gasped.

I was surprised at the sheer number of them. There must have been hundreds of escaped prisoners running wild right now. They clearly outnumbered the soldiers. What they lacked in battle experience they more than made up for in numbers. What's more, they were carrying much more weaponry than they could've gotten from the closets with confiscated items. They must've raided the armory after breaking out. I felt our chances of winning increase.


I heard Naomi’s voice call out my name. “Naomi!” I called back.

I rushed right by Rinz into the crowd of prisoners. Rinz tried to stop me, but he was held back by some prisoners who jumped between us. I found Naomi in the center of the crowd.

“You made it out!” I said as I hugged her. “I was worried that you were in danger.”

“I was worried about you, too. But that’s not important right now! Here!” she said, handing me the Lokomo Sword.

- Alright! With this, I’ll really be able to fight!

“Thanks.” I said as I took it from her.

I handed the officer’s sword I’d been using to some random prisoner and tossed its sheath aside. Then I strapped the Lokomo Sword to its rightful place on my back, and drew it. I held it above my head.

“Alright, everyone!” I shouted over all the noise. “We’re taking this castle, and we’re setting all of you free!”

A motivated battle cry rang out as a sign of understanding to my words. I lowered the Lokomo Sword, and turned back to Naomi.

“Be careful, Alphonse.” she said.

“I will. You, too.” I said. “Protect Naomi for me!” I shouted.

“You got it!” one of the prisoners said.

“We’ll protect her with our lives!” said another.

I nodded, and dashed back out of the crowd of prisoners to face Rinz again. As I exited the crowd, he was in the midst of cutting down two prisoners. He was about to cut down another when I jumped between them. Our swords clashed with a spray of sparks and metal. He seemed dumbfounded by what was going on.

“A human protecting a Demon? And they’re helping you? Why? Are these fools so desperate for freedom that they would cast aside the pride of the Demons?" he said.

“They understand that humans and Demons aren’t that different!” I answered.

“Nonsense! We Demons are far superior to you lowly humans!” Rinz shouted angrily.

“You’re wrong!” I yelled back at him. I stepped forward so that I was right in his face. “We’re all alive! We’re all people with friends and emotions! They all understand that, just like I do! There’s no reason for us to hate each other!”

Rinz was stupefied by my words. I used this opportunity to strike. I flowed magic power through the blade of the Lokomo Sword, and then let it expand. The force of the expansion pushed Rinz back, and I moved forward. I swung my sword with an extra boost of magic, impacting against Rinz’s blade. He was knocked into the air, and he did a backflip before he landed on his feet. He glared at me hatefully.

“Once again using magic power in front of a Demon... Just because you changed swords doesn’t mean you will have an advantage against me! I will cut you down all the same!” he screamed in anger.

I brandished my sword and rushed at Rinz. He did the same. Once we were upon each other, I bent down and began to swing my sword up towards him from the lower right. He raised himself up higher so that he was over me, and swung his sword down from the upper left. Rinz’s magic power flowed around the blade of his sword.

I looked into his eyes for a split second. There was the same cold focus I saw before, but there was also a good amount of malice this time.

I sent a surge of magic power through my sword, and let it continue on as it flew towards Rinz’s sword. Both our blades left a trail of light as they streaked through the air towards each other. As they collided, I shifted my body around so that I could maneuver behind Rinz. The violet and azure colored auras danced in the air as they tore at each other from the collision of our swords.

We separated, and I skidded to a stop behind Rinz, facing towards him. His back was to mine, but I could see clearly the damage our exchange had done. The blade of his officer’s sword was cracked.

I raised my sword above my head and pivoted my body to the right. After gathering magic power in my blade, I swung it down, using my pivot to increase the momentum of the projectile burst. Rinz turned around in time to see it rocketing toward him. He released a lot of his magic power as he raised his sword to guard against it.

The burst of magic power ripped right through Rinz’s own and slammed against his blade. The burst cleaved right through the metal, breaking it into two halves. It continued on to tear into Rinz’s body. His blood splattered the floor in a wide streak as he fell to the ground on his back.

I heard him cough and gasp for breath as he lay on the floor.

- He’s still alive, huh? Oh, well. He can’t be a threat in that condition, anyway.

I shrugged as I thought that, then sheathed my sword. “I’m going on ahead to look for Regret! Take care of things here!” I shouted to the prisoners. They responded with a battle cry. I turned and ran off.

As I was running away, I failed to hear what Rinz had said.

“R-Regret...?” he coughed. “So that’s what you came here for... Heh heh... He’s already gone, you fool... You’re heading right for your grave... He will surely kill you...”

* * *

Naomi stood in the center of the crowd of escaped prisoners. She looked around at them, watching them fight with the soldiers. She winced every time she saw someone die.

This is so sad... So many people are dying... Even though we promised to get them home...

She shuddered as she thought about all the Demons who wouldn't get to see their families again. She desperately wanted this fighting to stop, despite knowing that there was nothing she could do.

“Die!” a soldier shouted as he suddenly lunged at Naomi.

She screamed and cringed back, putting her arms up in front of her and closing her eyes tightly. She heard the sound of metal cleaving through flesh, and felt drops of blood spatter land on her arms.

Naomi opened her eyes and lowered her arms. What she saw horrified her; a prisoner had shielded her with his own body. Another prisoner attacked that soldier, and their fight carried them away from Naomi and the dying prisoner.

He lay on the ground in front of her, gasping for air as his blood spilled from his wound. “Wh... Why?” Naomi asked him as she knelt down next to him.

“We all... promised Alphonse that we’d... that we’d protect you.... with our lives.” he coughed. He watched tears stream down Naomi’s face. “Heh... Never thought I’d see the day... where a human would cry over a Demon...”

“Of course I’d cry! You’re dying!” she yelled at him.

“Heh heh... I’m glad I met a human... like you. All of us feel the same way. We want... to see our families again. We’re willing to... put our lives on the line... for that. It’s all thanks... to the two of you... that we have this hope.”

With those softly spoken words, the prisoner whose name Naomi never knew passed away. She knelt before him, crying over his death. Suddenly, she felt a hand rest on her shoulder. She desperately wanted this hand to belong to Alphonse so she could cry in his arms, but she knew he was somewhere else, looking for Regret.

