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Spoiler The HappyMask Salesman


Majora’s Worst Nightmare, Hero of Time
Oct 12, 2020
Hello I’m new to the Zelda Dungeon community and I would like to tell you a theory I’ve learned online and researched.

Here’s my theory
The Happy Mask salesmen is seen in multiple Zelda title including, Ocarina of time and Majoras Mask. But as stated in the conversation you have with him as link in Majoras Mask he says he’s been following you (How could he he would have been stuck in a time warp with link but yet he states after going back in time on the first three days he asks if you got the item for him. How did he know that?) As he says in the game the Mask was crafted by a dark tribe (The dark interlopers perhaps?) but how did he obtain the Mask did he travel to the twilight realm? Well that’s my first post and I hope it was interesting enough for you all! Bye!


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
So, I actually was thinking about this guy. If the moon crashes, you're taken back to dawn of the first day, inside of the clock tower, and HMS laughs and says the terrible fate thing. My theory is that, based on a couple of other things I can't remember, the Happy Mask Salesman is following Link through the loop and "saved" him from the moon crashing down. He's using Link to get Majora's Mask back. All the other characters reset when you play the song of time, but HMS knows everything Link has done. Worth mentioning that the counter at the bottom of the screen isn't there when you go into the Clock Tower. And then there's theories about Terminia, is it a neighboring country or an alternate reality? The Clock Tower and HMS may play into that somehow. Hopefully our resident mask salesman can shed some light on this.

but how did he obtain the Mask did he travel to the twilight realm?
I know you've gone inactive :kawaii: but I'm still gonna answer this with a theory I've seen: Majora, and by extension the mask, was imprisoned in the moon. This is why Majora is bringing down the moon, to punish Terminia for putting him(?) there in the first place. Also why the final boss fight takes place in the moon.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Hopefully our resident mask salesman can shed some light on this.

I feel like I once took a deep dive for a thread on the Happy Mask Salesman but I'm doubting whether I did. Years ago I pointed out the same point that you have about the Happy Mask Salesman probably knowing more than he is letting on. I put together an article about a paradoxical fact about him, and eventually that morphed into me being convinced he is a time lord of some sort.

Summerized in a bullet point list:
  • Inside the Clock Tower is the only area that nullifies the passage of time, coincidentally it's also where he stays, which is counter-intuitive to his profession. The lead up to the Carnival of Time is a prime time to be selling masks, he should be out in Termina trying to rack in those rupees... if he was ordinary.
  • Time always resets to the Dawn of the First Day when the Song of Time is played, Link regains his normal form as part of what should be considered "resetable time", so after a reset nobody else beside Link and Tatl should remember this. The Happy Mask Salesman after a reset isn't surprised that Link regained his normal form, indicating that he is perhaps a transcendant being because his memory isn't wiped after a reset.
  • If Link fails to play the Song of Time and the moon collides with Termina, an automatic time reset occurs bringing Link back inside the Clock Tower with the Happy Mask Salesman. I theorize the Happy Mask Salesman is the one who resets time in that instance.
  • The dude found Majora's Mask and broke its seal to add it to his collection, if that isn't evidence enough that he isn't normal, I don't know what is. Termina is a parallel world and the Happy Mask Salesman enters it and leaves it with no issue, implying he is very familar hopping between dimensions.


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3

I feel like I once took a deep dive for a thread on the Happy Mask Salesman but I'm doubting whether I did. Years ago I pointed out the same point that you have about the Happy Mask Salesman probably knowing more than he is letting on. I put together an article about a paradoxical fact about him, and eventually that morphed into me being convinced he is a time lord of some sort.

Summerized in a bullet point list:
  • Inside the Clock Tower is the only area that nullifies the passage of time, coincidentally it's also where he stays, which is counter-intuitive to his profession. The lead up to the Carnival of Time is a prime time to be selling masks, he should be out in Termina trying to rack in those rupees... if he was ordinary.
  • Time always resets to the Dawn of the First Day when the Song of Time is played, Link regains his normal form as part of what should be considered "resetable time", so after a reset nobody else beside Link and Tatl should remember this. The Happy Mask Salesman after a reset isn't surprised that Link regained his normal form, indicating that he is perhaps a transcendant being because his memory isn't wiped after a reset.
  • If Link fails to play the Song of Time and the moon collides with Termina, an automatic time reset occurs bringing Link back inside the Clock Tower with the Happy Mask Salesman. I theorize the Happy Mask Salesman is the one who resets time in that instance.
  • The dude found Majora's Mask and broke its seal to add it to his collection, if that isn't evidence enough that he isn't normal, I don't know what is. Termina is a parallel world and the Happy Mask Salesman enters it and leaves it with no issue, implying he is very familar hopping between dimensions.
your third point could just be a game mechanic


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I'm glad I wasn't the first to have the thought that he stays "in the loop" with Link. I'll leave now.

Dizzi, I think you were joking, but let me share this: in my absolute favorite book series, the Inheritance cycle by Christopher Paolini, there's a character who's heavily implied to be a timelord. In fact, the author confirms this in the author's notes at the end of one of the books. He says the Doctor can go anywhere, even alternate realities.
What if each fictional universe has a Doctor in it, and HMS is the one in Zelda?

(I haven't actually seen any Dr. Who, nor do I really believe this overmuch. Just a thought I had, feel free to accept it as headcanon)


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
My guess would be that he wasn't following you per say, but that he knew where the tunnel to Termina was. He was robbed of the mask that came from Termina before Link even got there. If he has seen this cycle happen to other people, it could explain why he knows to stay in the Clock Tower and assumes Link met with a terrible fate. He travels between hyrule and other worlds to collect interesting new masks.

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