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Zelda Art Species Studies


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
I'm a huge biology nerd, so I'm writing nature showish reports on various species from LoZ games. Questions and comments welcome. I will add to this post when I finish a report.

Common names: Hylian, human
Scientific name: Homo sapiens

Mature male: man
Mature female: woman
Young male: boy
Young female: girl
Young(either gender): child

Life Span
0 - 12 years: Juvenile
13 - 17 years: Teen
18 - 49 years: Adult
50 + years: Senior
Average Life Expectancy: 80 years

Bipedial mammals with large patches of hair on the top of their heads, and hair thin enough to reveal the skin underneath everywhere else. Ears are most commonly pointed, but can be rounded. They grow to between five and six feet tall, and reach weights in the area of one hundred pounds.

Mostly areas with in between climates, not too hot, not too cold; but they can survive almost anywhere. They tend to live in groups. These groups vary in size, the biggest ones can contain hundreds of individuals. They build sturdy shelters out of stone or wood.

They are omnivores, so they eat both plant and animal based foods. They raise animals such as cows, pigs, and chickens; and grow fruits and vegetables. They also hunt and gather at times.

Social Behavior
Hylians are very social, it's rare to see them living away from their own kind. Their leaders are either chosen by the community, or born into leadership in a royal family, depending on the size of the group. Smaller groups often elect their leaders, while larger ones have royalty. They usually try to have diplomatic relations with other tribal species living in the same area. But they know that some creatures are next to impossible to reason with, so they tend to kill those on sight.

Hylians tend to choose only one mate, and young are generally raised by both parents. The young are born in small litters of one or two after a nine month pregnancy. Newborns are tiny and helpless. They cannot move on their own, and must rely on their parents for everything. But unlike some other mammal species, their eyes and ears are open at birth. By the age of one or two years, the young can walk, talk, and eat solid food. Sexual maturity is reached during the teen years, but this is considered too young to be able to be a responsible parent, so most individuals wait until they're at least eighteen years old. Many couples will produce more than one litter during their lifetime. Lower class couples that can't defend themselves tend to purposely have more offspring than the higher ranked warrior or royal couples.

Special Abilities
They're not the strongest creatures in the world. Nor are they the most magically inclined. Their strength lies in their adaptability and high intelligence. When threatened, their warriors can lash back severely using weapons, but they don't just rush into battle without some sort of a strategy.
"Not as magically inclined" doesnt mean they can't use magic at all, so please do not bring up Din's Fire, Nayru's Love, and Farore's Wind. It is harder for most hylians to learn magic when compared to say, twilis. OoT Link is special/blessed by the great fairies. So it came natural to him.

Common name: zora
Scientific name: Aquaticus squama
(aquaticus = living in water, squama = scale armor)

Mature male: man
Mature female: woman
Young male: boy
Young female: girl
Young(either gender): tadpole

Life Span
0 - 9 years: Juvenile
10 - 16 years: Teen
17 - 40 years: Adult
41 + years: Senior
Average Life Expectancy: 75 years

Bipedial amphibians. They have scaly skin like fish, but they have lungs when full grown, so they are classified as amphibians. They also have webbed feet and fins.

Like all amphibians, zoras cannot survive in dry areas. They must be in or near a fresh water source such as a river or lake. They sweat to keep their skin moist when out of water, but they still need to be wet often to survive.

Zoras are carnivores. They hunt for smaller water dwellers like fish and crustaceans.

Social Behavior
Zoras live in groups. Some groups stay in one area, while others are nomads, going anywhere the river flows. Leaders are usually born into their rank. Most zoras are friendly toward other tribal species, but there are some bandit groups that will attack anyone that comes into their territory.

Many amphibians lay large clutches, then do little to no parenting. Not the case with zoras. Their clutch sizes range from two to three eggs, and they stay with the eggs and raise them to adulthood. Another thing that sets them apart from most amphibians: they have internal fertilization instead of external. About a month after conception, the female will experience a feeling similar to that of labor in mammals. This means the eggs are coming. The clutch is placed in a safe, underwater spot. The parents will then take turns guarding the nest for five months until the eggs hatch. The tadpoles spend the first four years of their lives swimming and being fed small scraps of food, then they grow limbs and are capable of being out of the water. They will then continue to grow to maturity.

Special Abilities
Being water dwellers, zoras are strong swimmers. They can breathe underwater for hours before having to come up for air. One of their natural defenses is their electric skin cells. They can shock their foes and swim to safety, but the shock is rarely powerful enough to do much damage.
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