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Rate Your Day


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Yesterday as I was driving home from work an aggressive taxi driver started pressuring me and changing lanes constantly me as I was approaching the city where there is a stop sign and a roundabout and the max speed is 31 miles and passing other cars is not allowed,I started driving slower as I was approaching the roundabout, taking advantage of a vehicle on my right that was about to turn, to make sure that I'll end up getting in the roundabout first. A vehicle didn't like my speed and drived through the road shoulder that was on the left, (Note that I was driving on the speed limit) The taxi driver sneaked from the right of me (where there is no lane) and left the roundabout so while I entered I let him take a distance and observed where he was going. As he was waiting at a green light he passed with an orange light and I rev up passing with a red light now I end up just right behind him slowly following him in the traffic. Mercedes color X Plate No XXA:XXXX. I thought of following him up to the taxi stand but thought that was something the old me would do. I tried to take a right turn while he was waiting on another traffic light but he was blocking me showing how unprofessional he is. He slowly moved, that was very provocative but I had already made up my mind and I went home.

Now today what happened was instant karma. My co-worker is driving the truck outside of the city, I asked him to stop at a cafe by the side of the road. I get out grab my coffee turn around and see the Mercedes color X Plate No XXA:XXXX (you can't miss a taxi that easily) matching with the one from yesterday driver sitting inside of his car. He didn't even get out to get his coffee before I leave hahahaha. I bet he didn't know I was there cause I was in another car this time but noticed my face while following him yesterday. Now I name this event: "The Agent Smith effect" 10/10
He gonna think youre a cop now..


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.

Doctor noticed an abnormality in my lungs, so another CT scan tomorrow, and more blood taken out for blood tests.

Oh, and I have to renew my license. So yeah, boring day, and tomorrow is going to suck.
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)

Today the weather was warm up here in Montreal (Canada), so I opened the windows to ventilate the house. I did a bit of clean up. After that, I went over to my sister's house, we had supper, then we went out for a walk with her two dogs, and we played a game of Scrabble.

Then I went home, started a load of laundry, put my pyjamas and slippers on, and sit in the living room with a good book . I'm halfway through "Slayer, book 1: Slayer" by Kiersten White, a book/story taking place in the world of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".

Here's a synopsis:

Nina (her full name is Athena) and her twin sister, Artemis, are far from "normal". It’s hard to be when you grow up at the Watcher’s Academy, which is a bit different from your average boarding school. Here teens are trained as guides for Slayers—girls gifted with supernatural strength to fight the forces of darkness. But while Nina’s mother is a prominent member of the Watcher’s Council, Nina has never embraced the violent Watcher lifestyle. Instead she follows her instincts to heal, carving out a place for herself as the school medic.

Until the day Nina’s life changes forever.

Thanks to Buffy, the famous (and infamous) Slayer that Nina’s father died protecting (btw, her father is Merrick from the movie, Buffy's first watcher, I like the Merrick from the movie, the Merrick from the TV series never worked for me), Nina is not only the newest Chosen One—she’s the last Slayer, ever. Period. Because magic was broken after the Seed of Wonder was destroyed to save the world.

As Nina hones her skills with her Watcher-in-training, Leo, there’s plenty to keep her occupied: a monster fighting ring, a demon who eats happiness, a shadowy figure that keeps popping up in Nina’s dreams…

But it’s not until bodies start turning up that Nina’s new powers will truly be tested—because someone she loves might be next.

One thing is clear: Being Chosen is easy. Making choices is hard.

And there's a book 2 entitled "Chosen", it's a duology.

Find out more about this duology here:


For the month of May I'm reading those three books for a reading challenge (a website I'm a member of):

- "Slayer, book 1: Slayer" by Kiersten White.
- "Slayer, book 2: Chosen" by Kiersten White.
- "The three locks (A Sherlock Holmes adventures #4)" by Bonnie Macbird.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016

Today the weather was warm up here in Montreal (Canada), so I opened the windows to ventilate the house. I did a bit of clean up. After that, I went over to my sister's house, we had supper, then we went out for a walk with her two dogs, and we played a game of Scrabble.

Then I went home, started a load of laundry, put my pyjamas and slippers on, and sit in the living room with a good book . I'm halfway through "Slayer, book 1: Slayer" by Kiersten White, a book/story taking place in the world of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".

