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General Art The Era of the Dead. (fanfic, My Story)


If there ever was one
Mar 22, 2011
Over there, over there, and up there.
Lately I've been having this crazy idea about writing a story, and after reading Random Person's story I finally made up my mind on what to write. RP if you're reading thanks a lot and hope you keep writing:). Anyway, I hope you guys will let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions. And if you want to appear in the story, PM me with any ideas for a character. Thanks!
(Story rated PG-13 for violence)


As the girl walked down the isle, she was probably thinking that she would remember this day for the rest of her life. The only thing she didn’t know, was that today, her life would end.
A man, who was dressed like a homeless person, was sitting at the back of the church. He was barely paying attention to the ceremony, he probably hadn’t even been invited. The only thing he was paying attention to, was a pencil-sized object in a cylindric shape. I guess what he was looking at was the blinking light on top of the object. As time passed the blinking light started blinking faster and emitting a high pitched sound that soon started bothering everyone inside the church. This went on until the priest had to stop the ceremony.

“Excuse me, is there a problem?” he asked. The man got up holding the object firmly in his hand. Without answering he walked up the altar till he was in front of the bride and groom and then turned to look at the audience.

“Yes,” the man finally answered, “yes, there is a problem. You know why? Because Airth is in chaos. The world, the only place for us to live, is ending. All because there are people in it that simply do not care about it. All they care about is if they have five dollars in their pockets, or if they have 500. I know this sounds mean for me to say, but it is the truth. So today, my fellow Airthlings, all of that ends. For today I bring to you all a solution. Annihilation.”
At this word everyone’s eyes widened and their expressions hardened.
“Yes, that’s right, we must use the only resource we have left to open these people’s eyes to what is happening. Today I bring to you the start of a new era, and we, my friends, will be the first to get a taste of it.”
At that everyone started panicking, getting up and running for the doors, some started screaming and running around like crazy...but they were too late. The object the man had been holding stopped beeping and a blue-white light was emitted from it covering the entire church. When it disappeared everyone fell on the floor, dead.

Suddenly armed men entered the church and started picking up the bodies one by one and inserting them in some kind of glass containers, and that was the last anyone ever saw of them, and the homeless person, who was actually a trained soldier, didn’t know it but he had accomplished his goal. This had been the start of a new era, the Era of the Dead.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
This story was very confusing for me. Your tenses change from past, present, and future a lot of times and that really interrupted the flow a lot. Your commas are misused in multiple places, and I find that your narrator changes voices too much, from being passive, to acting as if he/she were a character. This story needs a bit of work put to it, but I'd say that the concept is definitely interesting, and provokes further investigation.


If there ever was one
Mar 22, 2011
Over there, over there, and up there.
Thanks for the comments! It seems like it was a character speaking because (you'll see in next chapter) that it is a character dreaming. Thanks for the feedback and I will try to look into it. For now here is the next chapter. By the way Airth is a parallel universe to Earth.

Chapter 1

I am walking down an isle when a blue-white light blinds me, then I fall dead on the floor. I woke up with a start. The dream had been so real, so vivid. But then again, in Airth, dreams always were. I shook it from my mind. Not today, I thought. I got up from bed and walked to my bathroom, tripping over Charlie’s shoes on the way. Once I got to the bathroom I looked at myself on the mirror. My bare chest was marked by the sheets on the bed. Suddenly the dream came flashing back. I decided to take a shower to get rid of the chill in my spine.

Oh no! I thought as the freezing water hit my back like knives. I had forgotten to turn on the hot water. I quickly turned off the water and reached for my towel. I got out, dried myself off, and wrapped myself in it. I returned to my room to look for some clothes and was not surprised to see Charlie still asleep on the bed. As soon as I was dressed the smell of fried eggs hit my nose. I quickly headed for the kitchen to find Michelle cooking.
“Good morning,” she said, “you sleep well?”
“Sure,” I answered thinking that she was in a good mood.
“Hmm, that sure doesn’t sound so sure.”
“Oh it’s nothing, just a bad dream,” I told her knowing that she wouldn’t stop bugging me ‘till I told her all about it.
“Was it about mom again?” she asked.
“No, it was nothing really, don’t worry about it.”
“Is breakfast ready?” a voice behind me made me jump. I turned around to see Charlie, shirtless, with dry saliva on his mouth, and his hair in bumps.
“No, and you should clean yourself up before eating,” Michelle answered. Still, Charlie ignored her and sat down. As Michelle turned around I could see she was smiling. She was not going to mention my dream with Charlie there but I knew she was not done asking about it.