When she turned around to see who it was, she found herself looking up at Sigal. “He’s right.” he said. “We all believe in the hope you and Alphonse gave us. We are all willing to fight to the death if it means we can be free to go home and see our families again. We’ve all accepted our deaths as a possible outcome. He was prepared for it, and so is everyone else here.”

Naomi wiped her tears away and nodded. “I get that. But it’s still sad...” she said.

“It may be sad. But most of us getting home to our families is better than none of us. We can’t afford to be naive.” Sigal said to her. “We’re fighting for everyone to be free, but we’ve accepted the reality that many of us will die. That may be sad, but we can fight through that sadness with the belief that we’ll win.”

Naomi rose to her feet, and looked Sigal in the eyes. “You’re right.” she said. “I believe that we’ll win. We’ll win, and you can be free again.”

Sigal smiled at her, and went back to fight with the others. As he walked away, Naomi heard him whisper something to himself.

“I never expected myself to try to cheer up a human... I’m glad I met those two.”

Hearing that made Naomi smile. Not only were the Demons ready to change their views of humans, they were happy about it. It was all thanks to Alphonse. His words inspired these people.

Alphonse... You really are something else.

As she thought this, she wondered how Alphonse was doing in his search for Regret.

* * *

All of the hallways looked the same. I had no idea where I was going, where I was, or where to look. I didn’t run into any soldiers, so I assumed that most of them, if not all of them, were busy fighting with the escaped prisoners.

As I wandered aimlessly throughout the halls, I decided to check each individual room I came across. I opened door after door after door, but still no sign of Regret. Eventually, I found myself going deeper and deeper into the castle. Looking out a window, I could see one of the four towers that were at each corner of the castle. From that, I guessed that I was in the large tower in the center of the castle.

Continuing to wander the halls, I left a corridor and found myself in a wide open stairway. It was enclosed by large, double doors on each end, and had three wide landings; one at the top of the stairs, one in the center, and one at the bottom. I had entered the room from one of the doors on the center landing. Judging from the look of the room, I guessed that it was connected to the large stairway I’d seen in the entrance hall. In fact, I was willing to bet that the doors at the bottom of these stairs were the same doors at the top of the entrance hall stairs.

As I thought about where to go from here, the doors at the top of the stairs swung open. I jumped from surprise and quickly looked to the top of the stairs. Standing there, letting the doors close on their own behind him, was Demon King Drake.

He was dressed in silver-plated armor with a dark-colored cape. His pitch-black hair was neatly combed back, reaching down to his shoulder line. His intimidating black eyes stared at me fiercely. A large sword hung at his waist. All I could see was the black hilt, but from just that I got the impression that it was a kind of ritualistic sword, or at least had the appearance of one.

“So it’s you, boy.” he rasped. “The one from Hyleigh City’s ruins. The so-called ‘Hero of Spirits’, am I correct?”

I quickly drew the Lokomo Sword and stood on guard. “Drake.” I said simply.

“I take it you’re the one responsible for that infernal prison break.” he said as he stared down at me from the top of the stairs.

“Where’s Regret?” I asked him, ignoring his previous statement.

“He escaped late last night.” Drake said.

“What?!” I said in shock.

- So we didn’t have to come here after all?!

“This is rather convenient, actually.” Drake said as he slowly began to descend the stairs, his armor clanking with each step. “Now that you’re here, I don’t have to go looking for him myself. He’ll surely come here for you.”

“In that case, all I need to do is wait for him.” I said confidently.

“You would be right about that... Except, by the time he returns, you’ll be long dead.” Drake said menacingly.

Drake stopped several steps above the center landing and drew his sword. He held it at his waist as if he were a knight about to engage in battle. In fact, that sword accompanied with his armor gave him the appearance of a knight.

I involuntarily gulped as I faced this man. I was intimidated by his presence. He gave off an air of pure contempt. I was also nervous because I had no idea what the extent of his power was. Despite this, I wasn’t going to just back down. I had already decided to defeat him for the sake of the prisoners’ freedom.

I cleared my mind with a deep breath and prepared myself for my first battle against a Demon King.
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The violet aua
nig what is an aua? Perhaps you meant aura?

Otherwise nice work. Keith was right though - i find your fighting terminology to be a bit dry, so read up on that. Don't worry though, action scenes are the hardest to write. ;p

Actually, let me retract that comment about the action scenes.
Last edited:
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying

Too amazing!

The cliffy was well-done! It's impossible to compare with the first chapter, I found no flaws. Alphonse is now clearly the Hero of Spirits--this is no lost boy in the woods with a fairy. He's grown so much... And this is clear in this chapter. Naomi, too, has matured far beyond her initial identity. I feel an innate sense of pride--is that good or bad? I'm proud of them, and of you.

Well done, Az! Never stop writing.


Oct 20, 2010
Please tell me what you think. :3

“We’re all imprisoned for life! That’s how Drake rules!” Sigal said. “Once you commit a crime, you’re considered a threat to the stability of his territory. So, you get imprisoned for life to ensure that you can’t threaten that stability ever again!”

“Once you’re locked inside these cells, you never set foot outside again.” a prisoner said.
I don't think that this is really going to work. Prisons would be ultimately overcrowded. Don't forget that they still need food, clothes, ...
However I guess that you just wanted him to appear some sort of merciless dictator. Also the scene with Regret don't make Drake very likable.

He was dressed in silver-plated armor with a dark-colored cape. His pitch-black hair was neatly combed back, reaching down to his shoulder line. His intimidating black eyes stared at me fiercely. A large sword hung at his waist. All I could see was the black hilt, but from just that I got the impression that it was a kind of ritualistic sword, or at least had the appearance of one.
*play some scary boss music* Demon King Drake ;)

The cliffhangers were pretty good. I'm unsure what's going to happen when Regret faces Drake again. That could become very interesting :)

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Thanks so much, everyone! I appreciate your comments. :3 It's now time for Chapter Fifty-One! We're moving even closer to the end of the story. I hope you enjoy this chapter, because I spent a lot of time tweaking the end of it because I had a few issues with it. xDD Please tell me what you think. c:

Chapter Fifty-Five

Demon King Drake stood with his sword drawn several steps above me. I stared up at him, concentrating on his every muscle movement. I was ready to counter anything. But for some reason, he wasn’t moving. He simply stood there, staring down at me emotionlessly.

- Does he plan to let me make the first move?

