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Apr 7, 2018
It has been a while since the timeline was first released, but I keep hearing arguments about which timeline is 'right'. I plan to fix this with a timeline I see as right as its ONE TIMELINE NOT 3. Here it is. If you need clarification don't be afraid to ask I'll explain everything but it should all be there.


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Oct 6, 2016
Manly man
It has been a while since the timeline was first released, but I keep hearing arguments about which timeline is 'right'. I plan to fix this with a timeline I see as right as its ONE TIMELINE NOT F'ING 3. Here it is. If you need clarification don't be afraid to ask I'll explain everything but it should all be there.
Why place the 2D games before OoT when:

-ALttP Ganon has a backstory that matches with OoT Ganon, but not FSA Ganon?
-The towns in AoL are named after the OoT sages?
-When OoT has been confirmed countless times to be before the 2D games, with particular mention toward it being a prequel to ALttP?
-The Triforce state between ALBW and OoT is unaccounted for?

And why place The NES games before ALBW when ALBW is supposed to be a sequel to ALttP?

And how are TP and TWW on the same timeline, when they would both contradict eachother?

And how in the world did you come up with the idea that Ganondorf is Yuga and Ganon combined, when Ganondorf is the full name for Ganon, and is used to refer to his original human shape before he ever became a demon?
Apr 7, 2018
ok first of all WHO CARES IF THEIR 2D.
second of all the name of the towns is simply an easter egg to mention past games.
OoT being before the 2D games is a theory.
What are you talking about when you say triforce state?
ALBW is not a direct sequel it is just known that it comes after as they are not the same link
How do TP and TWW contradict each other?
And Ganon was never separated from Yuga.
Oct 6, 2016
Manly man
ok first of all WHO CARES IF THEIR 2D.

My point was that there are problems with putting the 2D games prior to OoT, which I mentioned in my post above.

econd of all the name of the towns is simply an easter egg to mention past games.

There have been countless interviews and sources saying that the towns are named after the sages in universe. For example:

Nintendo Power: What was the impetus for creating the game's multiple races-Gorons, Zoras, the Gerugo, Kokiri, etc.-and what was the process like for creating them?

Eiji Aonuma: In creating a unique cast of characters, we thought it would be effective to have nonhuman races, each of them invested with different lifestyles and mannerisms. Almost from the beginning we had decided on Kokiri to live in the forest, Gorons to live in the mountains, and Zoras to live in the water.

At first we imagined the Zoras as monsters sort of like mermen, who would be antagonists to humans. The original concept was strong. However, after we had decided Princess Ruto was going to be one of the sages, that image didn't seem to fit anymore, so we changed them to be a friendly race more like humans.

Each of the races has a character fated to become on the sages later on. We named them after towns in The Adventure of Link so it would appear that the towns had been named after them.

Source :https://www.zeldadungeon.net/wiki/Interview:Nintendo_Power_November_2008

OoT being before the 2D games is a theory.

A ''theory'' both outright confirmed by developers and very, VERY heavily implicit in game, sure.

What are you talking about when you say triforce state?

At the end of ALBW, the Triforce is united and in Hyrule, but in OoT, it's in the Sacred Realm. How does it go from being in Hyrule to the SR between these two games, according to you?

ALBW is not a direct sequel it is just known that it comes after as they are not the same link

It doesn't make sense that ALBW connects to ALttP and just skips over the NES games when, according to you, they were the most recent games prior to ALBW to feature a huge conflict involving Ganon and the Triforce in Hyrule, though, is it?

How do TP and TWW contradict each other?

In the backstory of TWW, it said that after Ganondorf's sealing in OoT, that he was though to be gone forever until he returned in time for the events of The Great Flood, which doesn't leave much room for TP to take place; while TP makes it clear that it's a sequel to OoT in its own way by showing that the ToT is pretty much gone, and having the Hero Shade(aka OoT Link) make you recite songs that he learned on his Ocarina for example, Ganondorf isn't sealed in the SR at the end, and official interviews confirm that it's in the CT, where Ganon was never even sealed there in the first place.

And Ganon was never separated from Yuga.


I don't know what you mean by this, but it seemed like you were saying that Ganondorf is Yuga and Ganon combined, when in reality Ganondorf is Ganon's original name/form.
Dec 11, 2011
It has been a while since the timeline was first released, but I keep hearing arguments about which timeline is 'right'. I plan to fix this with a timeline I see as right as its ONE TIMELINE NOT F'ING 3. Here it is. If you need clarification don't be afraid to ask I'll explain everything but it should all be there.

It's great to have some out there theories, but they should at least make sense if you make them public.. It's practically impossible to have both TWW and TP in the same timeline as both in game stories follow directly from OoT. Saying the Ooccoo evolved into Rito contradicts TWW where it is strongly implied in game that Zora evolved into Rito.
Apr 7, 2018
I did realise that the rito evolved from the zora a little later but this makes sense if they evolved from both due to their humanoid/bird form. Lets just say that when the sea levels rose the wind tribe (00cc00) met with the zora and mated. This process is not new as gorons seem to be love interests of many hylians in several games. And with TWW and TP contradicting each other taking place after OoT it is not clear of when exactly after they take place as they could have taken place several millennia later. With the triforce who said that it couldn't be returned to the sacred realm. they did it once they can do it again. Based on my timeline ganon was never humanoid before the events of ALBW so it makes sense that the power from Yuga was transferred to ganon. I'm not saying their the same person just that there was power transfer between them.Also about the 2D games... minish cap is a 2D game. Oh and also "Each of the races has a character fated to become on the sages later on." not prior.
Oct 6, 2016
Manly man
And with TWW and TP contradicting each other taking place after OoT it is not clear of when exactly after they take place as they could have taken place several millennia later.

