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Breath of the Wild So if the game's map is this big...

Masked Bastard

formerly Captain B
Mar 2, 2015
Recently I had done some calculations regarding BotW's Hyrule, and made some jaw-dropping discoveries.

The apparent size of Breath of the Wild's map is (we are told) approximately 360 square kilometers. Skyrim, for reference, is about 44. So, ok BotW's map is like nine Skyrims. Impressive, but not the point I'm getting at...

Hyrule in Breath of the Wild, for all its expanse, still only represents the traditional kingdom of Hyrule, just like in Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past, and (most importantly) the original Zelda. It looks different in each game, for reasons of both quest relevency and the passage of time, but generally is still the same place, just interpreted differently (and at drastically different scales)


...aaaaaand all 360 square kilometers of it only make up the bottom left corner of Zelda II's map. :P

Assuming that Breath of the Wild represents Hyrule's true size, then the world explored in Zelda II is roughly 21,600 square kilometers. For reference, that is 540 times the size of Skyrim.

Talk about putting things into perspective.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
They will never do a remake of AoL. BOTW is a remake of LoZ, sure, but AoL will mever get remade


Jul 1, 2012
Wait how did you come up with that? Tbh I would prefer it be the size of Skyrim or slightly larger, no more. I think that game has the perfect size-content ratio. Unless horse travel is super convenient and fast like Witcher 3, then obviously the game world would have to be bigger to accommodate the speed of travel.

Overall though, I don't give a **** what size it is as long as I can finally get more than a 100 hours out of a single Zelda.
Oct 14, 2013
And lets hope they never remake that train wreck of a game.
The game is way better than many people give it credit for. Back in the day it was really a good game. It's only real flaw is that it was not the right direction for the IP to go in so Zelda 3 was made as it was.

I don't think a remake of Zelda 2 would be a good idea. But a new game with a lot of the Zelda 2 ideas in, would work really well I think.


i got bored and posted something
Apr 13, 2009
Pacific Northwest
The game is way better than many people give it credit for. Back in the day it was really a good game. It's only real flaw is that it was not the right direction for the IP to go in so Zelda 3 was made as it was.

I don't think a remake of Zelda 2 would be a good idea. But a new game with a lot of the Zelda 2 ideas in, would work really well I think.

Oh I understand that, its just, by modern standards, its a complete cluster****. The best thing it added were RPG-lite elements and broader NPC interaction. It did a lot for the series, don't get me wrong. Its just not very fun to play lol.
Oct 14, 2013
Oh I understand that, its just, by modern standards, its a complete cluster****. The best thing it added were RPG-lite elements and broader NPC interaction. It did a lot for the series, don't get me wrong. Its just not very fun to play lol.
Agree to disagree. But that's cool, not everyone has the same opinion. Zelda 2 is not an RPG though. The first Zelda game that could be an RPG is BotW. Levelling up does not make a game an RPG. Other things do.

Azure Sage

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Wait how did you come up with that?
BotW has been known to be 9 times bigger than Skyrim for a while. Like, since June.

Anyway, BotW's map is certainly not just a more "to-scale" version of previous maps like OoT. It's clear that there are new provinces. There's more than just Eldin, Faron, and Lanayru now. I think it's pretty clear the kingdom has done some expanding. I don't know very much about AoL's map, but BotW's map doesn't look anything like that bottom left corner to me.

Deleted member 14134

I don't understand why people automatically think that bigger equals better. If the game is going to be 9 times the size of Skyrim I want it to have 9 times the amount of content that Skyrim has. Making a map 9 times bigger with less content is going to mean that it'll be empty and boring. Yup, there's going to be open space with nothing to do in it but travel through but that's part of making a believable open world. What I'm concerned about is how much space is going to be in the game and how it's going to be used.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
It's not even 9x the size of Skyrim. Most comparisons so far have it at roughly the size of the witcher or GTAV.

Assuming that Breath of the Wild represents Hyrule's true size, then the world explored in Zelda II is roughly 21,600 square kilometers. For reference, that is 540 times the size of Skyrim.

You can hardly effectively compare a game with an overworld of the style of Zelda II's to any other game. My theory is that the cities displays on the map are not to scale with the rest of the map. I don't think it's reasonable to compare their scale.

Masked Bastard

formerly Captain B
Mar 2, 2015
why is everyone going on about Zelda II remakes? My topic didn't have anything to do with remaking anything?

Azure Sage

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I don't understand why people automatically think that bigger equals better. If the game is going to be 9 times the size of Skyrim I want it to have 9 times the amount of content that Skyrim has. Making a map 9 times bigger with less content is going to mean that it'll be empty and boring. Yup, there's going to be open space with nothing to do in it but travel through but that's part of making a believable open world. What I'm concerned about is how much space is going to be in the game and how it's going to be used.
We've got 120 shrines, 70+ sidequests, and 900 Korok seeds to find plus the massive amount of enemy bases to raid for treasure with many of them being more and more complex and mini-dungeon-like as you go, so they say. Not to mention all the hunting and gathering we'll likely be doing. I think it's a safe guess to say there'll be plenty to do in the world.

Deleted member 14134

We've got 120 shrines, 70+ sidequests, and 900 Korok seeds to find plus the massive amount of enemy bases to raid for treasure with many of them being more and more complex and mini-dungeon-like as you go, so they say. Not to mention all the hunting and gathering we'll likely be doing. I think it's a safe guess to say there'll be plenty to do in the world.
And Skyrim had over 100 side quests, over 300 locations and aton of other things to collect and explore. Based on that it seems like there's going to be alot of empty space. Attacking an enemy camp isn't going to be fun forever and alot of people will probably be avoiding them after long enough I imagine. It depends on how much variety they put throughout the world to keep things fresh as you explore.
Jan 18, 2017
And Skyrim had over 100 side quests, over 300 locations and aton of other things to collect and explore. Based on that it seems like there's going to be alot of empty space. Attacking an enemy camp isn't going to be fun forever and alot of people will probably be avoiding them after long enough I imagine. It depends on how much variety they put throughout the world to keep things fresh as you explore.
Has a Zelda game really ever been bad? They're not going to spoil/leak the entire game for us. All we've seen is the Great Plateau/Hyrule Field footage, some shrine footage and a game trailer.

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