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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Jun 27, 2020
maybe he can't?
its a zinger game

I've never seen him like this and I don't think its likely for him to post this little without something holding him back
It seems likely then he got Silenced (from the list of conditions on the first page).


Jun 27, 2020
It’s a miracle. I actually read every post, even if there really wasn’t much to read because nobody seemed to be scumhunting. The biggest thing I took away was KoD vs Rag, but both seemed kinda townie to me, so I’ll be voting somebody who disappeared into the background imo

Vote: Duskyblue
Well, all I can say to this is it's Monday and I have to work, hence I will be posting less than on the weekend. Or did you have something else than the reduction from Sunday to today in mind?


Jan 19, 2018
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it felt very random to me, and I don't think its very likely for you to be town and have really great reasoning as to why you think I might be the jackal

Its because you were one of ~8 players who were active at the time that minish's vote was vetoed and the one who best fit the two qualifiers minish gave. "someone who she knows" and "someone who she wouldn't get anything out of by talking to". In any case, I'm glad to see you're apparently taking the game seriously. I still have serious suspicions that you're the jackal but as long as minish doesn't think its worth outing the jackal then i see no reason to actively pursue this line of thought.

Unvote, Vote: KoD

Rag vs KoD: Makes me suspicious of both as they both dropped this argument much sooner than I would normally expect. Rag makes a passing comment about it later before completely dropping the vote.

minish dropping a huge bombshell out of nowhere was basically 100% of the reason i stopped pursuing KoD momentarily.


Zinger tells me the name is a coincidence and that its not actually PK or even anyone from Px2.

I just can't recall a time she did that as town, probably more an issue with my memory than actual truth though.

I typically compile information about claims whether i'm town aligned or not towards the end of the game if i think it'll be useful to do so. I also typically do theorycrafting at the beginning of a game to develop/implement strategies i think will be good. The more vanilla a game is, the less likely I'll end up doing either. I don't really ever do votecounts in general, the only reason i did so here was because there was going to be a gap between the actual votecount and zinger's votecount, so it was importarnt that someone tracked it. It ended up being even more important because zinger's actual voting log was itself dishonest (discounting votes that don't "count" as votes), which would have made it harder to notice who was able to vote and who wasn't.
Dec 13, 2019
Oh cool you guys jumped another 6 pages.

@Sun Fan:

I saw Rag's post about Funnier being under the weather probably, or, at the least, busy enough to not be able to put attention here currently. My hot take doesn't have any solid basis for him being the Jackal.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
MinMin - Right now, I'm a bit null on her reads. If she really is being told how and who to vote for, which for now, I'm believing, What's to say some of the other stuff she's saying isn't also got some sort of strings attached? No offence Min Min. Though, I'm getting a Minish is being really cautious"

PotPoy - Yes he did throw a OMGUS at me, but I did in a way point at possibly putting him on a scum read if he did start posting shorties. Though, With how he went about it, I feel as if it was more of a "deserved defense'" kind of OMGUS. Like, he was basically wanting a more detailed reasoning than the crap I initially posted.

sunsun - I'm personally leaning more towards a town lean atm. No general reason other than the way tou defended FunFun. You did make a few good points as to why I should at least hold off on keeping my vote.

Ex - I'm going to have to ISO you so you'll be Null for now. Though, I'm Town leaning.

Aaaarrrrgh - His initial post regarding the "extra Vote" skill KoD has seemed like a personal observation rather than an 'Ooh, hay guys look!" statement. However, his apology seemed like it was a bit of an "I was rash, but I want to not look suspicious for trying to throw someone else under the buss". But hey, maybe he was genuinely sorry.

Rag - The way he immediately went for KoD after Arghs observational post for a couple of pages before flat out dropping the whole thing really seemed really scummy, like he was trying to start a bandwagon which ultimately failed. Yet he seems to still be voting for KoD "after" the fact that he, momentarily, dropped the case.

Rubik, SkyStone, Captain_Lunch, Tevish Szat, Doc, Hapi, Naga10, - Null because little to content to get any good reads off of.

Funnier - Sun Sun has a point.


