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Rate Your Day


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
We have threads for rating movies, TV series and games so I thought we should have a thread where forum dwellers can rate their day.

You simply give an /10 score with a summary of your day, what was good/bad, with 10/10 being the best kind of day, so maybe a pug came up and licked you. Or we could have a 0/10 which is the worst kind of day so maybe a great tragedy has befallen you. For instance a game you have been anticipating gets delayed.


I'm going to go with a 5 / 10

Took 2 final exams today, but found out I have another one tomorrow due to the fact that my dental teacher gave us the WRONG final, and she found this out AFTER we took what we thought was the final. Also I have no idea how to figure out the whole f[g(x)] crap that was in one of my finals. So yay :)

But my friend just got her car so I don't have to take the bus for the last 3 days of school and my whole Senior year, hence 5/10


Secretly a cat
Oct 8, 2016
my boyfriend had an offer accepted on a house, I got to play with a puppy (labrador not pug @Deus :p ) and apart from the absolute tiredness and a bit of bad news with the family today has been pretty good :D 8/10


Hypostasis of the Archons
May 13, 2017
The River Styx
Quintessentially euphoric. I attended a Serbian folk recital, where I happened to meet a traditional Orthodox Church bishop. We discussed Church Slavonic over some ukha.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
In general a good day but people at my work were a bit moody about their future so they weren't talkative. Also, the wrong soccer team became champion. So no news in the newspaper but nothing but soccer soccer soccer. Feyenoord ugh!!! Hahahahahaha so 6/10


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Meh. Idk I guess things were fine until an hour or so ago. Things with gf haven't been so great lately. Not like, bad, just not great. She always seems quick to just tell me I've done something wrong, or the tiniest things upset her and ruin a night. I feel like I can't breathe without upsetting her. The other night we go to Dave and busters with a friend, I get up to go refill our drink, I cone back and she's extremely upset because I just walked away and left her. Apparently she called my name when I got up but I couldn't hear it, abd I told her that but she just wanted to go home after that and didn't talk on the way home. Then today, like an hour ago, we're heading out to go get her car back from her dad(they traded for a little), and she gets on me about where I parked abd how it makes it hard for her to park and that if she sideswipes my car it's not her fault. And like, with how much she's basically been telling me everything I do is wrong I kind of snapped and told her "No. If you sideswipe my car, it is your fault." And so the entire ride there and bacj, she hasn't talked to me. And then we get home and she heads downstairs to our roommate where a sick cat os, and I'm behind her to check too and when she goes in his room she shuts the door before I can go in so now I just feel like ****. 0/10


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.

I've had a pretty laid-back day, reading Nintendo Force magazine and playing around in the shoutbox. I've had a good, warm welcome so far, and even the people who knew me before so far don't seem to hold a grudge. But part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop, for someone from my past to contact me telling me to get lost because they don't want me here. I think ultimately, I'm just grateful that a lot of the people on the forum now either don't remember me at all, don't remember me well, or at least feel they can put up with me in spite of everything.



I've had a pretty laid-back day, reading Nintendo Force magazine and playing around in the shoutbox. I've had a good, warm welcome so far, and even the people who knew me before so far don't seem to hold a grudge. But part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop, for someone from my past to contact me telling me to get lost because they don't want me here. I think ultimately, I'm just grateful that a lot of the people on the forum now either don't remember me at all, don't remember me well, or at least feel they can put up with me in spite of everything.
I saw you in Deus's blog. Can I just say 你好, I'm karu and I warmly welcome you (¿back?)


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I'll go for 7/10 yesterday.
I went to the barbers to find my barber wasn't actually in and wouldn't be back until Saturday so things were off to a bad start, but then I went into GAME and saw PREY was out for the X1 so I took it to the counter and got my app out to spend the money I had from sold games, found out I had over £100 on there so I was pleased that nothing had to leave my bank account.

Went to Starbucks and then home to play PREY which turned out to be a good experience and confirmed that I had made a good decision to buy it.

Gym session was productive and I upped my lifts on all excersises. So all in all a very reasonable day.

Deleted member 84722

I would rate my day a 9/10. I did a speedrun of a game and got a decent time. Everything else went as it usually does.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Funny you should ask...

If a 10 is 24 straight hours of intercourse with Charlize Theron and 1 is getting diagnosed with cancer I'm hovering somewhere around 4.

**** this day to hell

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