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Rate Your Day


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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How can you just say this and not elaborate
Ok storytime: Earlier this week, a rooster wandered into the shop grounds. One of the guys told me to go after it, I did, but then the boss saw me and said not to worry about it. I realized that the other guy had just told me to make me look stupid, it'd worked.

Fast forward to today. Boss walks up holding a box, tells me to catch that chicken and put it in the box and carry it off. I made a few attempts here and there but I had other suff to do and this chicken was tough to catch. Well eventually the boss's son (he's like 30something and basically the 2nd in command) says "Ok, we need to catch this chicken today." Well he and I go after it, no success. Another guy joins, still that chicken evades us. That thing is able to just run under the vehicles, we have to coax it out and try to corner it. Twice we had it in a situation that we should have caught him, but he got away both times. Chaos ensued for about 20 minutes and eventually we just had to give up.
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)

My day could have been better, but it could have been worse. I feel a bit tired and it's been raining all day, it sucks but there's not much I can do about it.

I'm doing spring cleaning and listening to this relaxing ambience:


Tomorrow I'm taking a break from the spring cleaning and I'll be catching up on reading, I want to read the rest of this great book:


I'm just disappointed that there isn't TV series episodes or a movie based on this story, and some people say "The story is quite good too, you can do so much more in a novel compared to the limits of a TV show", but I still I wish I could see this on screen! With the original cast (Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Nicholas Brendon, Seth Green, Anthony Stewart Head, James Marsters, etc)!

As someone said on Amazon:

"This book could have been a terrific Buffy tv episode(s). I could picture the events unfolding like they were on a televison screen right in front of me (the actors, the voices, the humour, the action and all that). I've missed Buffy since its final tv days and this book brought it back for another show through reading. Some of those novels are television episodes of buffy that should have been. "The Lost Slayer" is a great buy for 592 pages and dialog that stays true to the Buffy verse. Note that the story time frame is after High School at the start of Buffy's University days (season 4)."

To be more specific, the story time frame in "The Lost Slayer" is after the episode "Living conditions" (when Cathy is last seen) but before the episode "Wild at heart" (before Oz leaves Sunnydale). in "The Lost slayer" Willow and Oz are still together and Buffy hasn't started dating Riley yet.

The day after tomorrow, I'll be doing some more spring cleaning. Spring cleaning is necessary but it can get tiring and boring, so I take a break sometimes then I continue.

I should get back to it now. But first, I'll take 10 minutes of my time to hit the stores in my "Animal Crossing: New Leaf" to see what they're selling today.
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magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016

My day could have been better, but it could have been worse. I feel a bit tired and it's been raining all day, it sucks but there's not much I can do about it.

I'm doing spring cleaning and listening to this relaxing ambience:


Tomorrow I'm taking a break from the spring cleaning and I'll be catching up on reading, I want to read the rest of this great book:


I'm just disappointed that there isn't TV series episodes or a movie based on this story, and some people say "The story is quite good too, you can do so much more in a novel compared to the limits of a TV show", but I still I wish I could see this on screen! With the original cast (Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Nicholas Brendon, Seth Green, Anthony Stewart Head, James Marsters, etc)!

As someone said on Amazon:

"This book could have been a terrific Buffy tv episode(s). I could picture the events unfolding like they were on a televison screen right in front of me (the actors, the voices, the humour, the action and all that). I've missed Buffy since its final tv days and this book brought it back for another show through reading. Some of those novels are television episodes of buffy that should have been. "The Lost Slayer" is a great buy for 592 pages and dialog that stays true to the Buffy verse. Note that the story time frame is after High School at the start of Buffy's University days (season 4)."

To be more specific, the story time frame in "The Lost Slayer" is after the episode "Living conditions" (when Cathy is last seen) but before the episode "Wild at heart" (before Oz leaves Sunnydale). in "The Lost slayer" Willow and Oz are still together and Buffy hasn't started dating Riley yet.

The day after tomorrow, I'll be doing some more spring cleaning. Spring cleaning is necessary but it can get tiring and boring, so I take a break sometimes then I continue.

I should get back to it now. But first, I'll take 10 minutes of my time to hit the stores in my "Animal Crossing: New Leaf" to see what they're selling today.
ive heard theyre doing more buffy....
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
ive heard theyre doing more buffy....

Yeah I know, Dizzi, they're doing more Buffy novels. And I'm glad 'cause I was running out of Buffy novels to read, I read pretty much all of them (there's like 55-60 of them I think, if you don't count the most recent ones and I read all of them in the past 15 years).

I've heard about the new novels and I'm looking forward to reading them:


Also, I put Kiersten White's duology ("Slayer" and "Chosen") on hold at the public library. Those two are the only ones I haven't read yet. They came out in 2019-2020, but I hadn't had heard of them before, I find out about this duology online.



I decide that I'm never going to read Kendare Blake's "In every generation" series when I saw all the negative review online (even by huge fans of the TV show). I was horrified. The first two novels in this series seems to have been written by someone who never bothered to watch all of the TV shows (all seven seasons); there's a lot of innacurate stuff in them, the main character is boring (and the circumstances of her conception and birth are very weird), way too many characters end up being killed off or at the very least indefinitely disappeared without an explanation, and I'm not even talking about the menstruation/period jokes (nobody likes them), etc. So, nope, this recent series isn't for me.

