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Breath of the Wild Should the Master Sword Return?


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
This is an interesting question. The Master Sword, is one of Link's most iconic weapons..... However. What's funny to note, is that an overwhelming majority of Zelda games don't feature the Master Sword. So does the Master Sword really need to come back? Should they make a new artifact of importance? Or should they just stick with what they got?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
The Master Sword should only be needed for the killing of Demise/Ganon. If he isn't present then the MS is not required and doesn't need to show up just for fan service. It is supposed to be the ultimate weapon after all.

I'm personally hoping for Ganon to be in the game and therefore the Master Sword along with him.
Aug 12, 2015
Four out of five 3D Zeldas had the Master Sword in it, so my guess is it'll be there, especially since we got the whole origin story of the thing in Skyward Sword.


Obsessively checking this forum since 2015
Nov 15, 2015
Bangor, Maine
So, what should I put here?
I don't see why it wouldn't be. Especially if it takes place when I think it will.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
The Master Sword should only be needed for the killing of Demise/Ganon. If he isn't present then the MS is not required and doesn't need to show up just for fan service.

The more I think about it, it's interesting that you mention this, if our villain ends up not being Ganon after all. I would be open to seeing a new sword come into play, or at least have some sort of new sword mechanic that comes into play. (In terms of sword upgrading/development.) I wonder, going back to the trailer, if that demonstrated bow power could be linked to some sort of new, prestigious weapon? Otherwise, I would enjoy the return of the Master Sword, and as such, its return would be welcome.
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Mar 14, 2016
I Never Exsisted
I would say that it should return in most zelda games. It shouldn't be overused, but should show up regularly. After all, it is extremely iconic and it would be nice to see the weapon consistently in the games.
Mar 14, 2016
I Never Exsisted
The constant interruptions. Skyward Sword treated you like you've never played a video game before filled with constant interruptions with Fi being at the helm of it all. She lacked any of the character development that Midna did and was a huge step back as a companion compared to Midna. I could go on a rant about her but the bottom line is she's annoying and always creating constant unnecessary interruptions.

Makes sense. Thanks for explaining. :)
Feb 17, 2015
Honestly, I wouldn't mind not seeing it in the game. I love the Master Sword and think it's amazingly cool, but I love seeing new twists to the series. Swords that are different like the Fierce Diety sword would be refreshing.

I mean, it looks like ZeldaU will focus more on other items rather than the sword so maybe we will see new kinds of swords there?

I think they should make a new sword weapon and not feel obligated to fit the master sword into everything. But I wouldn't object to seeing it play an important role in a Zelda game again.
Sep 21, 2014
Whether or not it would be interesting to have the Master Sword sit a few more games out, this isn't likely to be one of them. In the games we tend to get swords that are not the Master Sword, they tend to be set in places that are not Hyrule. By all accounts they're pulling out all the stops to make this world, and there's no way they're gonna put all that effort into Randomlandia.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Whether or not it would be interesting to have the Master Sword sit a few more games out, this isn't likely to be one of them. In the games we tend to get swords that are not the Master Sword, they tend to be set in places that are not Hyrule. By all accounts they're pulling out all the stops to make this world, and there's no way they're gonna put all that effort into Randomlandia.

All except MC (and ST if you count New Hyrule as another version of Hyrule in general).

Anyways, seeing as that the Master Sword is symbolized on Link's tunic according to the latest footage from November, I can guarantee that the Master Sword is definitely going to make some kind of appearance or have some form of presence in Zelda Wii U without a doubt. It really does seem like the Master Sword will likely play a major role once again in Zelda Wii U.
Sep 21, 2014
I said "tend to" which gives a little wiggle room in the original statement, but yeah... I don't see Nintendo moving away from The Formula any time soon.

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