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Resident Evil 6 Discussion Thread (Keep Everything About RE6 Here)


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
After a major improvement like that? Not really. There was plenty of reason to believe Capcom had learned from their mistakes. I was still wary that they might screw up again, but I had every right to have my faith restored.

Just because you believe RE4 and 5 were mistakes, doesn't mean they were. One of them is seen as one of the best games of all time, and the other is the best selling in the series. Again, anyone who expected the series to continue along the path Revelations did, is a fool.

Also, let's not hurl insults at people, shall we?

Not really an insult... Nor am I insinuating any truth to it. Just how it is in my eyes.


They didn't say that until after the reveal trailer. Revelations was released before that, and I got Revelations shortly after launch.

Resident Evil 6 was revealed January 19th, Revelations released on February 7th.
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Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
6 is just a cluster****. There's no nice way to put it. It's a jumbled mess of different ideas that don't know how to work together cohesively.

But I firmly believe that this is the worst Resident Evil game to date

It's funny that for you it is the worst Resi when for me it is the best after Resi 2 and 4. (Can you tell how much I love Leon yet?)

A lot of people are saying that the game feels disconnected and uncohesive but I honestly do not feel like that. Call it bias as I'm a huge fan of the franchise but the three campaigns, while distinct from each other, are different mostly for tone and narrative. When it gets down to gameplay they are all on the same page. Variety comes from the enemies you fight (of which there are freakin' loads of different types) and it really does make the game more lively and dynamic as you fight. For instance, Leon is up against mostly zombies so he is often fighting hordes of shambling enemies which can appear out of nowhere, even in large numbers whereas Chris is fighting the J'avo which are more intelligent and fight you like, well like a military but they have these freaky mutations which can pop up without warning. Just when you think you've seen them all, suddenly a brand new one comes along which needs its own tactics to defeat. It keps things fresh I find.

I don't find these three campaigns to be too different from 4's creepy village/trap-filled castle/militant island set-up, 5's filthy port town/claustraphobic jungle/state-of-the-art laboratory set-up or even Revelations' ominous ship/action packed Terragrigia/underwater set-up. These past games all had at least three sections with their own tone, style and gameplay mechanics that helped keep the games going. Resi 6 does that too, just there's a lot more of it. I don't see that as a bad thing.

After a major improvement like that? Not really. There was plenty of reason to believe Capcom had learned from their mistakes.

Perhaps they still will. As much as I am loving Resi 6 (and by God am I loving Resi 6!) it's almost impossible to deny that Revelations was a better blend of horror as well as action. It reminded me a lot of the Lost in Nightmares DLC for 5 which was genuinely scary. Resi 6 would have been in some form of development alongside Revelations so maybe there simply wasn't time to bring some of the ideas that worked on Revelations over to 6, I don't know. But don't write Resident Evil off just yet. Capcom have stated several times that they want to make more Resident Evil games for 3DS so it's possible more Revelations-esque games will come out for that.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Resident Evil 6 was revealed January 19th, Revelations released on February 7th.

Well ain't that somthin', me getting the dates mixed up. XP

A lot of people are saying that the game feels disconnected and uncohesive but I honestly do not feel like that. Call it bias as I'm a huge fan of the franchise but the three campaigns, while distinct from each other, are different mostly for tone and narrative. When it gets down to gameplay they are all on the same page. Variety comes from the enemies you fight (of which there are freakin' loads of different types) and it really does make the game more lively and dynamic as you fight. For instance, Leon is up against mostly zombies so he is often fighting hordes of shambling enemies which can appear out of nowhere, even in large numbers whereas Chris is fighting the J'avo which are more intelligent and fight you like, well like a military but they have these freaky mutations which can pop up without warning. Just when you think you've seen them all, suddenly a brand new one comes along which needs its own tactics to defeat. It keps things fresh I find.

I don't see how the game feels lively when literally every sequence in the game is hindered by floaty controls, god-awful QTE's, horrible AI, predictable scares, easy-to-kill enemies -- seriously, you can just melee strike a horde to death with little to no repercussion -- unbearably thin atmosphere, a horrible camera, and an atrocious inventory system. These things plague the entire game. The game is obviously TRYING to mix things up, but something great can't be done if the core design holding it up is unnervingly shaky.

And you mentioned the J'avo. These things are a nuisance and completely destroy the tactical advantages of taking out a foe's limb(s). Why couldn't they have been like the Crimson Heads in REmake? Leave them on the floor long enough, THEN they mutate? It's a completely counterproductive system that makes the combat all but pervasive and tedious.

I don't find these three campaigns to be too different from 4's creepy village/trap-filled castle/militant island set-up, 5's filthy port town/claustraphobic jungle/state-of-the-art laboratory set-up or even Revelations' ominous ship/action packed Terragrigia/underwater set-up. These past games all had at least three sections with their own tone, style and gameplay mechanics that helped keep the games going. Resi 6 does that too, just there's a lot more of it. I don't see that as a bad thing.