I couldn’t read what he was thinking at all. He had the ultimate poker face. He was confident enough to allow the enemy to make the first move, and he probably had the power to back that confidence up, too. I decided it was in my benefit to test that power so I’d know exactly what I was up against. And so, I chose to make the first move.

I brandished my sword, charged it full of magic power, and leapt up the stairs at Drake. He nonchalantly lifted his sword up in front of him, holding it horizontally to guard against my vertical strike. My blade crashed against his, unleashing the pent-up magic power. It didn’t seem to faze Drake at all, though.

Drake’s eyes were coldly focused like Rinz’s eyes were, but something about his eyes were different than Rinz’s. There was something more in them than just cold focus. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was exactly. It felt like something overwhelming, something Drake was holding back.

While our blades were locked, he casually swung his sword arm, forcing me away from him. Even though the movement was causal, there was an incredible amount of force behind the motion. I was forced off my feet, and hit the wall to the right of Drake.

I slid down the wall, and the second my feet touched the stairs, I kicked off the steps and sped towards Drake, ignoring the writhing pain caused by my impact against the wall. I figured the short distance between us wouldn’t give Drake time to guard against my strike, but nevertheless, his sword parried my strike effortlessly.

Once again I was pushed away, this time back down the stairs a few steps. Once again I took off towards Drake the second my feet touched the stairs. This time I thrusted my sword forward while gathering magic in my left hand. Drake deflected my blade with his own, and as my palm thrust charged with magic power was about to make contact with him, he stopped it-- and me-- by grabbing my wrist.

He squeezed like a vice, and I let out a cry of agony. He then prepared to run me through with his sword. As long as he was holding on to my wrist, I couldn’t dodge. So, despite the pain of his grip, I surged magic power through my left arm and concentrated it where Drake was gripping it.

I let the power explode, and his grip loosened very slightly. Although he still had a hold on me, his grip had loosened just enough for me to pull my arm out of his grasp. I kicked down on the edge of the step as hard as I could, propelling myself back down the steps, ripping my arm loose of Drake’s grip and out of the way of his deadly blade. I landed skidding on my rear back on the center landing.

“Oh, not bad. I’m actually surprised you escaped my grip.” Drake said.

Though he said that, there was no hint of any kind emotion in his voice, much less surprise. I still couldn’t understand him at all. This scared me. What’s more, he hadn’t taken a single step since this incredibly one-sided fight began. He was just toying with me. I remembered how I felt when I first faced Ghirahim in the Oil Mines. The feeling of helplessness I had then was similar to now.

- Damn it. At this rate, I won’t last against him!

I tried to calm myself down by taking deep breaths as I rose to my feet. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my magic power. I didn’t have to worry about closing my eyes in the face of an enemy because, at the very least, I knew that Drake was overconfident enough to not bother with a low blow like attacking me while my eyes were closed.

Like this, I focused on the magic power inside of me, and let it well up. Since I had no allies around me, I couldn’t use the technique to lend my power to others in a pinch. However, I could concentrate that power in myself, theoretically strengthening my reflexes and raw power. I hadn’t actually tried this before, but if it could strengthen my allies, then it could probably strengthen me, as well.

I inhaled, and opened my eyes as I exhaled. Azure blue aura enveloped me in a light haze, almost like flames. My body and eyes glowed that color blue, as did the blade of the Lokomo Sword. This haze of magic power energized me. I felt my sense of perception inhance like it did when I was locked in a fierce battle.

Drake had not bothered to move a muscle while I stood still and gathered this power, just like I expected. I would say his overconfidence was advantageous to me if I didn’t know he had the power to back it up. I brandished my sword once again and wasted no time as I charged at him.

Drake held his sword up in a guarding position, and my blade rammed against his. In that same instant, however, I kicked off the ground and let the momentum I’d built up carry me into a flip as I jumped over Drake’s head. My feet touched down on the stairs, and I turned on my heel.

I reached out with my left hand and grabbed the hilt of my sword, gripping the leftover space underneath my right hand. Now using both hands, I swung my sword with a wide, horizontal slice. My blade barreled towards the back of Drake’s neck with frightening speed, but that strike was parried by Drake’s sword as he turned his body around to face me.

I didn’t let that stop me as I quickly redirected the trajectory of my deflected blade back towards Drake. Staring at him intently, my enhanced sense of perception caught sight of the shift of his right foot. It pivoted to the left, so I expected he would swing his sword at me on a slanted angle, from the lower left to the upper right.

Using that prediction as a basis for my next move, I bent my body down below the possible path his blade would take, and slightly angled the trajectory of my sword as it continued to soar towards him. He made the very move I predicted, and his blade cleaved through the air just above my head. Our blades grinded against each other and separated, causing sparks of metal and magic to fly.

In this posture, I had a shot at a wide opening Drake had been left with. Now in a crouching position, I turned my body back towards him and began to rise up as I swung my sword towards his left side at full force. Just before my sword could tear into the silver plate of armor, he leapt out of the way and down the stairs to the center landing. My sword only struck air, generating a fierce gust in its wake.

“Well, look at that.” I said. “I finally got you to move from that spot.”

“Indeed.” he replied. “I must say I’m impressed. I honestly didn’t expect you to force me to move. I underestimated you. However, if you’re fighting at full power right now, then I’m sorry to say that you’re still going to die.”

He was probably right. I could still keep going, but I was nearly at my limit. On the other hand, he had barely begun to warm up. Forcing him to take a step was merely a fleeting accomplishment, but it was something I was forced to fight very hard to achieve. If had to give it almost everything I had just to get him to simply take a step, then this fight was hopeless.

- So this is a Demon King... The same as Malladus...

I gulped nervously. Looking down at Drake, his eyes had the same cold, emotionless look as before. Nothing had changed for him. This fight was still a mere trifle. If he were to fight at full strength, then I would surely die. I had to find a way to end this fight before that happened.

* * *

Regret and Byrne sprinted up the cobblestone road that led to Drake’s castle. When they reached the front doors, they skidded to a stop.

“That’s strange, there are no soldiers out here.” Regret observed.

Byrne was quiet for a little while. “Shh.” he said. “Can you hear that?”

Regret listened intently, and sure enough, he could make out sounds coming from within the castle. They were very faint but distinct.

“Sounds like battle cries...” Regret said.

