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Breath of the Wild The bow as the only item?

I was chatting with a friend just now and a flash of inspiration just hit me.

In Zelda we always need to find items to better explore the overworld, and sometimes only to finish the dungeon we're in... In ALBW this changed, we rented items so that we could go anywhere... it was an awful system and we COULD go anywhere but we STILL needed the items...

This has made it hard to actually compute the notion of Zelda U in that we can go anywhere. How can we go anywhere wehn we always need items... then it hit me...

Are items going to be in this game at all?

In the e3 2014 trailer we see Link use bomb arrows and a mysterious techno/light arrow. We've seen him use his sword and he does have a shield but will that be it?

My theory is that to ensure we can go anywhere without items that we need to collect through the game, that the bow will carry the weight of all the items we wont be getting... For example, we have bomb arrows which saves on carrying singular bombs, we will likely have fire arrows, ice arrows and light arrows, plus that tchno arrow...

All of these could be used for torch lighting and water freezing puzzles (could Link freeze the water to cros a river when a bridge gets destroyed like in the e3 trailer?)

Instead of a hookshot item we could have a tethered arrow, and we caould use the rope as a zipline with the bow (that'd be one way to gt across the ravine we could see in the vista shot we got at e3)

So.. all in all, do you think the bow will hold th key to exploration in Zelda U and negate the use for other items so that we can 'go anywhere' without the obstruction of missing items?

Deleted member 81859

Say Nintendo does do this. There would be backlash from the community, even if the system was functional.
I would say that they would not act upon this drastic of a change. The bow, however, will be a main item. Perhaps even story wise?


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I don't think this will be the case, no. I might be one of the only people who feel the bow was shown like that for the simple fact that it looked cool. I've seen Zelda fans look into it pretty deep, but imo it was more of a style thing rather than some hint as to what we can expect.


Jul 1, 2012
I think it's more of the fact that the Bow will be the main item and the game will focus around it. It's an interesting idea, I just think it would sacrifice too much.


Jun 11, 2015
Well let's give you the benefit of the doubt and in the game they do in fact use the bow to replace all other items the game use to have. Well, you would still have to gain them throughout the game just as if it were an item or you would be way to prepared and well equipped to start the game. So, then you run into having a similar situation to finding items so what is the use of only having the bow???

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