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STORY!!! I Guess...


Quid est veritas, Claudia
Feb 9, 2010
Okay, I was thinking about making a story that's kinda Zelda related, kinda not. Kinda like Xeldi... Atsuma's (dang I hate your name change) story of Rad and that stuff. Can't remember the name right now, so shame on me =/

Okay, well I have 10 spots that I filled.

Main Character
MC's Brother
MC's Best Friend 1
MC'S Stick Creation
Evil Enemy
EE's Sidekick
EE's Servant
EE's Warrior Leader
Wise Old Man
Carpet Merchant

So, if you want in one of those parts, let me know. I'll start writing the story when all of those get filled. And after all of those get filled, I'll wait a little while to see if anyone wants to be a different person. OH! And the Stick Creation guy, he's a person, so don't feel weird if you want to sign up as him :D


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Any position you give me is fine, Atsuma is here to bless your project lol. So yeah, wherever you see fit, you can put me.

Name: Atsuma
Age: 21 (1400 DRAGIR YEARS)
Gender: Male
Looks: Light tan skin, brown hair that falls to the side in bangs, short in stature/natural height and is always dressed in black clothing. He has dark horns on his head and black wings sticking out from his back.
Eye color: Dark brown shaded to black.
Affinity/Element: Fire
Weapons: Dual Swords, 2 Daggers, Magical Pistol. XD

If you need other info, contact me. If you feel the need to remove any info, go ahead, I aint picky.

Good luck.
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Quid est veritas, Claudia
Feb 9, 2010
OK sweet, but I didn't need that whole description thing xd But now that you gave one, I guess, everyone else give one too. So huh? Your description sounds like the evil enemy ... :D Okay, I'll place you as the evil enemy. I don't need any other info, that's great. Pistol=XD indeed

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
OK sweet, but I didn't need that whole description thing xd But now that you gave one, I guess, everyone else give one too. So huh? Your description sounds like the evil enemy ... :D Okay, I'll place you as the evil enemy. I don't need any other info, that's great. Pistol=XD indeed

The evil enemy, eh? Cool, I can't wait to see what you have in store for Atsuma. Yeah, the pistol is the same I used for Rad, Double barrel, sawed off, like a shotgun but still maintaining that pirate look. It's also magical, which means that he can fire many rounds before the magic stone runs out of magic. *SPoiler* This is one of several gifts that he receives in my own story; ROTD.


Forever I am Abandoned
Mar 2, 2010
In the middle of Kansas...
Okay, this'll be fun! :)

Name: Dan
Age: 18
Element: Ice
Weapons: Dual Wield Large Broad Swords and Hylian Shields on each arm(Yes, at the same time) Daggers, Bow/Arrows. Ice.
Apperance: TAll, Sort Black hair, Brown Eyed, Tan, buff.
Clothing:Black tunic with Gold and Black armer over it(Like the Magic Armer in TP but without the helment).


Quid est veritas, Claudia
Feb 9, 2010
hmmmm..... So like a guy who serves the bad guy but then becomes a good guy gradually over the whole course of the story? Yeah, that would be okay. And TH, that double sword Hylian Shield thing pwns too much for my brain :D I'll make SURE to get that in there and make sure he kicks Atsuma's ***!!! Okay, but which person do you want to be?


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Thank you.

Name: Pourg Krow (Guess the pun)
Age: 38 (19 for a Giant's mentality)
Gender: Male
Element: A stone inside him that gives him Earth based powers.
Weapons: Two shoulderpads that conceal hidden daggers that are poisonous*, bladed boomerang which he uses in rock mode. Has an instrument for a weapon as well; he plays on his drums to stun his enemies.
Appearance: Tall (Human size 2.45 meters, Giant size 14 meters), Brown Hair, Tan skin, side burns
Personality: Is racist against all who are not giants except for the big bad. If you best him in battle you may just earn his respect.
He only uses his Giant Form when he feels the threat is very great so a first encounter with him won't get him into tall mode.
Doesn't speak of where he is from; only mutters about a place called Mystigma (another world)

*20 daggers in each pad, two are shot out at a time.

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Well, I think I'd like to be the EE's sidekick this time around if you don't mind.

Name: Koroko (I guess it's become a bit of a staple now...)
Age: 26
Gender: M
Race: Hylian
Magical Affinity: Wind
Weapon: Large fan for Wind Magic purposes.
Clothes: Black robe
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Medium
Height: 5'10

And you can take it from there, Forcy.

EDIT: I changed my position because I realized that Atsu already took the spot of the EE.
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A Frog
Feb 19, 2010
on my bean bag...
Name: Hazel
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Looks: Light skin, (porcelain) blond hair that is down to her waist, very tall and is always dressed in black clothing.
Eye color: Amber (sorta goldish like a wolf)
Affinity/Element: Fire
Weapons: Axe, Whip
Race : Werewolf, Transforms into white wolf

I would like to be the EE's Warrior Leader, if that's not too much of a problem.


Quid est veritas, Claudia
Feb 9, 2010
1. I got it Charge, those shoulder daggers sound awesome :D

2. MK9, Atsuma's the villian, pick someone else. Sorry :( But your guy sounds cool

3. WOAH! A girl warrrior leader???!!! That's not what I was going for, but take no offense, cause I got something great in mind. I'll make sure your character leads those evil minions awesomely. And also, I had an idea and had a question to see if you like it. Since her affinity is fire, and her eyes are amber, can her eyes like shoot fire lasers? I just thought that'd be awesome, but tell me if you'll let me do that to your character.

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