Vote Rag


Jan 19, 2018
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To reiterate my case on KoD:

KoD unvoted and switched his vote to someone else every time someone voted for him. When accused of doing this to hide his bonus votes, He claims the reason he did this was because he didn't want to pile votes up on people in the event that it would result in a premature lynch and discredited the notion that he was trying to hide it by saying that he knew it would have shown up in the votecount anyways.

I feel that if KoD thought his ability was anti-town at the start of the game, then he would have just claimed it, and so I'm suspicious of his claimed motive. I don't think that KoD trying to hide his ability is scummy, but I do think that KoD lying about trying to hide it is.

The main argument I've seen that support KoD being town and my response to it:

"KoD unvoting seems pro-town to me because if he was scum he would have been better off leaving his votes on people" - KoD as scum gains little tangible benefit from leaving his votes on people. It draws attention to him and doesn't immediately further any of his goals. Its a lot more likely to just result in him taking heat over his ability than it is to disrupt the town in any way as a result of the votes. As such, KoD as scum would have just as much motive as KoD as town to unvote all his bonus votes.

Also wrt funnier him being silenced makes sense. I assumed he was just awol because he was also absent from our usual haunt but in retrospect zinger basically repeatedly confirmed he was here despite him not saying anything, so him being silenced is a natural conclusion.

also poor funnier oof


Jan 19, 2018
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@Morbid Minish
@Mellow Ezlo
@Spiritual Mask Salesman
@The Sun Fan
@Tevish Szat
@Paranoid King

I'm making an important claim right now.

My threshhold is 8. If my count is correct I'm currently at either 6 or 7 votes (assuming the two hidden votes are still there and haven't grown, in the worst case i could technically be dead already).

I'll ask that people not vote for me unless they're comfortable with the day ending in my lynch as a result.
Feb 3, 2019
I don't think I have any interest in killing rag today at all
the people saying that she's being wolfy by helping and compiling are like... even if she is a wolf, you're absolutely not right for the right reasons at all

she was excited to play this game, that's all that her activity means


Jan 19, 2018
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The way he immediately went for KoD after Arghs observational post for a couple of pages before flat out dropping the whole thing really seemed really scummy, like he was trying to start a bandwagon which ultimately failed. Yet he seems to still be voting for KoD "after" the fact that he, momentarily, dropped the case.

Freddeh said the same thing and I'll respond again. The reason I stopped pursuing KoD momentarily was entirely because Minish said something outrageous and i switched to focusing on that. KoD is currently and has consistently been my top scumspect and i believe I even said as much when i temporarily moved my vote to sun to pressure him. I never intended to drop the case and the things I've said should reflect that.


Jan 19, 2018
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I don't feel good about sun fan either. The only other time i've seen him play like this he was self-aligned. He could be playing so flippantly because he thinks of the game as a joke and doesn't intend on playing seriously, which itself means he isn't really a bad thing. He's also probably the most likely player to be the jackyl in my eyes, and so I think pressuring him for information is worthwhile.

I think the case on KoD is stronger, but for now I'm more interested in seeing sunfan respond so I'll move my vote.

Unvote, Vote: Sun Fan

for reference here's my vote on sunfan, the relevant part is bolded. It should be clear that I still saw KoD as the top scum candidate and that I ultimately intended to move back onto him.
Feb 3, 2019
Somehow, funnier being the person controlling Minish's stuff seems to fit the most
the villian would need to be working from the shadows, I guess?
its really not me lol, I don't remember Minish saying it was someone she knew, though


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I don't think I have any interest in killing rag today at all
the people saying that she's being wolfy by helping and compiling are like... even if she is a wolf, you're absolutely not right for the right reasons at all

she was excited to play this game, that's all that her activity means
Wait, RagRag is a she? Rag, I, I seriously thought. Im sorry. XD
Aug 22, 2019
Were you the one that told me that sometime scream "I'm innocent" when about be be killed off works sometimes? Cause that's where my brian has gone.

All things aside, Don't kill Rag yet. It's day 1, let's use the full 96 hours we have to figure out mechanics before whatever hell the night is gonna be shows up.
Not that I matter, as again, voteblocked. But come on guys. I'm just not feeling a Rag death.
Aug 22, 2019
Also: Hey KJ, is there a reason you vote in pink? Can someone else please vote in a colour until the next count to see if colour the vote is cast in effects how it shows up?
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