Charlie or Charles, and Michelle are my brother and sister. Our father abandoned our mom when she got pregnant with me, and she died a few days after giving birth to me. That’s about everything you need to know. Wait, I think I’m forgetting something. Ah yes, I think I haven’t introduced myself. My name is James and don’t call me Jimmy, I hate that because I simply do, even though that’s how Michelle and Charlie call me. I am 16 years old but this story takes place when I was 14. Well, I really don’t know how to describe myself so I won’t. I will let my story do that.

“Okay, done!” Michelle said, setting a plate of fried eggs and sausages on the table. When she finally sat down we all dug into the food as though we hadn’t eaten in ages. When we were done the usual argument started.

“Jimmy do you wanna go watch some TV while Charlie washes the dishes?” Michelle asked.
“What? It’s Jimmy’s turn!” Charlie hollered.
“No, it’s not, it’s yours,” Michelle argued.
“No, it’s not!”
“Yes, it is!”
“Stop!” I yelled, “I’ll wash them, just don’t fight!” Charlie smiled and muttered something that sounded like “Good,” and left. Michelle on the other hand didn’t seem so pleased with my decision but she didn’t say anything and as she left the kitchen she brushed my blond hair.

Back then everybody said my hair looked like the sunrise, well Michelle said that, my brother said it looked as if they had thrown up eggs.

Once I finished washing the dishes I went for a walk in the forest. I had always liked that we lived near a forest in the middle of nowhere, it was the only thing that made up for home-schooling. I kept walking until I got to this huge meadow. I decided to lie down and rest for a while, but before I knew it, I was asleep. “James,” a voice whispered in my ear, “James, wake up.”
“Huh, what?” I said. I opened my eyes to find my friend Sasha kneeling beside me.
“Hey Sasha, what’s up?” I asked. Then I noticed how dark it was and asked, “What time is it?!”
“It is 11 o’ clock, you should get home, and fast,” she said. I quickly got up and started running back home but not without shouting a “thanks” back to Sasha before I left.
Once I got home, the screaming started, again. “Where have you been?!” Michelle yelled, “I was worried sick!”

You see, Michelle is 19, and she worries too much about me.
“Look I’m sorry all right? I was in the woods and I fell asleep, end of the story,” I explained.
“No, not end of the story! I was sitting here waiting for...” This would’ve gone on for hours but luckily, the phone rang and it was one of her best friends so I got a chance to slip away to my room.

Now, I know you may be wondering why I just told you this boring story about my day. Well, this was my idea of a “normal day,” and that night I had a bad feeling that this would be the last “normal day” I would ever have.


If there ever was one
Mar 22, 2011
Over there, over there, and up there.
Chapter 2

The moment I woke up I knew something was wrong. First, the house was awfully quiet, I mean even if everyone was still asleep, you can always hear the cars outside. Second, not everyone was asleep, since for the first time ever, Charlie was not drooling all over the pillows beside me.

I got up from bed and entered the bathroom. It didn’t look like anything out of the ordinary. That’s when I heard it. It sounded like hundreds of dogs dying at the same time, but I knew what it really was, sirens. By the looks of it there was every type of vehicle outside: from police cars, to ambulances, passing through taxis, and there was even a limousine. Suddenly the door to my room jerked open and in came Charlie.
“What’s going on?!” I inquired.
“Shhh! Keep your voice down,” he urged.
“What is going on? I whispered.
“Nothing, just... You have to promise me that whatever you see, whatever you hear, you will not come outside.”
“I, but I...”
“No! Please just promise me you will obey.” At this I saw that Charlie had watery eyes so I figured it must be real important so I simply nodded and was stunned when he said, “I love you,” and let a tear escape his eyes. Then he left and closed the door quietly.

I immediately ran to my television and set it up so it showed the security cameras of the house. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. There was a man in the living room. His hair was white like the foam of the sea, and he was wearing a white suit with a black shirt underneath. The thing I noticed the most of course was the gun he was holding. Why? It was because he was pointing it straight at Michelle’s head. Charlie popped up in the corner of the room. His face no longer showed fear and pain like it had when he had entered my room. It was now hard and cold, frowning at the man. I couldn’t see Michelle’s face but I figured it must’ve looked similar to Charlie’s, or maybe not since the gun was being pointed at her. Everything was silent for a few seconds until the man in white broke it.
“So, my dear Michelle, where is he?” he asked.
“Where’s who?” Michelle answered.
“Don’t play with me little girl, I know you know who I’m talking about.”
“Sorry, no clue.” Then the man loaded the gun and Michelle shifted.
“Do you know now?” the man said.
“Please! She already said she doesn’t know what you’re talking about so just leave us alone!” Charlie interrupted.
“Charlie,” Michelle urged, “be quiet.”
“Oh,” the man sighed, “now I see who the leader is in the family, and you know what I think? I think the leader always protects his followers more than himself.” Then he did something that made me hold my breath, he pointed the gun at Charlie. But before he could shoot, Michelle stopped him.
“Stop! Ok yes, I do know what you’re talking about but he’s not here. He left with some friends for the weekend. Please, just don’t shoot him.” The man smiled cruelly.
“Where did he go?” he asked.
“I’m not sure, I think to the beach.” Then the man made some kind of disapproving sound and did something that took my breathe away.