Here's a synopsis:

Nina (her full name is Athena) and her twin sister, Artemis, are far from "normal". It’s hard to be when you grow up at the Watcher’s Academy, which is a bit different from your average boarding school. Here teens are trained as guides for Slayers—girls gifted with supernatural strength to fight the forces of darkness. But while Nina’s mother is a prominent member of the Watcher’s Council, Nina has never embraced the violent Watcher lifestyle. Instead she follows her instincts to heal, carving out a place for herself as the school medic.

Until the day Nina’s life changes forever.

Thanks to Buffy, the famous (and infamous) Slayer that Nina’s father died protecting (btw, her father is Merrick from the movie, Buffy's first watcher, I like the Merrick from the movie, the Merrick from the TV series never worked for me), Nina is not only the newest Chosen One—she’s the last Slayer, ever. Period. Because magic was broken after the Seed of Wonder was destroyed to save the world.

As Nina hones her skills with her Watcher-in-training, Leo, there’s plenty to keep her occupied: a monster fighting ring, a demon who eats happiness, a shadowy figure that keeps popping up in Nina’s dreams…

But it’s not until bodies start turning up that Nina’s new powers will truly be tested—because someone she loves might be next.

One thing is clear: Being Chosen is easy. Making choices is hard.

And there's a book 2 entitled "Chosen", it's a duology.

Find out more about this duology here:


For the month of May I'm reading those three books for a reading challenge (a website I'm a member of):

- "Slayer, book 1: Slayer" by Kiersten White.
- "Slayer, book 2: Chosen" by Kiersten White.
- "The three locks (A Sherlock Holmes adventures #4)" by Bonnie Macbird.
Im thinking Leo from Charmed....
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
9/10, better than yesterday, yesterday I was sick, but today I feel better.

Today, I chilled and read some good novels.

I also watched a 7th gen Pokemon shiny hunt to relax and entertain myself.

"Shiny Feebas SOS - The Shiny Fish of Alola Challenge!

This will be a dual shiny hunt with Feebass and Latias ... The Shiny Fish of Alola Challenge is a livestream series where I'll be shiny hunting all fish Pokémon in Alola... Shiny Relicanth SOS was the first and lets hope Feebas will be a short one!":

My comments I posted in the shiny hunt video's chatbox:

"Hello, Puffin. Long time no see. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who is still very much in love with gen 7 and doing gen 7 shiny hunts. I have over 100 shinies in my Ultra Sun now."

"I'm gonna be watching a Live Let's Play of Tears of the Kingdom, I bet it's gonna be as boring as BOTW, and I'm not gonna bother buying a Switch, but I'll watch the Live Let's Play out of curiosity."

"Puffin, I hope you have someone to trade with, 'cause you're gonna need it if you want to evolve your shiny Feebas."

"There's this popular theory that Geeta is the true villain in Scarlet and Violet and that she's gonna be the bad guy in the DLC. I agree with the people who made videos about this."

"I hope we get to see the AI professor Turo again one day, the one good thing in Scarlet and Violet and Gamefreak took it away and made him leave. Thanks for Nothing, Gamefreak."

"The story in Violet is far better than the one in Scarlet. We always have stories about kids raised by single moms, it's always all about the moms, but we never get dad stories. So the Violet game is far more popular than the Scarlet game and with good reasons."

"Yes there was a dad in gen 3 but he spent pretty much all his time at the gym and was almost never home. Where is the family life in this? That's just sad."

"I love your shiny hunts and commentaries, Puffin. God knows we need entertainment and distraction during those dark times of our history."

"I'm Canadian."

I hope you enjoy watching the shiny hunt and listening to the commentary as much as I did. :pikalove::skitty::wynaut:

Also, I highly recommend this fanfiction series:


Love from Canada to my fellow women and men in the Pokemon fan community.

Take care,



See more here:

Last edited:


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Guys I screwd up
My dad let me drive us home since I've had 2 driving lessons already. I was going too fast around corners a few times. Ried o pull into he driveway at our house, went a little too fast, accidently slammed into a yield sign and knocked it over.


Daku Rinku

Paya’s Pal
ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Jun 1, 2023
Yiga Hideout
Woke up with terrible neck pain. Ugh. Aside from that, the day is “So far so good.” (Magnificent Seven)


Daku Rinku

Paya’s Pal
ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Jun 1, 2023
Yiga Hideout
Guys I screwd up
My dad let me drive us home since I've had 2 driving lessons already. I was going too fast around corners a few times. Ried o pull into he driveway at our house, went a little too fast, accidently slammed into a yield sign and knocked it over.

The important thing is you are ok. Besides that sign should have yielded. :D

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