“Yes. I wonder if Alphonse and Naomi stirred up some sort of chaos within the castle.” Byrne said.

“Either way, if they’re fighting, we’ve gotta help them!” Regret said.

As soon as he finished that sentence, Regret burst through the doors. Byrne quickly followed after him. Regret stopped in the center of the entrance hall. The battle cries could be heard more clearly now. Regret looked around, trying to discern the direction they were coming from.

“This way!” he said, taking off down the corridor on the right.

Byrne followed him, and the two rushed down the hallway. They stopped at each corner and listened for the sounds of the battle. They followed the sounds around several turns and hallways until they finally found the source of the commotion.

Demons were fighting with each other. Many were dressed in soldier uniforms, while others wore mostly normal clothing. It seemed the soldiers were fighting against these normally-clothed people.

“What’s going on?” Byrne said.

“Hey, we need backup over here!” a soldier shouted at Regret.

“What?” Regret said in response. He was confused at first, but then he remembered that he was still dressed as a soldier. He then hatched a plan. “Okay, you got it!” he said.

“Regret, what are you doing?!” Byrne said in surprise.

Regret rushed over to the soldiers who had asked for backup. “What’s the situation?” he asked.

“Haven’t you figured it out by now?!” the soldier said. “The prisoners escaped and are going crazy! We’re trying to hold them off, but with Captain Rinz wounded, we’re having a hard time dealing with them.”

Regret recognized the name Rinz as the soldier who carried him into the room he had been forced to stay in. “Captain Rinz was wounded? By who?” Regret asked.

“It was a human who snuck into the castle! He used blue-colored magic power and defeated Captain Rinz!”

Upon hearing that, Regret grinned broadly. “That clinches it!” he said excitedly as he kicked the soldier away. “This whole mess was Alphonse’s doing! Let’s give the prisoners a hand, Byrne!”

“A-alright.” Byrne said.

He rushed over and joined in the fight, as well. Once the soldiers saw Regret attack one of their own, they assumed he was a traitor and fell into chaos. Jumping to the same conclusion, the prisoners became enthralled and fought even harder than before.

Regret ducked under the swipe of a soldier’s officer’s sword and sent a punch powered by his red magic power hurling into his gut. After that soldier was sent flying, a prisoner ran up to Regret, and began to fight alongside of him.

“So you’re a traitor? You’re on our side?” he asked Regret, parrying the strike of a soldier.

“Yeah, I’m on your side! Although, I was never one of them to begin with. This is just a disguise.” Regret answered, landing a roundhouse kick on another soldier’s jaw. “Did a guy named Alphonse organize this mess?”

“Yes, that’s right! You know Alphonse?” he asked after cutting down a soldier who’d lunged at him.

“Yeah, I’m his friend. My name’s Regret.”

“Y-you’re Regret? Alphonse and Naomi mentioned you! They said they broke into the castle to find you! Alphonse is off somewhere else looking for you, but Naomi is over there! You should go see her and let her know you’re okay.” the prisoner said.

Regret forced back a soldier with a burst of magic power, and replied. “Okay! I’ll do that. Thanks!” He then ran to where the prisoner had pointed.

He weaved around various soldiers and prisoners locked in combat, calling out Naomi’s name. Soon enough, he heard her voice call back.

“Regret? Is that you?” her voice shouted from behind a barricade of prisoners.

“Yeah, it’s me!” he replied.

“Oh, thank goodness! Guys, it’s okay! Let him through!” she said.

The barricade of prisoners opened up, and Regret was allowed to pass. He ran by them and found Naomi. “I’m glad you’re safe! I heard from Byrne that you and Alphonse came here to rescue me!” he said.

“Wait, you heard from Byrne? How? And wait, why are you wearing a soldier’s uniform?” she asked him, confused.

“I used this disguise to escape last night! I ran into Byrne a little while ago in the valley, and he told me everything. Although, I was a little reluctant to believe him at first.” Regret explained.

“You escaped last night?! So the whole time we were here, you were already outside...” Naomi said in amazement.

“Heh heh, sorry... I didn’t even know you guys were in the Mystic Realm until I talked to Byrne.” he said.

“Regret, this is bad.” Naomi said. “Alphonse doesn’t know you escaped! He thinks you’re still in the castle somewhere! He’s gone looking for you!”

“Alphonse can take care of himself. I’ll help you guys clean up here, and then we can go look for him.” Regret said. He walked past Naomi and cracked his knuckles. “Alright, let’s beat these suckers!” he said, his voice booming with enthusiasm.

* * *

I gripped the hilt of my sword tightly as I stared down at Drake. He stared back up at me with eyes as cold as ice. His expression was still completely unreadable. My eyes and body were still glowing with sacred aura. Drake had yet to use his own magic power. I took another deep breath, and then leapt down the stairs at him.

Raising my sword above my head, I concentrated my magic power along the edge of the blade. I swung it down with all the strength I could muster as I closed in on Drake. He held his sword up horizontally to parry the strike. The second our blades made contact, my magic exploded across his sword.

I put more and more of my weight into this swing, trying desperately to push Drake back. However, he wouldn’t budge. Our swords slid apart, and I went over his head and landed behind him. I quickly turned on my heel, but I had to stop myself and duck to avoid the reach of his sword as it cut through the air.

I rose back up and lunged forward. I parried another strike of his sword and continued to close in on him. My sword grinded along the length of his blade until it reached the hilt. There, our weapons separated, and I swung my sword in an attempt to cut across his chest. However, he shifted his body to the right, out of the reach of my sword. My attack cut across nothing but the empty air where Drake had been.

Now standing next to me on my left, Drake moved to swipe at me from a left-to-right angle. I positioned my sword to guard against this attack with one hand, and then gathered magic power in my left hand. As Drake’s strike slammed across my sword, I was pushed back a bit, but I planted my feet firmly on the red carpet. Thanks to that, I wasn’t pushed back as far as I would have been.

I swung at him with my fist charged with magic power, and he swung at that fist with his sword. I guessed that he might have been planning to cut off my hand, so I shifted my arm to avoid the sharp side of his blade. My fist impacted against the flat side of his sword, causing it to ricochet away from me.

For an instant, Drake’s eyes held some amount of surprise. I didn’t miss this opportunity as I pushed forward. The knockback of his sword left him open, and I unleashed a devastating burst of magic power with a thrust of my sword. The blast burrowed through the chest plate of Drake’s armor and knocked him back against the wall. He let out a soft grunt of pain.

