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Retro console resurgence

A simple one; do the NES/SNES minis, Sega Mega Drive 'classic' console and now the Atari Box offer enough value for their prices alongside AAA games such as Horizon Zero Dawn and Zelda?

Would you rather pay £40-70 for a piece of hardware with 30-80 built in games or £40-60 for an AAA title on modern consoles?

Sorry Americans. I dont do dollars.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Depends on the old console and what games are on it, none of the really old consoles hold any nostalgia for me but if there was some game I really wanted to play that I can't get on virtual console I'd go for it, new games you can get whenever but you can't let the past slip by if it happens to return.
Jun 7, 2017
It ALL depends on which games are included in the "bundle" that comes loaded on the retro mini console. The RIGHT way to do these things is to basically find a way to put every single game ever released for the original console on the mini ... but when third-party devs and game makers released games for the original consoles, they may not grant the license for them to be used in the retro mini (due to whatever reasons, but usually due to the royalties they would want).

I can't recall which one it is ... but one of those retros was released and the games that were missing amounted to mostly the games that people would have been buying it for. The games that WERE on it were (for lack of a better way to say it) the "crap" and "filler" games. Big name titles were nowhere to be found.

To qualify what I'm getting at ... I have one of the Atari 2600 retro consoles ... and it's fun, for about 5 minutes. Thing with that console is, the games are SO old, and SO bad, you just can't play them in this day and age. However, I would like to imagine that some of the "newer" old consoles had good enough games that they are still playable today, and would be fun if they put them on the retro-mini.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I'd rather have a AAA title on a modern console. And I'd rather play older games on a modern console too by downloading digitally.

I don't like extra clutter and wires. I feel bad as it is owning two consoles and I cant believe I am seriously planning on getting a third. It's just the only way to play the games I want though so I guess I have to.

However in the case of these retro consoles there is no need for them. There is another way (One that takes the form of the E-shop) to play older games on your modern console without getting a whole new device for them. I much prefer that way.
Jun 7, 2017
I agree, if you can avoid unnecessary hardware, do it. But, how do you expect to get retro Atari or Colecovision games on a PS4, Xbox or Switch / Wii-U?


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
I find that being able to buy retro games on modern consoles provides a great opportunity to play games I previously never had the chance of owning, but when it comes to classics that I grew up with, I prefer playing them on the original system, or a similarly styled one. I'm definitely a sucker for the nostalgic factor. When I first heard about the NES mini I was super excited and quite willing to spend money on what I thought was a great deal. Of course that was before I realized how difficult it was to find one in stores. :dry: Nevertheless, I hope my luck getting the SNES mini is better!

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