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Super Bowl LV Discussion

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
It's Super Bowl Sunday once again! The Kansas City Chief's are the returning champions, facing off against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers lead by 6 time Super Bowl Champion Tom Brady, who is defying age, and would set a new record for most Super Bowl wins if the Bucs take home the win tonight.

Are you planning on watching the game tonight? What team are you rooting for, if any? If you don't plan on watching the game, will you at least tune in for the Half Time show?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Changing my profile pic for the occasion!
I followed the Cheifs really closely last year, not as close this year, but glad to be cheering them on for the big game!


Oct 13, 2019
I got the Bucs in this one. Tom’s the GOAT, only a rookie to Football would question it
Also, last time the Super Bowl was in Tampa, the national anthem sucked. Hopefully the guys who do it this year are better than another third rate 90’s boy band


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
If I'm being honest, I did not expect Tampa Bay to make it to the Super Bowl, having had them pegged for wild card at most. It's been interesting in that regard, this season. I might poke into the game on and off tonight, with my allegiance going with the team some might call "Tompa Bay." Nothing against the Chiefs per se; they've earned their keep as the cream of the crop. I'm just tired of the media hype surrounding them, which will no doubt explode should they win again. Let's hope it's a good game! :ninja:

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