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SSHD Skyward Sword HD Discussion

Skyward Sword HD


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
In todays (2/17/2021) Nintendo Direct Nintendo announced an HD version of Skyward Sword similar to that of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD. Do you think there will be any further changes than what was shown? How do you think the updated control scheme will perform? Do you plan on picking up the game and/or the themed JoyCons?

Azure Sage

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In the Direct itself, the game didn't look any different from its Wii counterpart to my eyes, but upon viewing it on the eshop directly, it looks very distinctly better. Definitely would call it a visual upgrade.

I would have been fine if they only included joycon motion control, but the button control seems.... interesting. Using the right stick to direct your sword seems like it'd interfere with camera control. I'll give it a whirl because I play handheld primarily, but I kind of feel like I'm gonna end up just playing with detached joycons on my bed.

They didn't really mention if there will be any added content. One thing I always wanted from SS was the ability to change back into your Skyloft civilian clothes from your closet in your room. I doubt they're gonna add that in, but Wind Waker's second quest letting you stay in the lobster shirt is really good and I've always wanted something like that to return. I think they could stand to spice up the Sky a bit, but I'm not really expecting anything ike that. If we do get anything new it's probably just gonna be a labyrinth.


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
In the Direct itself, the game didn't look any different from its Wii counterpart to my eyes, but upon viewing it on the eshop directly, it looks very distinctly better. Definitely would call it a visual upgrade.

I would have been fine if they only included joycon motion control, but the button control seems.... interesting. Using the right stick to direct your sword seems like it'd interfere with camera control. I'll give it a whirl because I play handheld primarily, but I kind of feel like I'm gonna end up just playing with detached joycons on my bed.

They didn't really mention if there will be any added content. One thing I always wanted from SS was the ability to change back into your Skyloft civilian clothes from your closet in your room. I doubt they're gonna add that in, but Wind Waker's second quest letting you stay in the lobster shirt is really good and I've always wanted something like that to return. I think they could stand to spice up the Sky a bit, but I'm not really expecting anything ike that. If we do get anything new it's probably just gonna be a labyrinth.
I don't think Skyward Sword had very many camera controls anyways, so it will probably be ok.

Azure Sage

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I don't think Skyward Sword had very many camera controls anyways, so it will probably be ok.
Oh yeah, maybe you're right... It's been a while. But that's on the Wiimote tech, really. We have a camera stick now, so I'd definitely like to have camera control. 3D environments without full camera control are a pet peeve. It was really annoying in Ys Celceta recently.
May 4, 2014
These are things I hafta consider, before I even think of picking this up again.

Aside from the sword, I'd also like to know if the unneccesary mc actions will be remapped?

We did not need them for
Tight rope walking
Boss key
Mine cart
Item menu

Those should have all been mapped to the joystick from the get-go. And I never want to see a key being a puzzle ever again.

Joycon drift will only add its own problems to the controls.

Can it be played with a pro controller or 3rd party controller to avoid that issue?

The crummy melon meter still annoys me to no end.

They'll need to fix the goron glitch.

As minor nitpicks:

Will they get rid of the constant item description pop-ups? Because guess what Nintendo, we all know what a tumbleweed and a firefly are, we aren't stupid.

I didn't find Fi as annoying as some people, but she can still get on my nerves, and she's about as helpful as trying to pee on a forest fire.

Skippable cutscenes would be nice.
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not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
Aside from the sword, I'd also like to know if the unneccesary mc actions will be remapped?

We did not need them for
Tight rope walking
Boss key
Mine cart
Item menu

Those should have all been mapped to the joystick from the get-go. And I never want to see a key being a puzzle ever again.

Joycon drift will only add its own problems to the controls.

Can it be played with a pro controller or 3rd party controller to avoid that issue?
Considering they're adding button controls to support handheld mode, the game should be completely playable with no motion. Joycon drift won't be fun, you're right.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
I really don’t think that SSHD is going to change my overall stance on the game, but it’s definitely looking better than the original.

While they’re obviously going to be adding more QoL in the same vein as the other HD remakes, Im really looking forward to how far they’re gonna go with it. Personally, in addition to the usual decluttering of unnecessary cutscenes and text boxes I would also like to see some connections between the three provinces, as well as the ability to complete the song portion at any point in the 2nd half of the game, kinda like the triforce quest in WW.

As for new content, I’m honestly not sure. One thing I think SS was lacking was unique items. All we really had was the leaf blower and beedle, everything else was just kinda there. I’d like a new item that’s fun to use while also not being completely required.

I enjoyed the controls of the original, but I always imagined that they would utilize the right stick in a remake. I’m not sure which control style I’m gonna use, as they both seem pretty fun to me.
They gave us a control scheme free of motion controls. That alone is enough to get me to buy it. I’m quite happy with it, actually. 1080p will be nice, and revisiting the game without a gimmick dominating it so much will be really appreciated.

I hope for extra content, but I don’t expect it. QoL would be nice, at the very least, like the option to skip dialogue and whatnot.


Jun 19, 2010
It's one of my favorites, but I've already played it a few times, so I'm not sure if I'll be inclined to pay $60 to do so again. It'll probably depend on how much they improve/add. So far, the button controls don't matter to me since I don't plan on using them, although hopefully the motion controls are improved. I'm mostly hoping for genuinely new content, although I doubt there'll be much.

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
In the Direct itself, the game didn't look any different from its Wii counterpart to my eyes, but upon viewing it on the eshop directly, it looks very distinctly better. Definitely would call it a visual upgrade.
wait, really? It was clearly 1080p 60fps to me, that's interesting

make sure to buy this game guys! Multiple copies, if you can. I think this is nintendo testing the waters to see how popular the traditional zelda formula is, based off of aonuma's statements. If skyward sword can get in the ballpark of botw's sales, maybe the series isn't doomed?

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