RE6 is clearly trying to fit everything it can in to a story, and by doing that, it bit off more than it could chew. Way more than it could chew. It's a convoluted story simply for the sake of being convoluted. There's no reason for the endless amount of cutscenes the game has. I have nothing against long cutscenes, but they are EVERYWHERE in this game. It's hard to take 5 steps without worrying if you're going to trigger some new story event that will have you sitting back and watching cutscenes drag on in cheesy and uninteresting manners. It's just not an enjoyable experience when all you want to do is play the game.

The cutsenes themselves are well put-together, mind you. It's the story that's the problem.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I don't see how the game feels lively when literally every sequence in the game is hindered by floaty controls, god-awful QTE's, horrible AI, predictable scares, easy-to-kill enemies -- seriously, you can just melee strike a horde to death with little to no repercussion -- unbearably thin atmosphere, a horrible camera, and an atrocious inventory system. These things plague the entire game. The game is obviously TRYING to mix things up, but something great can't be done if the core design holding it up is unnervingly shaky.

And you mentioned the J'avo. These things are a nuisance and completely destroy the tactical advantages of taking out a foe's limb(s). Why couldn't they have been like the Crimson Heads in REmake? Leave them on the floor long enough, THEN they mutate? It's a completely counterproductive system that makes the combat all but pervasive and tedious.
The controls don't really feel floaty at all, of course that's my opinion, so I don't see where you're coming from. Get accustomed to them, and you're sure to see a change. The QTEs aren't horrible in any sense of the word. The AI is a *huge* step up from Resident Evil 5, but ignoring that, enemies are *very* aggressive which leads you in very tight spots. The Partner AI is also a huge step up, and you can command the partner's AI literally on the fly! That is a problem in itself, the tight spots, as people can find a way to complain about the lack of I-Frames when dropped to the ground. Not a fair complaint, as realistically you don't have I-frames when you're on the ground; people can keep pounding you regardless lol.

I am with you that the atmosphere is pretty darn thin, a true shame in my opinion.

The camera is bad at all. If you can't control it, that's totally on you, not the game. It's adjustable in far more ways than one and it is up to you to learn those adjustments. The inventory system I do have problems with, I don't like its setup or really anything else about it. But it isn't bad, it's just one of those things you gotta get used to since it is so very different from past iterations.

The bit about J'avo contradicts your statement about enemies being easy to kill, but I get where you're coming from anyway. I like that the J'avo mutate; while they definitely stall things (oh noes! complaints about stalling!), they are also TOUGH to defeat. Keep in mind that these are parasite-controlled enemies, not zombies. Of course blowing off their limbs will lead to other troubles, these dudes aren't normal! :xd:

All in all, RE6 is a love-hate kinda game. You don't have to love it, you don't have to hate it. Make like the Subrosians do and "do whatever", but please don't call it bad as a video game. It isn't. Sure, it's "more of the same" as we've come to know the phrase, but even the same isn't bad, it just isn't different. :I


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
The controls don't really feel floaty at all, of course that's my opinion, so I don't see where you're coming from. Get accustomed to them, and you're sure to see a change. The QTEs aren't horrible in any sense of the word. The AI is a *huge* step up from Resident Evil 5, but ignoring that, enemies are *very* aggressive which leads you in very tight spots. The Partner AI is also a huge step up, and you can command the partner's AI literally on the fly! That is a problem in itself, the tight spots, as people can find a way to complain about the lack of I-Frames when dropped to the ground. Not a fair complaint, as realistically you don't have I-frames when you're on the ground; people can keep pounding you regardless lol.

They feel floaty in the sense that they don't feel grounded. Like, every other Resident Evil game's characters' movements look and feel natural. Playing this game, it feels like I'm playing a beta version with the character figure just moving through space. It's not a major issue, but it's something I noticed, and it's not an issue any other RE title has had.

The QTE's are murder. They thrive in every inch of the game and exist for little to no good reason. They're there just to be there, and that's never a good reason for any kind of gameplay mechanic.

The AI is a minor step up from 5, and that's not saying much. It's still bad. Even if it WAS a huge step up, that wouldn't be saying much. RE5 had some of the worst AI I've seen out of a video game. Only ORC had worse.

Partner AI is not different at all. They'll HELP you this time, sure, but they can't help themselves. Yet another thing Revelations fixed that Capcom completely forgot about.

The camera is bad at all. If you can't control it, that's totally on you, not the game. It's adjustable in far more ways than one and it is up to you to learn those adjustments. The inventory system I do have problems with, I don't like its setup or really anything else about it. But it isn't bad, it's just one of those things you gotta get used to since it is so very different from past iterations.

