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Signature question

Aug 18, 2009
Hey thanks a lot for replying. Something with an image of Nahobino, the guy in my avatar. For a background it would be awesome if you add a dark castle, destruction, or Asgard city from the movie Thor Ragnarok. I can provide images if you need them. Also, could you add the following words somewhere: Deliverance is Coming.

I would love it if you make the Nahobino stand out at the top, bigger than the rest of the signature.
Aug 18, 2009
Awesome work, Chevywolf30! I love the second one. I just would love to add an extra request to it, if possible. There is this character that I also like and would love if you could add her in the other side of the sig, just beside the coming part. Here is a pic of the character that I would want. Please flip her if you agree to add her, just so she can face the Nahobino.

Aug 18, 2009
That looks awesome. I was just thinking the sig might be big. I don't know if I will get in trouble here because it is large. Would it be too much trouble if you made it smaller, around the size of your own bird-like logo?

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