I refused to allow myself a millisecond to celebrate that small victory, as I backed up and got on guard tenfold. I knew this fight was far from over.

Drake coughed as he leaned against the wall. “Hrm... You actually wounded me. Congratulations, boy. You have proven yourself to be a far better adversary than I first thought.”

He separated himself from the wall and took a step forward. He then cracked his neck, his shoulders, and his back.

“Allow me to honor your admirable feat by fighting you seriously.” he rasped.

An involuntary shudder prickled my spine as I watched Drake’s body begin to radiate a frighteningly ominous violet aura. The tension in the air was beginning to become unbearable. The very presence of his magic power caused me to feel an incredible pressure.

I subconsciously took a step back. Before I knew it, the hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end, and I was breaking out in a cold sweat. This astounding feeling of fear screamed at me to run away. But before I could decide whether to act on that instinct or not, Drake made his move.

- Here it comes!

Drake swung his sword down through the air, and I dove out of the way down the stairs. His wave of destructive power just barely missed me. It decimated the wall across from him in an instant. The whole room shook from the force of his power. It felt almost like a miniature earthquake. The deafening noise created from his attack left my ears ringing.

I stared gaping at the result of his power in shock and horror. It was obvious that my body would have been blasted to smithereens if that had hit me. Drake casually gazed down at me without a word. When I looked up at him, his eyes held that same, unchanging cold focus. This made me realize something terrifying; this fight was still just a trifle for him.

His expression hadn’t changed. His attitude hadn’t changed. Nothing had changed for him, even after being wounded and getting serious. I was still just an ant standing up to a king in his eyes.

- This... This is impossible...

The instinct that told me to run away earlier began screaming at me louder than before. I decided I really had no choice. I had to run away. It was either run, or die.

- I can’t do this. I can’t beat him alone. I need help. I can’t do it on my own!

I turned and sprinted down the stairs towards the doors. This was the very first time I’ve ever had to run away. I didn’t even run when I was facing Acnologia, but I had my friends by my side back then. I could stand and fight thanks to their support, despite how powerful the dragon was. And yet, here I was, running away from Drake, all on my lonesome. It really gnawed at my ego, but I stifled that feeling quickly.

“Running away? How pathetic.” Drake sighed.

I ignored him and broke down the double doors. As I suspected, they were the same doors I had seen on top of the stairs in the entrance hall. I had to quickly jump down the next flight into the entrance hall, because Drake had jumped through the air towards me. His sword split into the floor, sending bits of cement and dust flying everywhere.

I slid on my feet a little bit once I landed on the floor of the entrance hall. From here, I could hear sounds of the battle between the soldiers and the prisoners. My first thought was to run back there and get help from them, but I remembered that Naomi was there with them. If Drake were to chase me there, she would be in danger.

My thoughts were interrupted by a blast of Drake’s magic power. I jumped out of the way as it impacted against the floor. With Drake breathing down my neck like this, I didn’t have time to think. And so, despite the danger, I made my choice, and ran down the corridor on the right of the entrance hall, heading towards the place where the prisoners and the soldiers were fighting.

Drake gave chase and ran after me. He occasionally flung bursts of magic power at me, but I was able to avoid every one. I ran around several corners and down several hallways until finally, I reached the battle. But what I saw there surprised me.

Byrne was there, fighting with some soldiers alongside the prisoners.

“What the...?” I said in shock.

The force from the next blast of Drake’s magic power forced me to stumble forward into the hallway where the battle was taking place. I shook it off and ran towards Byrne.

“Byrne! What are you doing here?” I called out to him.

“Alphonse?!” he said in surprise when he saw me.

Just then, Drake rounded the corner. Byrne gasped in fear as soon as he laid eyes on him. Once the soldiers and prisoners spotted him, the entire battle came to a screeching halt. The prisoners stared at him in despair, and at the same time, the soldiers became invigorated. They got their second wind and began to fight back against the prisoners even harder.

I stared at Drake in fear for a short while as well, but then I snapped out of it and looked at Byrne.

- Byrne is strong. I could use his help.

“Byrne-” I started to say.

In the background, a soldier shouted the words, “Demon King Drake is here! Now we’ve got this fight in the bag!”. A second later, that soldier was sent flying by a burst of red aura, followed quickly by someone’s voice shouting, “WHERE IS DRAKE?!”

I was cut off as I heard that familiar voice. Sure enough, it was Regret. He burst out of the crowd of soldiers and prisoners and stood next to Byrne and I. He looked at us, and the second he noticed me, he had a very surprised reaction.

“Whoa, it’s Alphonse! I thought you were somewhere else looking for me! Whaaaat, you’re even wearing the same disguise as me! Holy cow, man!” he said.

“I was looking for you, but... Never mind that, what are you doing here?!” I asked him, feeling utterly confused.

“Ehem.” Byrne cleared his throat.

The two of us stopped talking and looked at him. Then we looked over at Drake down the hall.

“R-right.” I said. “Now isn’t the time for us to catch up.”

“That’s right.” Regret agreed, glaring at Drake.

“Regret. It seems you still plan to defy me.” Drake rasped.

“You’re damn right I do!” Regret shouted, taking a step forward and stamping his foot down.

I looked at Regret with an air of curiosity. He was very visibly angry. I had no idea what went on between these two, but I knew better than to worry about it now. I could always find out later.

“I won’t let you control me, you hear?!” Regret continued to shout. “I’m not gonna sit back and do whatever you say! I’m going to stand and fight, damn it!”

“You are such a troublesome child.” Drake sighed. “It appears I must try harder to teach you your place.”

“Bring it on!” Regret shouted, starting to run toward his adversary.

“Regret, hold it.” I said, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him back. “I was just fighting with him. He’s extremely powerful. One person can’t beat him alone.”

“So you’re saying we’ve gotta fight together, huh?” Regret said. He slammed his fist into his palm energetically. “I’m down with that! Let’s kick his ass together!”

“I’ll fight, too.” Byrne said. “This man is a Demon King. You’ll need all the help you can get.”

“Right. I’m counting on you guys.” I said.

The three of us faced Drake and prepared to fight. I brandished my sword, Byrne stretched out his arm with the gauntlet, and Regret raised his fists. Each of us began to glow with our magic power respectively; Byrne’s gold Lokomo magic flowed through his gantlet, my blue Spirit magic flowed through my sword, and Regret’s red Demon magic flowed through his fists.