I can only hope that Kiersten White's duology is better. I've never been disappointed by a Buffy novel before, well except Kendare Blake's series that I won't bother to read.

I came across these and it made me want to read Kiersten White's duology:




A Spike prequel was released not to long ago entitled "Bloody fool for love: A Spike prequel" by William Ritter (it was released on August 2 2022). And a Tara prequel entitled "The bewitching hour: A Tara prequel" by Ashley Poston will be released on August 1st 2023 (I'm so gonna put a copy on hold at the public library as soon as soon as they are available for us to borrow).

If I could say one thing to Disney and/or writers right now it'd be this:

"Please do a Giles prequel! I want to read the WHOLE story about his past like his relationship with his parents, how he came to be called Ripper, how and when he met Ethan and the others (Phillip Henry, Diedre Page, Thomas Sutcliffe, and Randall), when he left the group, how he walked the path of redemption, how he became a watcher, when he left for Sunnydale and all the people who helped him and supported him during his journey before his arrival in Sunnydale. The show only give us bits and pieces of his past, freaking crumbs, I want the whole damn pie! There is so much left to be said about his past, lots of blanks left to fill and so many possibilities! Please someone do a Giles prequel or convince a writer to do one! Please, please, please, with a cherry on top! If Spike and Tara get prequels (there's a Tara prequel coming out on August 1st 2023 entitled "The bewitching hour: A Tara prequel"), why can't Gile get a prequel too? Pleaaase?"

They cannot NOT do a Gile prequel, they cannot leave him out. There has to be one at some point. Also he's one of the most interesting characters on the show and definitely one of my top favorites (and I love his father-daughter relationship with Buffy, he's done much more for Buffy than her biological father ever did, he was a much better father to her than her biological father was, and unlike her biological father, Giles was there for her, also he looked so proud of her when he saw her show up at the prom and when she graduated from high school).

That's what Rupert Giles looked like when he was in his early 20s (it's a picture shown in the TV show):




I would rate my day 8/10.

I've been reading (a Buffy novel), cooking (spaghetti sauce) and listening to music (mostly my U2 playlist on my Youttube channel).

I also did some maths, english and geometry while listening to this kind of ambience video for focus and productivity:

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accio boomerang

you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Feb 22, 2021
5/10. I'm not a huge fan of Mondays, and today some sad awful things have happened.
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
5/10. I'm not a huge fan of Mondays, and today some sad awful things have happened.

Garfield the cat isn't a huge fan of Mondays either.

I don't get why some humans (and cats too apparently) hate Mondays, it's just another day of the week and it's not like bad things can't happen on days other than Mondays. So I don't get why people (and cats) have it in for Mondays.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Saturday was a 10/10
Slept in a little bit but not a ton, played some on a Minecraft world my brother and I dug back up recently, cleaned the kitchen some, watched the NASCAR Xfinity series race where my favorite driver in that series won his first race, hence the pfp, watched the Truck race which was also good with a wild ending, went out and got some Taco Bell with my bro, then in the evening I did some NR2003, tryna really get into a habit of that so I can improve. I'm just rambling but yeah this was a banger Saturday.


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
10/10 id say, got to cook some and read zelda on my back porch before going to work the closing shift, where i worked in close proximity to coworkers for most of the time which doesnt usually get to happen, plus yearly reviews so I got a raise, then biked home in the perfect weather we have rn. my hype is building for the coming week so ive been happy all day as it is, but today was just a really good day.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Not really sure what rating I'd give this, I'll probably think of that as I write it, but today was wild so here we go. For starters, I was allmost late to work, so instead of backing into the parking area like I usually do, I just drove straight in. Work was fine, and I was planning to run by the tax office/DMV for the 3rd day in a row after I got off because getting this new car registered has been a hassle in of itself. I get off work, go out to my car... And the way the parking works, there's a little ditch behind where the mechanics and myself park, and since I dove straight in instead of backing, my wheels were in it, and I got stuck. Took 15 minutes to get out, had to get help from some of the other guys to push me out which was awkward to interrupt their lunch. So I finally get going to the tax office, and for some context, the shop I work at is kinda right between two towns, my town and the one with the tax office. I drive to the tax office, and I'm walking in at 12:31, a bit later than I would have liked. Oh yeah, in all of this car registration chaos, I'm driving without plates. I'd done good so far, but as I'm sitting in the right turn lane to turn onto the street the tax office is on, a cop pulls up in the left turn lane, and instead of pulling all the way up, he just kinda sits behind me in the other lane. Sure enough, light turns green and I get pulled over. I explained the situation, and was lucky enough to get away with a warning. Probably helps that I was pretty obviously going to get it taken care of. Anyways, after getting stuck and then pulled over, I'm walking into the tax office at 12:31, and finally get license plates on my car. As I'm driving home, I can tell it's gonna be hella close to have enough time to get home, shower and then get to class by 1:15. I get home, everybody else is out at the zoo, I yell at Nacho to make me a sandwich since I won't have time (he did not), then speedrun a shower and get dressed, I walk into the kitchen just to grab something to eat at 12:59, and I usually leave at 1:00 to get to class. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that class today was the final, we all gave a presentation summing up our essays, which was fun, but man my lunch hour was everything but lunch. I enjoyed it tho. Then I get home from class and take care of some stuff then play a bunch of Minecraft and listen to a bunch of Metallica so overall 10/10 day and 10/10 wallpost.

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