He shot Michelle.

“That’s for lying to me,” he said, “now, where is he?” I guess he was now talking to Charlie but he didn’t answer, he was staring at Michelle’s rigid body on the floor, at the gun wound on her chest, and he was crying. Then I noticed I was too. I also came to realize who the man was looking for, me.
“What did you do that for? She wasn’t lying! I mean you killed her!” Charlie yelled.

Then a second shot was fired. That one was for Charlie.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. As I saw Charlie’s body collapsing on the floor, I could hear the man saying, “I hate liars.” Then a whole lot of men came running into the house, put my brother and sister into glass containers, and took them away. Anger tears were running down my face. Suddenly more men dressed like soldiers came bursting into the room.
“Search the house, he has to be somewhere around. Remember, shoot to kill,” the man ordered. I then started panicking. As the soldiers walked out of the screen my brain entered overdrive. What am I going to do? I need to get out, I need to run. Wait! I can’t leave my family, I can’t go! No! They’re going to kill me, I have to get away. Maybe if they do I’ll see my brother and sister again! What should I do?
These were all thoughts that passed through my mind. I could now see Charlie’s face, his sandy hair and green eyes sparkling with water. I didn’t realize what I was seeing until a few moments later. It was a memory of a few years back.Charlie and I had decided we were tired of school so we escaped to the beach in an old van that had been dad’s. Charlie had been trying to teach me how to surf but I fell and hit my head on a rock. I started bleeding and we had to go home but before we left he told me, “Even if you fall remember, always get up, never give up.” This thought made me make my decision. I quickly ran to the door and locked it. I also moved a really heavy box in front of it. I walked over to the window and removed the mosquito net. I climbed onto the edge and looked down, instinctively. By then I could hear people coming up the stairs. “They’re going to check two rooms before they check this one,” I thought as I tried to climb onto the ledge above my window.

I couldn’t reach it, there was another ledge in between and to reach it I would have to fly. “What am I going to do?!” I panicked as someone started trying to open the door.
“This door is locked!” he shouted out to the other men. I could hear him trying to kick it in but the box was doing its job perfectly. I looked down again and almost threw up. “Why am I afraid of heights?!” I screamed inside my head. Then my ears were filled with the sound of gunshots. The man was firing at the lock. My eyes got wide and in a moment of panic and a rush of adrenaline, I jumped backward into the air and spread my arms forward in a desperate try of grabbing the ledge. Miraculously, I did. The man was now trying to open the door and the box wasn’t going to hold for long. With incredible effort I was finally able to climb on the ledge as the man was able to push the box and the door out of the way. I didn’t make a single noise as the man looked out the window and luckily didn’t see me. When he was gone I turned around and jumped up, reaching the edge of the ceiling. Unfortunately, as I was pulling my body upwards I heard the words I most dreaded to hear at the moment, “There he is! On the ceiling!” I looked down horrified to see a man looking straight at me as he reached for his gun. I was able to get my whole body over the edge as the first shots hit the walls.

“What do I do, what do I do?” I was saying aloud to myself. Suddenly I heard more yells. I turned around to see the man that had shot my brother and sister on the street shouting at his soldiers, “What are you waiting for? Shoot him!” I started running as more shots were fired at me. I jumped from house to house until, if I kept jumping, I would fall onto the street. Still, if I stopped, I would be hit by the bullets. So instead I turned halfway and kept running straight at another street that had a shorter distance between houses. The jump was still to difficult to make and I guessed that the men thought so too since. When they realized what I was going to attempt, they stopped firing and just watched. I augmented my speed as much as I could and just let fate decide my destiny. As my feet touched the edge of the ceiling everything suddenly went silent. I flew in the air for what felt hours until I started descending and then I knew, I wasn’t gonna make it. When I saw the edge of the ceiling pass going up in front of me, I closed my eyes, waiting for the imminent impact. When it came though, it didn’t hit me from below but from the side. I opened my eyes to see the wall in front of me. I couldn’t believe it, I had landed on the ledge of the window. I raised myself onto the roof by turning upside down, as if I was going to walk on my hands. I was able to see the soldiers, awed that I had made the jump.
“Wake up you idiots, shoot him!” the man said. I stood up, ran to the other side of the house, and jumped down, landing in a cartwheel. I grabbed a rock and threw it as hard as I could down the street, making a loud echoing noise. Then I hid in the plants of the house. As they passed in front of me I couldn’t help but smile. When they turned the corner I jumped from the bushes and started running back to the house but I was intercepted. Apparently the man was smarter than his soldiers because he was there, waiting for me with his gun pointed straight at my heart. Being as smart as I am, I knew that the chance of him actually hitting my heart was less than 10 percent at that distance, but I guess he had enough bullets in the gun to kill me, even if he missed.
“You think you’re very smart don’t you, eluding my soldier and so. Well, let me tell you...” he started saying, but I wasn’t paying attention to him. I was really looking at the car behind him, coming at full speed straight at us. Just as the car was about to hit the man he must’ve noticed that I was looking at something beside him so he was able to jump out of the way. I was barely able to jump out of the way because I was stunned looking at who was driving the car. His name was Christopher, he was one of Charlie’s friends and I’d never been happier to see him.