“Interesting.” Drake said, not seeming impressed in the slightest. “Let’s see just what the three of you can do together. Come.”
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Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
MAAAAH! More! More!

The fight was very well-written. Your implementation of strong vocabulary in the combat sequences made this all the more interesting. Continue, and soon--I can't stand to wait any more!

I did, however, notice a tiny tense error at the top. It may ahve been stylistic, but... it's an existent flaw I feel the need to point out.

"I say “theoretically” because I hadn’t actually tried this before, but if it could strengthen my allies, then it could probably strengthen me as well."

Yeah, it's not exactly a tense error, but it's phrased a bit... off. < Just like that sentence right there.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
A minor gripe
-- and me--
Are you trying to use em dash (—; alt+0151) ? If so, I was told to use it like this:

Words—and more words—and some more words afterwards.

Not like this:

words— and more words— and then some words
IDK maybe I dont' know my grammars. Otherwise this is good chapter and you certainly picked up the pace on combat scenes! ^^

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Thank you so much, guys! It's now time for Chapter Fifty-Two! The next chapter will be the epilogue of the Mystic Realm Arc, and then Chapter Fifty-Four will be the finale of the story. It's going to be considerably longer than most chapters, so be prepared for that! And now, time for the new chapter. I hope you enjoy it! Please tell me what you think. :3

Chapter Fifty-Six

The sounds of the ongoing battle raged on behind us. Meanwhile, Byrne, Regret, and I faced off against Drake. Even when faced with three opponents, Drake’s emotionless expression never changed. He was just as coldly focused as ever.

I wondered how this battle would turn out. On my own, I was no match for Drake. But the three of us together might stand a chance. Regret and I were just about evenly matched, and Byrne was also close to our level.

- I won’t take any chances. We have to take him out and get all the prisoners out of here.

“Let’s hit him with everything we’ve got.” I said.

Regret and Byrne nodded.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. As I exhaled, I activated the power that lets me lend my magic power to my allies. A ring of blue aura spread out across the floor from my feet. It touched Regret and Byrne, and the colors representing their magic power changed to the azure blue of the Spirits of Light.

“Oh?” Drake said.

He sounded as if he was surprised, but he still had the same emotionless expression.

“Let’s go!” I shouted.

“Right on!” Regret yelled.

Regret was the first to attack. He kicked down on the ground hard and rocketed towards Drake. Drake held up his sword to guard against the attack, and Regret’s fist collided against the cold steel. A huge burst of magic power was discharged from the punch. The blue light evaporated, and in that instant, before Drake could counter Regret’s attack, I lunged forward.

I propelled myself with magic power focused in my feet, and I sped right past Regret. I let loose a swift swing of my sword, and it railed against Drake’s weapon. As sparks of metal and magic crowded the air, Regret ducked under our locked swords and headbutted Drake in his gut. He didn’t make a sound, but he was pushed back a few steps.

Byrne launched his gauntlet from his hand, and it flew towards Drake’s head, trailing a streak of blue aura. Drake leaned back under the path of the fearsome claws, managing to avoid it. Using Regret’s shoulder as a booster, I jumped up into the air above Drake.

I pointed my sword straight down, preparing to impale him. After Byrne’s gauntlet retracted, Drake raised his upper body back up and swung his sword to deflect mine. He also added in a burst of his terrifying magic power, and I was sent flying away from him.

Regret unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks. Blue blasts of power erupted from each swing, the force from which was pushing Drake back. While this was happening, Byrne jumped up and caught me in mid-air, and then threw me back towards Drake. Then, he ran over to join the fight directly.

Airborne, I sent my blade hurling at Drake, followed by a powerful surge of magic power. My blade slammed against Drake’s, and he was left open to Regret’s assault. However, he discharged some of his magic power, and the pulsation of wind and aura pushed both Regret and I away. Byrne, however, ran right by us and and thrusted his gauntlet forward. The claws of his gauntlet closed around the blade of Drake’s sword and held it like a vice.

“Now!” Byrne shouted.

Recovering from being knocked back, Regret and I rushed forward. “Let’s do it together!” I said.

“Right!” Regret said.

I held my left hand close to Regret’s right hand, and we both gathered magic power in them. The magic power from the both of us concentrated there, and a sphere of blue aura was formed. The two of us rushed towards Drake, aiming to hit him with it.

“Useless.” Drake said.

He once again discharged his magic, and Byrne was blown away. Now that Byrne’s gauntlet no longer had a hold on his sword, Drake was free to dodge. However, he’d made a big mistake. The lingering aura of the magic power he'd discharged had blocked his view of us, and we took advantage of that.

Drake was so overconfident that he didn’t bother to move. He expected to just block our attack like usual. But thanks to his own magic power, he couldn’t see us until it dissipated. And when it did, we were right on him, below the reach of his sword. He couldn’t attack us or defend against us at this distance. For the first time, he was genuinely surprised.

“Rrrrrragh!” Regret and I shouted.

Drake didn’t have time to put up a proper guard, and our combined attack nailed him right in the stomach. He choked from the blow and was sent flying backwards. He crashed through the wall and was covered with rubble.

“Now’s our chance! Let’s get out of here!” I shouted to the prisoners.

The prisoners all responded with a shout of compliance. They began to plow through any soldier that got in their way, Byrne, Regret, and I directed them, and once Naomi had reached us, the four of us began to run together. Drake was in a daze, and the soldiers could do nothing to stop us.

We charged through the halls of the castle and poured into the entrance hall. Several hundred pairs of feet paraded across the floor clumsily and quickly as they rushed for the doors. The large double doors barring the entrance hall from the outside world were kicked open, and prisoners gushed out like rapidly flowing water.

Shouts of “I’m finally outside again!” and “We made it!” echoed throughout the area. We didn’t stop there, though. All of us continued to run. We headed down the cobblestone path and sprinted into the valley.

* * *

“My Liege, are you alright?!” a panicked soldier cried out as he shook Drake’s body.

“Please wake up!” another begged.

“I’m alright.” Drake said as he opened his eyes.

Drake sat up and rubbed his throbbing head. He then shook off the dust from his armor and rose to his feet. “What’s the situation?” he asked.