The camera tries to adjust itself, as if the game designers forgot that we had dual analog sticks unlike in Revelations, and it does so very badly. Combine that with trying to control the camera on my own, and I think you can see why there are some issues.

The bit about J'avo contradicts your statement about enemies being easy to kill, but I get where you're coming from anyway. I like that the J'avo mutate; while they definitely stall things (oh noes! complaints about stalling!), they are also TOUGH to defeat. Keep in mind that these are parasite-controlled enemies, not zombies. Of course blowing off their limbs will lead to other troubles, these dudes aren't normal! :xd:

First, I never said it makes them hard to kill. They're still easy as pie. It's just TEDIOUS to kill them. Tedious =/= hard.

Second, I think the concept is good, it just wasn't executed well. Honestly, I think they should have been contained to one level if they were going to be executed like they were. Pretty much all strategy in the combat was taken out with these enemies, and that's just a slap in the face to the fanbase and gamers in general. We don't play shooters to mindlessly shoot the enemies. We do it to get those sweet, sweet headshots or to blow off an opponent's arms to render them incapable of firing back, not shoot them in the head so they can come bite ours off or shoot them in the arms so they can grow a shield. It's tedious and unnecessary design.

All in all, RE6 is a love-hate kinda game. You don't have to love it, you don't have to hate it. Make like the Subrosians do and "do whatever", but please don't call it bad as a video game. It isn't. Sure, it's "more of the same" as we've come to know the phrase, but even the same isn't bad, it just isn't different. :I

It's bad as both a Resident Evil game and as a video game. It's all around sloppy and incohesive. To put this into perspective, it's everything you claim Skyward Sword to be.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I was talking a bit about the campaign but totally forgot about my previous composure: I don't give two cares for RE6's campaign. I'm getting this baby for Mercenaries. And from what I see, all complaints about the campaign are totally invalidated by this video, wherein the user exhibits great control of all aspects of the game. This game isn't hard to master. It looks fun. It plays fun. It IS fun. For me, anyway. <3

Can't wait for Mercs! My friend got Anthology for PS3, so I'mma head over there and play FOREVER.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I was talking a bit about the campaign but totally forgot about my previous composure: I don't give two cares for RE6's campaign. I'm getting this baby for Mercenaries. And from what I see, all complaints about the campaign are totally invalidated by this video, wherein the user exhibits great control of all aspects of the game. This game isn't hard to master. It looks fun. It plays fun. It IS fun. For me, anyway. <3

Can't wait for Mercs! My friend got Anthology for PS3, so I'mma head over there and play FOREVER.

Sadly, that's the best aspect of the game. But even it is kinda bland at times.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Finished Leon's campaign in Resident Evil 6 so far. I'd say that alone surpasses RE4 for me. The gameplay was great, free-running and dodge rolls are welcomed editions as well as quick shots. The refined inventory system took some getting used to, but after understanding it, changing weapons and equipping grenades has never been easier. Co-op is also more realized this time around. The music is very noticeable and really does a great job of setting the mood. Cutscenes in Resident Evil 6 are much more intense and plot driven then they were in RE5 while also sporting some of the best dialogue the series has to offer. All weapons are found in-game while also doing away with the upgrading system in favor of a skill system, which can either make your game harder or easier. My only gripes with this game, judging from Leon's campaign, are the camera, which can act funky at times and the constant spawning of enemies in certain areas, which can be a buzz kill. Nothing game breaking for me, as I find the game itself to be really enjoyable and fun, especially in co-op. I just hope I can say the same for the rest of the game.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
Finished Leon's campaign in Resident Evil 6 so far. I'd say that alone surpasses RE4 for me.

Cutscenes in Resident Evil 6 are much more intense and plot driven then they were in RE5 while also sporting some of the best dialogue the series has to offer.

I couldn't agree more. Although I'd still call RE4 my favourite (well, tied with RE2) I do think RE6 matches it at the least, excells far beyond it at most. I also agree that the dialogue is some of the series' best too. I already have some favourite quotes. Overall, the game is just fantastic.


Jun 19, 2010
I beat Leon's campaign, and am at the end of Jake's.( I haven't started Chris's campaign yet) The game is really fun so far, especially with Leon's campaign. The boss battles especially are very fun and well made. The story and diolouge are also very good, probably the best in any RE. The Mercenaries is also fun, but it's so much harder. 65,000 is only a C. What does it take to get an A?


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
I just thought that everyone might like to see Yahzee's review on the game...WARNING EXPLICIT NATURE INSIDE....that should cover everything lol. But honestly if you play RE then you don't really need a warning label for stuff.
Jul 6, 2011
I just thought that everyone might like to see Yahzee's review on the game...WARNING EXPLICIT NATURE INSIDE....that should cover everything lol. But honestly if you play RE then you don't really need a warning label for stuff.

If it's another negative review, I'll pass.
Update:Watched the review and it made no god damn sense what so ever.
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