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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Dec 13, 2019
Heh. The very first rumor mill listed by the goblins explains why they lost in the end. XD

I'll (mostly) leave you guys alone about that now. At least until a future game time.

Also I used 0 rumor mills. Sorry bout it.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Anyone want to help recreate the rumor list?

Here's my rumors:
Rumor Mill [100%]: This game has far too many twists and turns to rely heavily on any source of information as being the whole truth. Anybody who thinks they've got their win "in the bag" is likely missing key information, and in fact could be closer to a loss than ever for relying on intel that's undoubtedly set up to look too good to be true. The game is not over till its over, and until that final curtain, nothing is certain...

Rumour Mill [Design]: The central question—"Who is the real Spider-Man"—can be assertively answered by up to 4 characters in this game, under the right conditions. But only one of them is in a position to potentially fake the results of the test...

Rumour Mill [100%]: I heard a rumour that if the true Spider-Man achieves his Motivation, he will become Town Aligned (hint: the Town Aligned win condition is public, and in the game rules).

Rumor Mill [Design]: All of the Spider Aligned players are basically Schroedinger's Cat. Until they open the box, they are both clones and not clones.

Rumor Mill [Character]: Detective Jacob Raven has the power to come back from exile if he's first received the Mark of Kaine.

Rumor Mill [Design]: You don't need to unvote in order to move your vote to a new player. Thus, it's not far fetched to assume that players who bother to unvote before placing a new vote are probably hiding multiple votes and/or some visible voting interaction.

Rumor Mill [Character]: I saw Moon Knight running around town last Night, getting up to no good. I wonder what he's up to?

Rumor Mill [Whack]: I heard a rumor that Zinger ran out of rumors a while ago and have been just making them up since then.

Rumor Mill [Character]: "Just cuz you're a clone of my husband's dead girlfriend doesn't mean I'm not thrilled to see you. Check your inherited memories, I was friends with the real Gwen too and I miss her bunches. Besides, us girls gotta stick together, right?" Mary-Jane winks at you.

Turns out Mary-Jane is very much a character in this game, and Spider-Man is almost impossible to kill while she's around! Be careful who you tell that to, though... Some of his enemies are undoubtedly gunning for her.

Rumor Mill [13%]: I heard the biggest "lie" in the game can be found in the thread's second post. Although, technically, it isn't a lie, but it is a truth that is very misleading.

Rumor Mill [Character]: The Black Cat spreads bad luck to whoever crosses her path. Players who vote for her are Weakened for the rest of the Day and subsequent Night, and they're not told about it.

Rumor Mill [69%]: You know how the game was designed for between 24 and 30 players? Well, I hear a total of 34 roles were designed in all for the game. If that's true, then what are the other 4 roles, I wonder? And how does one acquire them if they aren't part of the base 30?


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
Rumor Mill [Character]: Beware the illusions of Judas Traveller. His whole shtick is altering perceptions. Make people believe what he wants them to see. Nothing is certain when he is around.

The Spectacular Spider-Man has the power to block all votes of a chosen color. For some players, this will be a mere nuisance, but for others, it can be a full-on Voteblock if the color chosen is right...


aka amber
Jun 25, 2020
Zinger2099 said:
Rumour Mill [Design Rumour]: Some players in the game might have been given the exact same Role PM. Identical, in every way.

Zinger2099 said:
Rumor Mill [75%]: I heard a rumour that the player playing Kaine has recently changed alignments (and by association, their win condition must also have changed).

Zinger2099 said:
Rumor Mill [Character]: Mary-Jane is pregnant! When not sidelined with morning sickness, she's doing her best to support her husband (the real Spider-Man) through all this madness. I hear as long as she lives he'll never give up. And it's a good thing, too! The Town's chances are slim without him.


aka amber
Jun 25, 2020
i never used any of my actual abilities, only partially because i lost them all d2
i spent the entire game rumour milling and tracking people lmao


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
I only used it with "Discord Abilities" from Funnier twice and then decided it was weird voodoo magic I shouldn't mess with.

Chakra says:
Rumor Mill [95%]: This game is heavily stacked against the Town. And yet, it is also heavily stacked in the Town's favor. It both is and isn't a fair game for the "good guys". Of course, as alignments change and characters leave the active pool, things can go from that delicate balance of fair/unfair to overwhelmingly unfair pretty quickly...

Chakra [Rumor Mill]: Doctor Seward Trainer is the only Town Aligned player with the necessary skills to definitely prove who is the real Spider-Man.
Jul 12, 2020
hey PK i was talking with some other people and apparently none of us knew

how did you find this mafia game?
Zelda dungeon participated in a multi-forum mafia game a while back. I checked the list of forums that participated in that game to find a forum that sounded interesting. And when I checked here, this game was about to start.

So basically random chance.
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