“It appears that the prisoners and the intruding humans have escaped outside. I’m sorry to say that we were unable to stop them with you in that state, sir...” the soldier explained apologetically.

“I see.” Drake said.

“Now that we know you’re okay, sir, we’re going to pursue them immediately.” the soldier said.

“No.” Drake refuted. “I will go and deal with them all myself.” A bloodthirsty violet aura began to emanate from Drake’s body, startling the soldiers around him.

“I will personally ensure that none of them live to see the sun set.” Drake rasped.


“Phew... I think we’ve run far enough for now.” I said, panting.

“Yeah... Let’s take a break...” Regret groaned as he tried to catch his breath.

Naomi, Regret, Byrne, the now-free Demons, and I were all somewhere between Drake’s castle and St. Versailles within the vast valley. We stopped in a wide field of grass to catch our breaths.

“We actually made it outside... I’m so relieved.” one of the freed Demons said.

“It’s been years since I’ve seen the sky!” said another.

“Alphonse.” Sigal said as he approached me. “You kept your promise. Thank you so much.” He shook my hand, and I could feel his gratitude in his grip.

I smiled at him. “You can thank me once Drake’s defeated.” I said. Then, I turned to the rest of the freed Demons. “Regret, Byrne, and I will face Demon King Drake here. The rest of you, hurry up and return to St. Versailles. I don’t want you getting caught up in this fight.” I said to all of them.

“No, we’re going to stay here and finish this. If we left you guys to face Drake alone, it wouldn’t feel right.” Kurt said.

“That’s right. We’re in this together. You set us free. Allow us to return the favor and help you defeat Drake.” Winston said.

I was about to refuse, but I kept my mouth shut for a while. I thought about how I would feel if I was in their shoes. I would want to help the person who saved me despite the danger, too. So, however reluctantly, I agreed.

“Okay.” I said. Then, something clicked in my mind. I looked over at Regret. “Oh, yeah. Regret, why did Drake kidnap you?” I asked him.

Many of the others around us seemed curious about that, as well. Regret gave me a downcast look, and spoke in a trembling voice.

“W-well...” he began. “First, I have to tell you something. I’m actually a... I’m actually a Demon.” he said.

“I know.” I said.

“I can only imagine what you must think of Demons, being a human and all...” Regret continued. “But I hope that doesn’t change the fact that...” He paused. “... Wait a second, did you just say you knew?!”

I nodded.

“Since when?!” he asked me.

“I suspected it since we fought in the Gerudo Fighting Festival.” I said.

“Whaaa?! That long?!” Regret gasped.

“I figured it out during our fight.” Byrne said.

“I knew because Alphonse mentioned it.” Naomi said.

“S-seriously?! You all already knew?!” Regret exclaimed. He seemed rather shocked by this, but it didn’t take long for him to shake it off. “... At any rate, since you already knew for so long, I guess you don’t have a problem with it. I guess I was worried for nothing. I only found out I was a Demon yesterday... Anyway, it turns out that I’m actually Drake’s son.”

Everyone save Regret gasped in shock. “Whaaaaaaaaaat?!” we all exclaimed in perfect unison.

“Yeah. He showed me proof, too; a baby picture. He erased my memories with magic and exiled me to the Physical Realm when I was six years old. He kidnapped me yesterday because my older brother Yuri died recently, and he needed an heir to take over the throne. So he sought me out.” Regret explained.

“Whoa... So that’s how it is...” I said, amazed.

“Yeah. But even though I’m his son, I’m not gonna let him control me! I’m gonna continue to help you, Alphonse! I want to stay with you and Naomi and Zelda and Layla, and I want to help you defeat Malladus!” he said.

I smiled at him and nodded. “Yeah. We’ll take him down together. But first, we need to defeat Drake.” I turned back to the crowd of the freed Demons. “Everyone, stay on guard for Drake! When he shows up, we’ll stand and fight, and we’ll win!”

Letting myself get a bit carried away, I raised the Lokomo Sword above my head as I shouted this. The prisoners all roared with vigor and excitement. Their battle cries were proof that they were ready. I stood at the front of them, welling up with just as much exuberance. I was ready to fight Drake, and I was ready to defeat him.


I felt my consciousness blur for a few moments, and I found myself laying on the ground on my side. My entire body began coursing with unbearable pain, so much so that I couldn’t move or speak. Through my hazy vision, I watched as the people within my line of sight gasped at me in shock. I also saw traces of violet aura float through the air for a few seconds.

I was able to come to the proper conclusion once I saw the aura. I had been hit with a burst of Drake’s magic power.

Finally regaining complete awareness, I lifted my head to look in the direction I thought Drake was. Moving was painful, but I endured it. I even endured the sight of a pool of my own blood around myself as I continued to move. Finally, Drake came into view. Sure enough, he had fired a burst of magic power at me. He was still quite a ways off from us, so the distance prevented maximum damage. But, it was still enough to leave me as a bloody mess on the ground.

Naomi screamed my name as she ran to my side and held me in her arms. Regret, Byrne, and the rest of the freed Demons all turned to face Drake, brandishing their various weapons. Drake slowly made his way over to us. However, no one moved to engage him. They were likely all frozen with fear after seeing what he did to me in one fell swoop.

“So, it seems you truly live up to your name, Regret.” Drake said as he approached us.

“Wha... what?” Regret said. He lowered his fists and stared at Drake in bewilderment. “What do you mean by that...? Just why did you give me this strange name, huh?!”

I was curious about that, too. I always wondered about the meaning behind Regret’s name, ever since I first met him. Fortunately, it looked as if Drake was going to provide the answer.

“I suppose I never told you what happened to your mother.” Drake said. Regret shook his head. “Your mother, Kaya, was a woman I loved very dearly. We were ecstatic when Yuri was born, and we were happy to hear the news that she was pregnant with you, as well.”

Somehow, I found it completely impossible to picture Drake as "ecstatic" or "happy".

“However, when you were born, that happiness vanished.” Drake said. "Your mother, my beloved wife... Kaya died giving birth to you.”

I felt my heart lurch upon hearing that. It was indeed sad, but I couldn’t imagine how Regret must have been feeling right now, having been told such a thing. I looked over to see his face, and his expression was a mixture of both shock and grief in their purest forms.

