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Rate Your Day

Nov 14, 2021
I am thinking abt 8/10. It is the beg of new week in my country and I know I will have a long week to struggle with, but I pretty sure that I will survive :))))


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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Feb 15, 2021
7/10, overall not too bad. Didn't do much at all, mostly just playing acnh and binge watching TV. Very chill, as a snow day should be (no pun intended ha ha). Lost a couple points for me shoveling the sidewalk and driveway by myself, but I didn't mind too much.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Twas a solid 9/10. Started it out eating breakfast at Denny's with some men from the church, was able to finish the drawing I was doing for Ketchup, there were some tense moments with siblings but then we all hung out and ate pizza, the after supper I actually won a Smash tournament battle, then I won the championship in the Xfinity season I was doing in NASCAR Heat.

Azure Sage

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Decent enough day. Seasonal allergies are making me a snot factory again so that sucks. Rating would be lower but I had a good laugh + wth moment at the end of the day with one of my kindergarteners. She had a hair tie or something and she stretched it out and aimed it at me and asked "would this hurt if it hit you?". I said yes and then she said "yeah, one time I did that to my uncle and it hit him in the nuts.".

Kids really be out here saying anything.


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Pretty good day! Got friends coming over tomorrow, so spent today cleaning and such. Just felt good in general today, ended it with watching The Great Mouse Detective for the first time. An extremely cosy movie ^^

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