But TWW and its backstory doesn't leave enough room in between OoT and itself for TP--or really any other game in the series--to happen. Ganondorf is defeated and sealed by the HoT, people believe that he is sealed forever, and then he returns, with people depending specifically on the HoT to save them. Why would people believe he was sealed forever if TP happens between OoT and TWW, and why would TWW not bother mentioning anything from TP?

With the triforce who said that it couldn't be returned to the sacred realm. they did it once they can do it again.

Could be; no real proof that it is, though.



At 22:20, this painting could be taken as in game evidence that the Triforce is in the hands of the Royal Family again.

Based on my timeline ganon was never humanoid before the events of ALBW so it makes sense that the power from Yuga was transferred to ganon.

But Ganon WAS a human before he became a demon. Even if we go by your timeline, the Gerudo in FSA refer to him as ''Ganondorf'', as well as talking about how they watched him grow up, and Zelda even says that he was once a Gerudo in the final battle. The backstory of ALttP(this part being covered in OoT, meaning that it makes no sense for ALttP to be before OoT, but I digress) also says that he was once a thief named Ganondorf, with him becoming a demon upon touching the Triforce in the SR.

Also about the 2D games... minish cap is a 2D game.

True, I should have excluded TMC and FS as they both indeed happen before OoT, but I thought that people would know what I meant by the ''2D games''. Maybe I should have said ''the classics+OoX+ALBW/TFH'', but that's a mouthful.

Each of the races has a character fated to become on the sages later on

Yes, later on in OoT. None of the sages aside from Rauru start out as sages.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
whether you choose to accept the downfall timeline or not is one thing, but the split timeline for child and adult is something that basically cannot be argued
ocarina of time caused a split timeline, period
Apr 7, 2018
yes what you said about TWW happening after OoT is true, but the story at the start about the sages sealing ganondorf away is true however this could be through misinterpretation as the sages did seal ganon away in OoT and as we know its a legend that is usually written down so there are misconceptions when it comes to that. Also, the events of TP could tell us how ganondorf came in TWW. Also you are right about ganondorf and ganon being the same person the whole time.
Oct 6, 2016
Manly man
yes what you said about TWW happening after OoT is true, but the story at the start about the sages sealing ganondorf away is true however this could be through misinterpretation as the sages did seal ganon away in OoT and as we know its a legend that is usually written down so there are misconceptions when it comes to that.

What kind of ''misconceptions''?

Also, the events of TP could tell us how ganondorf came in TWW

The events of TP doesn't include the Hero of Time(OoT Link) though, and the backstory of TWW says that it was specifically the HoT that sealed Ganondorf, not the Hero Chosen by the Gods(TP Link). And If TP were to explain how Ganondorf came back for TWW, Hyrule would've had to be flooded at the end of TP.
Apr 7, 2018
ok easy to explain. so as you know when stories are passed down through generations there is a change that occurs as they are not word for word copies of the original stories meaning that there will be 'misconceptions' or 'misprints' in the stories. Also, the skeleton in TP (mind blank) is the hero of time so it could be that the HoT did seal Ganondorf in TP through helping the hero chosen by the gods.
Feb 19, 2019
Feel free to use what pronouns you want. I use both sexed pronoun sets interchangeably.
Wasn't Gannondorf a demon before he became a mortal, being as he's the reincarnation of Demise?
Oct 6, 2016
Manly man
Wasn't Gannondorf a demon before he became a mortal, being as he's the reincarnation of Demise?
No. Demise himself is dead long before OoT happens; his essence is sealed in the MS and erodes away. His curse more or less boils down to the fact that an evil guy would always be intertwined with the hero and the blood of the goddess.

ok easy to explain. so as you know when stories are passed down through generations there is a change that occurs as they are not word for word copies of the original stories meaning that there will be 'misconceptions' or 'misprints' in the stories
Pretty huge misconception to say that the events of one game is actually talking about the events of another, though, no?

Also, the skeleton in TP (mind blank) is the hero of time so it could be that the HoT did seal Ganondorf in TP through helping the hero chosen by the gods.

No one seems to know that the HoT is helping the HCbtG, though.
Feb 19, 2019
Feel free to use what pronouns you want. I use both sexed pronoun sets interchangeably.
No. Demise himself is dead long before OoT happens; his essence is sealed in the MS and erodes away. His curse more or less boils down to the fact that an evil guy would always be intertwined with the hero and the blood of the goddess.

Pretty huge misconception to say that the events of one game is actually talking about the events of another, though, no?

Huh. I need to go back and look that up in more detail, apparently. I thought it was that he would be eternally reincarnated, like Hylia and Link.

And, yeah. This entire timeline discussion has me all turned around as I try to work it out. I'd rather try to straighten out the time travel in the Marvel comics.

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