I would really, really love Nintendo if they put a plane in the next Zelda game. I think it would be a really good idea.
And actually, not that long ago, there was an interview with Aonuma, and he said that when his son first played Spirit Tracks that he said "First a boat, and now a train. What's next, a plane?" And Aonuma said that he didn't really know. And said maybe. So, putting a plane in a future Zelda game is a possibility. Interesting, eh?
I would rather have a plane in a Zelda for Wii, or a future Nintendo console, rather then a DS, or on a future hand held title. If they were to put it on a console Zelda, I would prefer it to be a future console. This is mostly because of how powerful it would be. It would need to be a massive overworld, but you would still be able to walk of course. But you'd want to take the plane, because it would be so far, it would take forever to walk. And you'd be able to get a whole bunch of upgrades for it, and maybe carry passengers and cargo, taking a cue from Spirit Tracks.
Of course, it would not be a extremely futuristic plane. Not an F 117 Night Hawk, for example. The Steam Boat and Steam Train really are not far behind the first planes. And that's the kind of plane I am imagining. But I don't think an SMG is really necessary. Remember, the technology in Zelda is allowed to be a bit messed up. That's not to say I wouldn't like say, a Fire Arrow Turret..
Back tracking a little, that's not to say I would not also like a DS Zelda with a plane. Or on any future hand held. I would actually prefer it on the current console this time. It would follow Spirit Tracks, and take place in New Hyrule. Or something. Maybe in a neighboring country or something. And it would work much like the Train and Boat, where there isn't really an overworld, it's just traveling between "stations". I'm imagining an industrialized, kind of "air ship centered" age. If you know what I mean. Kind of mechanical, but not really like it was at the time of planes. Maybe with air stations and things like that. I don't know.
And this theoretical DS Zelda would be the last part of the "Transportation Trilogy". You know. First the Boat, then the Train, and lastly, the Plane. Of course they could make it like the train and boat, with the cannon and stuff. But I'd like it to be free roaming, not on Tracks. More like PH was. And most importantly, Nintendo would have to make the game very fun, and try to make it as different as possible from PH and ST. Much like they did with ST. Of course this would be to avoid making the game a repeat of PH and ST, and make people think it was a cheap cash in, trying to draw attention to the DS when it was on it's last legs.
Really, I do not see a Zelda with a Plane that far off. It just seems like something Nintendo would do. I'm sure most people would freak out about it. The same way that they did with the Train before Spirit Tracks was released, but I trust that in the end everyone would love it. And to sum it all up:
Yes. I think that Link should get a plane.