“Get in!” he ordered. I got up from the floor and obeyed. When I was inside, Chris threw the car on reverse and did a U turn. By then the man was up and shooting at us.
“Duck!” Chris said. I did so and I covered my eyes just as a bullet shattered the back window. Still, we were now out of his reach.
Once we turned the corner to the main road I let out a long, exhausted sigh, “Chris, thanks, but how...”
“Charlie called me, he sounded paranoid. He said something about some men, and that I had to come pick you up immediately, and... James, what is going on?”
“Beats me, I had just woken up, and then the man, and he shot them, and I ran, and he shot me, and you came, and...”
“Whoa little guy, calm down, its gonna be okay. Now slowly tell me, what is going on.”
“O...okay. I woke up and I felt something strange going on. Then many cars with sirens arrived and Charlie came running into my room. He told me to stay in there and not to make a sound no matter what. When he left I turned on the security channel and there I could see a man talking with my brothers. He was looking for me for some reason and they were lying to him and then he...then he...” I couldn’t finish because tears dripped from my eyes when I thought of Charlie and Michelle lying on the floor, with a pool of dark liquid building up around them.
“Hey, what is it? Are you all right?” he asked worried, watching my face with fear in his eyes of what my answer would be.
“He...he had a gun and he...and he...”
“Oh no,” he said. He closed his eyes in pain and hit the steering wheel, “Dammit!” He breathed deeply for about a minute before he spoke again. “Okay, I am taking you to our place, do you want to let anyone know where you are?” I just shook my head. He kept on talking to me but I wasn’t listening. I was trying to figure out why a man that I’d never seen before in my life would kill people trying to find me? No matter how much I thought, no ideas came to me. Before I knew it, we were parking in front of Chris’ house. I hadn’t realized how cold it was outside until I started shaking and couldn’t speak because of the chattering of my teeth. The house’s door swung open and out came Sasha.
“James, what are you thinking?! You must be freezing, come inside quick!” she said. I hadn’t noticed that I was still shirtless and in my PJ’s pants. I did as I was told and hurried inside. Just as I entered I could hear Sasha interrogating Chris, “Where have you been? Mom has been worried sick about you!” Even if Chris is Sasha’s big brother and he is 17 like Charlie, she always speaks to him as if he was 10 years old and I think he is, in some way, afraid of her.
“Jimmy! What an amazing surprise,” Chris and Sasha’s mom said, “come in dear! Oh my, you must be freezing. “Sasha!” she yelled.
“Yes, mom?” Sasha answered as she came running into the hall.
“Give Jimmy some clean warm clothes, ‘kay?”
“Yes, mom. Come on James.” Before we were completely clear of the room, I heard Mrs. Addison start scolding Chris about how he had made her worry so much.

“There you go!” Sasha exclaimed as I put on one of Chris’s T-shirts which fitted me as a dress.
“Thanks,” I replied halfheartedly. I guess she noticed because her face looked concerned but she didn’t say anything. Then I realized...
“Chris told you huh?” I asked knowing the answer. She did kind of a small gasp, “What...what are you...what... ok, yes. James, I am so sorry.”
“No, it’s ok, I’m fine,” I lied as my eyes filled with tears. Then, totally unexpectedly, she hugged me. As we sat there, embraced in a hug, I couldn’t help but let out a few tears. When she finally let go I saw that she too had tears in her eyes.
“I’ll go see if breakfast is ready, ok? You stay here.” I nodded and laid down on Chris’s bed as she left the room. Before I knew it, I was asleep. It was the same dream I always had back then. The one of the church, and the flash of light. Just as the dream started with the part of the light everything slowed down to a stop. I could suddenly hear sirens wailing in the air but I couldn’t quite place where they were coming from. I woke up wide-eyed. Now I recognized the sound, it was the same sirens I had heard at my house before the men arrived.

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