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SSHD Skyward Sword HD Discussion

Skyward Sword HD
Jul 16, 2021
I've become semi-obsessed with this game, the motion controls aren't perfect, but there is so much else about the game that I am loving.
I kind of am enjoying this game more than I've enjoyed of my time with Breath of the Wild

Don't worry wait until you get to the last 3/4 of the game and you might change your opinion. Despite hating most of the controls the entire game I actually enjoyed my time with SS..until everything past the 2nd
Imprisoned Fight
and the game went from "oh SSHD is actually quite good to "its still the worst 3D zelda game but a solid game nonetheless".


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Actually I liked the 2nd much better than the wii version. Thanks to the controls I managed to finish this in just two attempts. Mainly because I forgot how to approach him in my first attempt then I remembered and tried again and no troubles. I used to hate it and still do but it's so much easier now


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
Don't worry wait until you get to the last 3/4 of the game and you might change your opinion. Despite hating most of the controls the entire game I actually enjoyed my time with SS..until everything past the 2nd
Imprisoned Fight
and the game went from "oh SSHD is actually quite good to "its still the worst 3D zelda game but a solid game nonetheless".
That's where I'm leaning with my thoughts on the game right now (controls aside, which I haven't minded that much), actually.

I've enjoyed it, generally speaking, but flipping hell if the Imprisoned isn't an abysmal boss and the second fight with it an indicator of sorts about where the game's pace and content goes downhill.

Even with the QoL changes the game is running too long for my liking. It feels like it could've finished in a satisfactory way w/o having to rely on so much backtracking to artificially extend the play time.
Jul 16, 2021
Actually I liked the 2nd much better than the wii version. Thanks to the controls I managed to finish this in just two attempts. Mainly because I forgot how to approach him in my first attempt then I remembered and tried again and no troubles. I used to hate it and still do but it's so much easier now

yeah its incredibly easy if you know what to do. But the boss fight itself is just incredibly badly designed and repetitive. Its one of the least fun boss fights in any 3D zelda game. And they force you to do it 3 times.

That's where I'm leaning with my thoughts on the game right now (controls aside, which I haven't minded that much), actually.

I've enjoyed it, generally speaking, but flipping hell if the Imprisoned isn't an abysmal boss and the second fight with it an indicator of sorts about where the game's pace and content goes downhill.

Even with the QoL changes the game is running too long for my liking. It feels like it could've finished in a satisfactory way w/o having to rely on so much backtracking to artificially extend the play time.

Wait until you get to finding the music mini game.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
yeah its incredibly easy if you know what to do. But the boss fight itself is just incredibly badly designed and repetitive. Its one of the least fun boss fights in any 3D zelda game. And they force you to do it 3 times.
Absolutely! They should've left it with two times or one time. One of the most annoying bosses in gaming history


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
I 100% completed the game (outside of Hero Mode) and damn I love it. There is just so much goddamn character to it. Really wish Breath of the Wild was this vibrant.
Oct 29, 2022
After finishing Super Mario Sunshine I had a craving for a 3d Zelda. I missed the train for SS wii as I was put off by the motion plus barrier back then.

I'm 3 hours into Skyward Sword HD and really enjoying it. :D

Wish my luck, beating it.

Hope to add it my list of completed Zelda games:
1. Link's Awakening
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Windwaker
4. Breath of the Wild
Last edited:
Oct 29, 2022
Thanks Vanessa, I love Zelda so much but I used to be terrible at finishing them when I was little. I used to rage quit Ocarina inside the whales stomach.

But as an adult I've been on a mission to complete all the Zelda games from my childhood :D


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Thanks Vanessa, I love Zelda so much but I used to be terrible at finishing them when I was little. I used to rage quit Ocarina inside the whales stomach.

But as an adult I've been on a mission to complete all the Zelda games from my childhood :D
Hahaha sounds familiar :D
No worries ;) There are a lot of people who haven't even played 1 Zelda game and there are those who finished all. My main goal is also to finish all Zelda games and even though I finished a lot, there's still more to finish. You'll get there! I don't doubt that :)
Oct 29, 2022
Hahaha sounds familiar :D
No worries ;) There are a lot of people who haven't even played 1 Zelda game and there are those who finished all. My main goal is also to finish all Zelda games and even though I finished a lot, there's still more to finish. You'll get there! I don't doubt that :)

You can do it too! :D is it alright to ask which games you still need to beat?

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