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Skyloft Possibly Linking to the Sacred Realm?


Your Link to the Past
Jun 15, 2010
Hyrule in the winter, Canada in the summer
I was just think, and reading the section on sidekicks, I noticed something interesting...could Skyloft lead to the sacred realm? First, a member posted that the sword girl ( when the SS becomes the MS) she could stay in the pedestal of time. Remeber how drawing it leads you to the sacred realm in Ocarina of Time? Also, the sword could be a way to return to skyloft. So, if you go into skyloft by using the ss, the sword gilr is in the pedestal and transports you to the Sacred Realm, is skyloft either part of/is the sacred realm? This could explain the timeline as well as why in later games we can't go to skyloft.....unless it is the Sacred Realm....
Honestly I hope that the Triforce content is in this game, but it probably is not. If it were. I think the goddesses made a one way exit from the sacred realm to skyloft. The one true link between the sacred realm and the world is the temple of time whose origins will be mentioned in this game for sure.


Legendary Captain
May 16, 2010
Misery Mire
Ha, this is exactly what I was thinking too. What made me think of it is that, if I remember correctly, the official aLttP concept art portrays the sacred realm as a bunch of rocky islands floating in the sky. Their are obviously other similarities but I think I'll let someone else post them. (the Oocca, Goddess, etc. things)

EDIT: yep, I just googled the sacred realm and it looks just like how I envisioned Skyloft. I would post the pic but I don't know how. Can someone else post it? I'm sure you'll see the one I'm talking about.
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Legendary Captain
May 16, 2010
Misery Mire
Why does everyone think there is ooccas in ALttP? That statue is not of anything. It is just a statue. An abstract.
Uh... what? I've never heard of that. What I was talking about is the sacred realm's similarities to Skyloft in the aLttP concept art, and in the parentheses I meant the things that people brought up in the Oocca thread. If what your talking about is in the Oocca thread, that's why I haven't heard of it; I haven't been keeping up with that thread >.< I'll go read it now in fact.
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Jun 17, 2010
Gerudo Fortress
ugh..... I do not know about Skyloft being linked to the sacred realm....
They Say the game will be short, and have deep meaning but I do not know about them using
the Sacred Realm........?


Well... the games always say that hyrule is the land closest to the sacred realm. And in OoT they say that the Temple of Time is at the center of the sacred realm. I guess that Skyloft could be the sacred realm. And there are theroys that say you findout why skyloft is separated from hyrule.


I will win....eventually!
Jun 16, 2010
over here!
I could see Skyloft having the Sacred Realm hidden somewhere in it, and perhaps Link will come across it with the help of Adelle (or whatever you want to call her) during his journey in SS.

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