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Recommend to me a book

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
All Quiet on the Western Front.

Besides that the only military thriller-ish type books I've read are the Tomorrow, When the War Began series. It's more like Red Dawn though, where a group of teens are on a camping trip when an army invades their town. They have to try and figure out how to fight on their own, and help rescue their families the rest of the town who are being held captive. It's really interesting but kind of a young adult type series.

Non military/espionage type stuff:
Ready Player One
Anything by Stephen King. Though I'd really recommend 'The Long Walk' (written under his pen name, Richard Bachman).
Discworld series


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
I'm surprised no one's mentioned Wheel of Time. Interesting because people be all leik "ZOMG BEST FANTASY EVAAAH!!" which is s'ok cuz I'm really not interested. The other general consensus seems to be that it's another sloppy Rings ripoff.

I've heard nothing but good things about King's Dark Tower though. I've never read King... this should probably be rectified.

Good suggestions all round. Have all my likes! Maybe this'll help other interested parties find their summer reading :)


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
i read some of wheel of time then couldn't get into the rest!!so darn much of it

Yeah that's the biggest problem with these bloated fantasy epics. Like there's already enough hours in the day as it is... I'm often hard pressed to keep my eyes on the page long enough to finish a whole chapter given my attention span (or lack of). I prefer writers who are clear and concise and don't screw around with frivolous or excessive details. Relatively short chapters. The sort of thing that can be read for a few minutes, put down and resumed just as quickly. The fantasy genre is generally not good for that sort of thing. :dry:


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
All i gotta say bout Stephen King is there's a reason they call him the Maestro of Horror, he does horror so well sometimes you don't notice til it's too late it's Horror. Books you should NEVER read of his, Pet Sematary and Misery, one because it's actually really unsettling even King says he thinks it's Horrorful and the other because my god the amount of creepy fandom is creepy (we also learn that when someone claims to be a fan, either kill yerself if you got no choice or run like the wind, cuz damn man she's gonna take a limb or two)

But yeah Dark Tower series is great, the ending of the seventh book is considered bad but personally i feel like the ending fit the overall theme of the series and it COULDN'T have ended any other way.

Dad-a-Chum, Dad-a-Chee have you got the key?


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
With some of the books such as the city watch books or the Wizards ones, the lack of chapters is good as it builds up the story to realise that you are essentially a passenger in the mindscape of the characters, their day to day lives aren't a chapter.

Some of the books do have chapters it's just rarely @pyjamas5189

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
The Circle trilogy by Ted Dekker. It's a great mind game. Super trippy. Also, if you haven't gone through this phase already, Percy Jackson. A more obscure book series is the Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson. It's a slow starter but it picks up nice. If you like classics, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a great read. Twain exercises humor that is above and beyond the other books of it's time. If you want a world famous read that is a little more modern, The Hunger Games and Maze Runner series are both quite good.


Secretly a cat
Oct 8, 2016
Ah I haven't read those ones yet then I'm slowly working my way through them. What I like about pratchet though is that the books have seemingly unrelated things going on which comes together towards the end.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
All i gotta say bout Stephen King is there's a reason they call him the Maestro of Horror, he does horror so well sometimes you don't notice til it's too late it's Horror. Books you should NEVER read of his, Pet Sematary and Misery, one because it's actually really unsettling even King says he thinks it's Horrorful and the other because my god the amount of creepy fandom is creepy (we also learn that when someone claims to be a fan, either kill yerself if you got no choice or run like the wind, cuz damn man she's gonna take a limb or two)

But yeah Dark Tower series is great, the ending of the seventh book is considered bad but personally i feel like the ending fit the overall theme of the series and it COULDN'T have ended any other way.

Dad-a-Chum, Dad-a-Chee have you got the key?

I disagree that you shouldn't read Pet Sematary and Misery. I think both of those are ones you definitely should read, especially Misery. Pet Sematary is pretty creepy (which is great) and does a great job of showing the consequences of trying to undo death. Misery is great because it's one of King's horror stories that doesn't involve any supernatural beings or anything like that. Everything that happens in it could actually happen in real life, and that's what makes it so terrifying. Plus Annie Wilkes is an amazingly well written character. I'd actually recommend both the book and movie.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I disagree that you shouldn't read Pet Sematary and Misery. I think both of those are ones you definitely should read, especially Misery. Pet Sematary is pretty creepy (which is great) and does a great job of showing the consequences of trying to undo death. Misery is great because it's one of King's horror stories that doesn't involve any supernatural beings or anything like that. Everything that happens in it could actually happen in real life, and that's what makes it so terrifying. Plus Annie Wilkes is an amazingly well written character. I'd actually recommend both the book and movie.

i agree Annie Wilkes is an amazingly well written character, and that's what threw me off :P she's too realistic to me, mind you the Movie version freaks me out even more.

I've never finished pet sematary though i just couldn't

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