“That is why I named you ‘Regret’.” Drake continued. “If not for you, Kaya would not have died that day. Your name is a constant reminder that you are the reason my wife is dead. I regretted your conception. I regretted your very existence. And not only that, you grew up as a failure who could not even come close to my expectations. How do you think I felt about that? My loser son was the reason my beloved wife had died. I was outraged. That is why I exiled you that day. However, I thought you would have changed by now. I sought you out thinking you were ready to take my place. However, you have proven me wrong. I now regret that decision, as well. Like your name suggests, all you do is make me regret things. And so, I have decided to have no more regrets. I am going to kill you here and now, and erase the stain you left on my lineage.”

Once Drake finished speaking, all of us stared at him in disbelief. I couldn’t believe my ears. The things he’d said were horrible. It made me angry and disgusted with him. But the one with the most anger and disgust was definitely...

“That’s the reason behind my name?” Regret said. His voice sounded empty, as if he’d been shocked beyond all emotion. “You named me Regret because you blamed me for my mother’s death? You’re going to kill me, your own son, just because I’m a disappointment to you?”

His clenched fists were trembling. From here, I could see tears dripping down his cheeks. “Regret...” I whispered.

“You...” Regret continued. His voice was quivering as he spoke. “You are the absolute worst father ever.” He began to raise his voice. “Screw your lineage! Screw your expectations! I don’t give a damn about any of them! I won’t let you decide my fate! Because regardless of what you say, I AM ME!”

Regret’s red magic power coursed throughout his body, and he began to shine brilliantly. It was similar to the phenomena that granted me my two awakenings. His powerful emotions were giving him strength. Drake looked upon this sight with an air of surprise. His widened eyes quickly narrowed, however, which told me he was taking this seriously.

I wanted to help Regret in this fight, but I couldn’t fight in this wounded state. Naomi had used the coat of the soldier’s uniform I’d been wearing to bandage my injuries in an effort to keep me from bleeding out. However, I couldn’t move around too much, or else I’d just bleed more. This fight was now up to Regret and Byrne.

“Here I come!” Regret shouted.

He kicked off from the ground and sped towards Drake at a shocking speed. Drake quickly guarded against Regret’s punch with his sword, and then pushed Regret back. Drake stepped forward and swiped at Regret. He ducked under the steel and sent a left hook hurling towards Drake’s stomach.

Drake jumped back and gathered magic power into the blade of his sword. Just as he was about to strike Regret with it, Byrne jumped between them and took the brunt of the attack with his gauntlet. As a result, Byrne was forced back into Regret violently.

Regret planted his feet firmly onto the ground and held Byrne’s weight. He pushed Byrne towards Drake to give him extra momentum, and Byrne lunged for Drake’s throat with his gauntlet. Drake dipped past his weapon and grabbed hold of his arm.

After tossing Byrne out of the way, Drake immediately went for Regret. He sent a vertical slice of his sword accompanied by a burst of violet magic power flying at Regret, who sidestepped out of its reach. Regret extended his right fist back behind him and sent a surge of magic power through it. He fired off that punch like a rocket, and it burrowed into Drake’s armor. The red aura exploded across the surface of the armor.

Drake was pushed back several feet, and the chest plate of his armor was mostly destroyed. He tore it off in frustration, revealing a white, collared dress shirt. With the lack of protection on his chest, he was now more open to attacks. Byrne did not hesitate to try and take advantage of that.

Byrne fired his gauntlet from his hand, and it soared towards Drake’s unprotected chest. Drake deflected it with the blade of his sword, turning away from Regret for a second. That second gave Regret enough time to close in on him.

Before he had a chance to counter anything, Regret headbutted him against his chin. Drake staggered back in a daze. At that moment, many of the freed Demons who had been standing back before rushed at him. They all unleashed bursts and flurries of magic power in various colors, mostly violet and red.

Drake raised his arms to defend himself, but there were too many of them. He received several injuries all across his body. His blood began to splash from his wounds in multiple directions as he took the savage onslaught.

“Enough!” Drake screamed at last.

He discharged a massive amount of magic power, forcing back all the people that had surrounded him. They all fell to the ground, either dazed or injured.

- It looks like those guys won’t be able to provide much help. Drake is just too strong compared to them.

I looked around at their sprawled-out bodies as I thought that, and then I looked back towards Regret. He was still engaged with Drake. He sent punch after punch after kick flying at him furiously, and he parried each strike. He looked just as determined as Regret.

Regret’s powerful emotions had significantly strengthened his power, but at this rate, he wasn’t going to win. Even Byrne’s assistance couldn’t change the fact that Drake had incredible power. The boost Regret had gotten wasn’t enough.

- In that case...!

I closed my eyes and let my own magic power well up inside me. As I opened my eyes, I activated the technique that allowed me to lend my power to others. Even in my wounded condition, I could still do that much, at least.

The ring of azure blue aura spread out from my body and stretched across the grassy field. It touched Regret’s heels, and the blue magic power covered his body. It intermingled with his already strengthened red magic power, and the two colors swirled together.

Regret’s body gleamed with flashes of red and blue light. With this extra power, he managed to completely block a magic attack from Drake. The malicious violet magic was bombarded by Regret's, tearing away at it until it dissolved into nothing.

Drake flinched from surprise and stepped back. Finally, Regret had the power to overwhelm him.

“What?!” Drake gasped.

“This is it!” Regret shouted.

He focused red Demon magic in his right fist and blue Spirit magic in his left fist. He let loose powerful punches, one after the other. The first one was an uppercut. The red magic power erupted against Drake’s chin, lifting him off his feet. The second one was a left hook. The blue magic power tore into his gut, and Drake was sent flying into a spin. His blood splattered the grass as he hit the ground, sliding to a stop.

The freed Demons stared at the result of the battle with gaping mouths. They couldn’t believe their eyes. Regret stood still, panting and breathing heavily. He leaned back, and for a second, I thought he was going to fall. But he stood tall and proud, raising his arms above his head. His usual childish grin was all the confirmation I needed to know that he was okay.

“He did it! He defeated Drake! We won!” the freed Demons cheered.

Shouts and cries of victory resounded throughout the air like an orchestra. Still in Naomi’s arms, I smiled broadly. She did, as well. With the sounds of victory filling his ears and his heart, Regret stood staring down at the collapsed Demon King.

“How do you like that?” he said. He proudly held his fist over his heart. “Could a failure do that?”
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